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Definition of Survey
Definition of Survey Research
Types of Survey Research
Types of Survey Research Tools
Types of Survey Questions
Guidelines for Constructing Questionnaire
Guidelines for Questionnaire Design
Gathering Survey Data through Different

Definition of Survey
To examine or look at comprehensively
means for gathering information about the
characteristics, actions, or opinions of a large
group of people

Definition of Survey Research

Survey research is data collection Method
used to collect data from large Population
using data collection Tool. Questionnaire &
Survey research is a type of research in
which participants are asked to answer
certain questions.

Types of Survey Research

Analytical Survey
Analytical survey belongs to the reasons behind the problem.
It discusses that what was the reasons behind that problem,
what was the causes behind that problem who creates that
Descriptive Survey
Descriptive survey is that survey which identify the problem. It
describes that what is the problem, from where the issue
arises, what is the main area of problem. What is the
problem on which you want to execute your research and
will have a research to solve that problem.

Types of Surveys in terms of Tools

There are three types of Survey Research
Which are
Questionnaire/ Written Surveys
Interview/Oral Surveys
Electronic Surveys

Mail Surveys
In these Survey methods surveys are
conducted through a mail-in process, the
participants are able to work on the surveys
at their leisure. It does not require personal
contact between the researcher and the

Types of Survey Questions

Written surveys are conducted on
questionnaire and questionnaires have two
types of questions which are
1-Open Ended questions
2- Close Ended Questions

Open-ended Questions
Open-ended survey questions allow
respondents to answer in their own words.
Open-ended questions also allow the
researcher to explore ideas that would not
otherwise be aired and are useful where
additional insights are sought (Salant &
Dillman, 1994, p. 81). They are also useful
where the researcher is less familiar with the
subject area and cannot offer specific
response options.

Closed-ended Questions
In contrast, closed-ended questions require the
respondent to choose from among a given set of
responses or choices. (McIntyre, 1999, p. 75).
Closed-ended questions with ordered choices
require the respondent to examine each
possible response independent of the other
choices. The choices form a continuum of
responses, such as those provided by Likert
scales and numerical ranges. These types of
questions are easiest for respondents to answer
and for researchers to analyze the data.

Guidelines for Constructing Questionnaire

Make question clear

The question should be very simple and clear; it should be understandable to the respondent and
should be made by judging the capacity of the respondents.
Keep question short
The question should be very short and brief so that respondent can easily understand. The
lengthy questions can create ambiguity in the minds of the respondents.
Remember the purpose of the study
The purpose of the study should always keep in the mind by making our question for question. It
should always relate to the study.
Avoid double barrel question
A single question should be asked at a single time, and we should avoid double question at a
single time. e.g
What is qualification and what is your institution. Such questions should be avoided.
5- Avoid biased words and terminologies.
Biased words and terminologies should always be avoided, because it can harm the purposes of
the study and questionnaire could be controversial before execution. e.g
Gender bias, provincialism questions should be avoided.

Guidelines for Constructing Questionnaire

Avoid direct questions
In making questionnaire direct questions should be avoided
because direct question can irritate the responded e.g What is
your age? what is your salary ?
Avoid questions which require highly detailed answers.
Questions which required highly detailed answers should be
avoided. e.g
What is your achievement of your life?
Write brief introduction of your self?
Avoid embarrassing questions
Embarrassing questions should be avoided in making
questionnaire formate.
e.g how much tax do you pay?
What is your salary now a day?

Guidelines for Questionnaire Design

Following are the instructions for making questionnaire design.

First of all researcher introduce himself in the starting point of the questionnaire, Secondly
he should introduce his research work and assures the respondents about the secrecy of
the information provided by the respondent in the questionnaire.
Researcher should take in confidence the respondent by introducing himself and his
research topic in the first page of the questionnaire.
In the initial page of the questionnaire, researcher should have instructions for the
respondent that how to fill the questionnaires. He should introduce the sample of standard
that this is the way to fill the questionnaire. He should introduce standard of filing the
questionnaire with example.
Question Order
The question order of the questionnaire should be from simple to specific. Simple
questions should be asked first and complex questions should be treated at the end.
The question order should also be from general to specific. General questions should be
asked first and the specific questions should be asked later.

Guidelines for Questionnaire Design

In Questionnaire Design we select some specific fond size, font
style, page size, page color, line spacing. All these things are
should be such that could easily be readable and visible.
Length of the Questionnaire
The length of the questionnaire are always depends upon the
purpose of the study. It should not take more that 15 minutes to
fill it. 25 49 questions are normally recommended but it always
depends upon the purpose of the study.
Pre Testing
Pre testing of questionnaire is also very important; you can check
your questionnaire by introducing it to few respondents and check
the result of the questionnaire so that mistakes and errors could
be analyzed for removal.

Gathering Survey Data through

Different Methodologies.
Surface/ Mail Survey
In this method you send your questionnaire through couriers
to your respondents and received the same through
E mail Survey
In this method you send your questionnaire for survey
research through emails and received the same through
Self administrated Survey
Self administrated survey that is managed by the researcher
himself and he is with the interaction of the respondents
to take response of his respondents.

Gathering Survey Data through

Different Methodologies.
Telephonic Survey
Telephone or mobile phone is another way to collect your
questionnaire information from your respondents. This
information looks very authentic because your will have
direct sound link with the respondent. He is bound to
answer your at the same time and no ambiguity.
Mall Interview
In this survey methods researches asks his question in
casual manners by going through the market and on the
way he collects his information from the respondents
leisurely. On the way and from the respondents who are
also on the way to the market etc.

Electronic Surveys
With the growth of the Internet ( World Wide
Web) and the expanded use of electronic
mail for business communication, the
electronic survey is becoming a more widely
used survey method. They can be posted as
World Wide Web forms on the Internet.


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