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Conflict Resolution

Positive and Negative


What is Conflict?
There are different ways to come with a
definition of conflict. When speaking of
conflict, what would immediately come
into mind would most likely be how
differences and disagreements make
such an occurrence to spring up.
can be described as a disagreement
among groups or individuals
characterized by antagonism and

Conflict is a form of interaction among
parties that differ in interest,
perceptions, and preferences.

Causes of Conflict?



Seeking power
Lack of confidence
Poor leadership
Lack of honesty
Competition over resource ( scarce
Opposing ideas

Types of conflict.
Interpersonal conflict: refers to a
conflict between two individuals. This
occurs typically due to how people are
different from one another.
personal conflict:occurs within an
individual. The experience takes place
in the persons mind. Hence, it is a type
of conflict that is psychological involving
the individuals thoughts, values,
principles and emotions.

Intra-group conflict: is a type of
conflict that happens among individuals
within a team.
The incompatibilities and
misunderstandings among these
individuals lead to an intra-group conflict
It is arises from interpersonal
disagreements (e.g. team members
have different personalities which may
lead to tension) or differences in views
and ideas.

Economic conflict :is brought about by
a limited amount of resources. The
groups or individuals involved then
comes into conflict to attain the most of
these resources, thus bringing forth
hostile behaviors among those involved.
Value conflict :is concerned with the
varied preferences and ideologies that
people have as their principle.

Conflicts driven by this factor are
demonstrated in wars where in separate
parties have sets of beliefs that they
assert (in an aggressive manner at
Power conflict occurs when the parties
involved intends to maximize what
influence it has in the social setting.

Such a situation can happen among
individuals, groups or even nations.
In other types of conflict, power is also
evident as it involves an asserting of
influence to another.
Conflict comes naturally; the clashing of
thoughts and ideas is a part of the
human experience

. It is true that it can be destructive if left
However, it shouldnt be seen as
something that can only cause negative
things to transpire. It is a way to come
up with more meaningful realizations
that can certainly be helpful to the
individuals involved.
Conflict can be seen as an opportunity
for learning and understanding our

Sources of Conflict
When people have a little contact with
each other and are dependent on one
another fro resource.
When people or one member cannot
perform a task until another member
has completed the work.
When people/member reforms a talk
and then a decision is made as to which
unit receives the output

When existing goal incompatibility e.g.
increased security in the stores due to
theft may affect timely dispatch of
goods/items between the store man and
security officer.
Conflict arises from resource scarcity
Goals of parties are incompatible
Other structural factors (size,
routinization, specialization, reward

Conflicting perceptions, ideas, or beliefs
Differences between people
Conflicting thoughts/needs within an
Lack of communication (maybe

Conflict resolution:
Goal of Conflict Resolution
Confront problems,
communicate openly
and respectfully with someone of opposing
opinion to provide optimal patient care.
Conflict resolution, otherwise known as
reconciliation, is conceptualized as the
methods and processes involved in
facilitating the peaceful ending of conflict and


committed group members

attempt to resolve group conflicts by
actively communicating information
about their conflicting motives or
ideologies to the rest of the group (e.g.,


However, conflict should not be seen as

purely negative. It can become an opportunity
for better things and open up opportunities, if
dealt with properly. It isnt as easy as it seems
though. Hence, this is where conflict
resolution comes in.
. Dimensions of resolution typically parallel
the dimensions of conflict in the way the
conflict is processed.
Cognitive resolution is the way disputants
understand and view the conflict, with beliefs
and perspectives and understandings and

Emotional resolution is in the way
disputants feel about a conflict, the
emotional energy.
Behavioral resolution is how one
thinks the disputants act, their
behavior.Ultimately, a wide range of
methods and procedures for addressing
conflict exist, including but not limited to
negotiation, mediation, diplomacy, and
creative peacebuilding.

There are a lot of means and strategies
involved in dealing with conflict, and all
of these aim to come up with a
resolution to it.
Hence, it is important for the parties
involve to pay attention to how a conflict
can come to an end in a healthy

Handling special cases of conflict although

conflict always involves emotions at some

level, strategies for solving the situation

require cognitive skills (diagnosis, problem

solving, leadership) and some degree of risk

In resolving conflict, there are

major goals:

Lose-Lose Solution (Neither party is

Win-lose Solution ( One party is
Win-Win Solution ( both parties are



Lose-lose Solution: both parties lose

where there is no compromise or
taking of a middle group in a dispute.
Win-lose Solution: this is situation
where one party marshals its forces to
win. It is characterized by parties
directing their energies towards each
other, looking at the issue at hand from
their own point of view, and
emphasizing on solutions rather than
attainment of goals, values or

Helping Conflicting parties

To be helpful in conflicting parties,
ensures that:
You listen to the stories of both
conflicting parties.
Help each party to single out specific
Facilitate the parties to identify the root
cause of their problems.

Facilitate the parties to generate broad
ideas on what could be done to solve
the problem, taking in consideration the
available opportunities.
Team Building in Groups.
A team is a group of people from different
backgrounds having different skills and
abilities, who work together with a
common purpose, goal and objectives.

Identify the problem or

Use I Messages to explain your own concerns,
needs and basic goals
Use reflective listening to hear and acknowledge
the others needs and basic goals
Evaluate exactly what each of your actual needs
are with the problem. List needs.
Dont accept sudden promises not to cause the

strategies involve to handle


There are five ways to settle conflict:

1. Accommodating

1. Accommodating

Accommodation involves having to deal with the

problem with an element of self-sacrifice; an
individual sets aside his own concerns to maintain
peace in the situation. Thus, the person yields to
what the other wants, displaying a form of
selflessness. It might come as an immediate solution
to the issue; however it also brings about a false
manner of dealing with the problem. This can be
disruptive if there is a need to come up with a more
sound and creative way out of the problem. This
behavior will be most efficient if the individual is in the
wrong as it can come as a form of conciliation.


In this approach, there is withdrawal

from the conflict. The problem is being
dealt with through a passive attitude.
Avoiding is mostly used when the
perceived negative end outweighs the
positive outcome.
Avoidance would mean that you neglect
the responsibility that comes with it. The
other individuals involved might think
that you are neglecting the problem.
Thus, it is better to confront the problem
before it gets worse.


Collaborating aims to find a solution to

the conflict through cooperating with
other parties involved.
Hence, communication is an important
part of this strategy.
In this mechanism, effort is exerted in
digging into the issue to identify the
needs of the individuals concerned
without removing their respective
interests from the picture.

Collaborating individuals aim to come
up with a successful resolution
creatively, without compromising their
own satisfactions.
Competition involves authoritative and
assertive behaviors.

In this style, the aggressive individual
aims to instil pressure on the other
parties to achieve a goal.
. It includes the use of whatever means
to attain what the individual thinks is
It may be appropriate in some situations
but it shouldnt come to a point wherein
the aggressor becomes too


Compromising is about coming up with

a resolution that would be acceptable to
the parties involved.
Thus, one party is willing to sacrifice
their own sets of goals as long as the
others will do the same.
Hence, it can be viewed as a mutual
give-and-take scenario where the
parties submit the same amount of
investment for the problem to be solved.

Implementing the Solutions

Get Agreement on who does what by when
Write this down and check all agree to it
Refuse to remind or police the solutions
If you want to set criteria for success, work out

these now

Follow-up evaluation
Carry out agreed method.

Wait to see if the

conflicts seems resolved.

If the agreed upon solution doesnt work,
remember it is the solution that failed, not the
person, and seek for a new solution.
Ask from time to time if the solution is working for
both of you.

Rules of the Road:

No "You" statements. Use
statements that begin with the
word "I". Do not use statements
that include the word "you,"
because these statements make
people feel defensive.

Thanks to allaah who allow us to
accomplished this task .
Thanks to participants who gave us a
chance to listen our ideas .
Thanks to those people who took part
the preparations and guidelines of this

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