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International Relations and Terrorism ?

Terrorism as the Phenomenon of

Internastional Security
Terrorism as a part of historical interaction
between power and ideology in world politics
Terrorism as a product that coming from
interaction entity among nation-state
Terrorism as affirmation product for
transnational interaction
Contra-Terrorism as goverment's respons to
the threat of national security.
Contra-Terorisme as a part of rezim and
normatif in international security




Traditional vs Non-Traditional ?

The origin of threats

The nature of threats
Changing responsibility of

Core values of security

UNDP Concept of Human


first, safety from such chronic threats such as

hunger, disease, and repression. And,

second, from sudden and hurtful
disruptions in the patterns of daily life --whether in homes, in jobs or in communities.

freedom from fear and

freedom from Want
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Human Development
Report 1994, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

The main categories of threats to

human security
Economic Security
Food Security
Health Security
Environmental Security
Community Security
Personal Security
Political Security

Human Security
Unchecked population growth
Disparties in economic opprtunities
Excessive international migration
Environmental degradation
Drug Production and trafficking
International terrorism

The real threats to human security in the next century will arise
more from the actions of millions of people than agression by a few
Source: United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Human
Development Report 1994, Oxford: Oxford University Press. Hal.33

securitizing actor
speech act
existential threat
referent object

Buzan, Barry, Ole Waever, dan Jaap de Wilde, Security : A

New Framework For Analysis, (London : Lynne Rienner
Publisher, 1998), Hal. 54.

Securitizing Move
Securitizing Actor






Presiden RI : Megawati Soekarno Putri

Pemerintah Indonesia dengan ini menyampaikan duka cita dan simpati yang mendalam kepada keluarga para
korban, baik warga negara Indonesia maupun asing, atas tindak kekerasan yang demikian brutal dan tidak
manusiawi, yang bertentangan dengan hukum yang berlaku dan ajaran-ajaran agama dan nilai moral yang
kita anut.. Kepada masyarakat diminta tenang dan meningkatkan kewaspadaannya. Peristiwa peledakan
bom tersebut sekali lagi hendaknya menjadi peringatan bagi kita semua bahwa terorisme merupakan bahaya
nyata dan merupakan ancaman yang potensial bagi keamanan nasional.

Menteri Koordinator Politik dan Keamanan = Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono

Terorisme sudah ada di sekeliling kita, di depan mata kita. Jangan kita kehilangan hati nurani dan akal
sehat. Pilihan bagi kita semua, apakah kita memberikan peluang kepada kejahatan luar biasa seperti itu
atau kita tegas mencegah dan menangkal kejadian itu?... Kami sedang melakukan investigasi kasus ini.
Untuk itu, kami meminta dukungan masyarakat terhadap langkah pemerintah untuk memerangi terorisme.
Ini bukan untuk kepentingan asing, tetapi untuk kepentingan rakyat sendiri.
PBB mengeluarkan Resolusi Nomor 1438/2002
- berisikan kutukan keras terhadap aksi pengeboman di Bali. meminta semua negara segera bekerja sama dan memberikan dukungan serta
bantuan kepada Pemerintah Indonesia dalam upaya menangkap dan mengadili para pelaku pengeboman
Peraturan Pemerintah Pengganti Undang-Undang tentang Anti Terorisme sebagai bentuk kebijakan darurat:

(1) Perpu Nomor 1 Tahun 2002 tentang Pemberantasan Tindak Pidana Terorisme yang memberikan
kewenangan bagi polisi untuk menahan terduga teroris selama 7 hari dan tersangka teroris selama 6 bulan;
serta (2) Perpu Nomor 2 Tahun 2002 tentang Pemberlakuan Perpu Nomor 1 Tahun 2002 untuk Penyelidikan,
Penyidikan, dan Penuntutan Para Pelaku Peristiwa Peledakan Bom Bali tanggal 12 Oktober 2002.
Selanjutnya disetujui dan disahkan oleh Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat menjadi Undang-Undang Nomor 15 Tahun
2003 dan Undang-Undang Nomor 16 Tahun 2003.
Presiden Megawati juga menerbitkan dua Keputusan Presiden, yakni (1) Keputusan Presiden Nomor 4 Tahun
2002 yang memberikan mandat bagi Menteri Koordinator Politik dan Keamanan untuk mengkoordinasikan
penegakan hukum, intelijen, dan informasi publik; serta (2) Keputusan Presiden Nomor 5 Tahun 2002 yang
memberikan kewenangan bagi Badan Intelijen Nasional mengkoordinasikan pengumpulan informasi.
Pembentukan Detasemen Khusus Anti teror.

Since 9/11, terrorism and the return to war in Afghanistan and

Iraq have undermined the confident assertions of a New World
Order and have given renewed credence to realist assertions that,
in the final analysis, security is the fundamental issue for states.
However, globalization has not been seen to be less important
because of terrorism. Indeed, the rise of terrorism has often been
seen as a response to globalization. Confusingly, we now have
two dominant phenomena globalization and terrorism existing
side by side as markers of the twenty-first century.

Tom Conley, International Political Economy. Dalam Martin Griffiths.(2007).

International Relations Theory for the Twenty-First Century. New York: Routledge.
Hal. 140
Cronin, A.K. (2002/03) Behind the curve: globalization and international terrorism,
International Security 27: 3058.

The U.S. State Department, definition of terrorism contained in

Title 22 ofthe United States Code, Section 2656f(d)

premeditated, politically motivated violence

perpetrated against noncombatant targets by

subnational groups or clandestine agents,
usually intended to influence an audience"
premeditation, means there must be an intent and prior decision to commit an
act that would qualify as terrorism under the other criteria. The action is the
result of someones policy, or at least someones decision
The second element, political motivation
The third element,the targets are noncombatants. terrorists attack people who
cannot defend themselves with violence in return.
The fourth element, that the perpetrators are either subnational groups or
clandestine agents.

The Term Of "

"the term noncombatant is interpreted to

include, in addition to civilians, military

personnel who at the timeof the incident are
unarmed and/or not on duty. . . . We also
consider as acts of terrorism attacks on
military installations or on armed military
personnel when a state of military hostilities
does not exist at the site."

The U.S. Federal Bureau of

Investigation (FBI)
"the unlawful use of force or violence against

persons or property to intimidate or coerce a

Government, the civilian population, or any
segment thereof, in furtherance of political or
social objectives"

Department of Homeland Security

any activity that involves an act that:is

dangerous to human life or potentially

destructive of critical infrastructur or key
resources; and . . . must also appear to be
intended(i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian
population; (ii) to influence thepolicy of a
government by intimidation or coercion; or (iii)
to affect the conduct of a government by
mass destruction, assassination, or

U.S. Department of
"the calculated use of unlawful violence or

threat of unlawful violence to inculcate fear;

intended to coerce or to intimidate
governments or societies in the pursuit of
goals that are generally political, religious, or
ideological objectives"

(Hofffman's Conclusion)
Definition Of Terrorism

ineluctably political in aims and motives;

violentor, equally important, threatens violence;
designed to have far-reaching psychological

repercussions beyond the immediate victim or target;

conducted either by an organization with an
identifiable chain of command or conspiratorial cell
structure (whose members wear no uniform or
identifying insignia) or by individuals or a small
collection of individuals directly influenced, motivated,
or inspired by the ideological aims or example of some
existent terrorist movement and/or its leaders; and
perpetrated by a subnational group or nonstate entity

Bjorgo, Tore (ed). 2005. Root Couses Of Terrorism: myth, reality, and ways Forward. London
and New York: Routledge.
4 Faktor Penyebab Terorisme
- merupakan faktor yang berada pada tataran makro yang secara tidak langsung
mempengaruhi kehidupan seseorang serta menstimulus munculnya terorisme.
- Faktor yang dapat membuat aksi-aksi terorisme mudah dan mungkn untuk
- Merupakan faktor pengalaman yang ada pada individu maupun kelompok sehingga
memilih aksi teror untuk mencapai tujuannya.
- adanya kondisi yang secara langsung dapat menimbulkan terorisme

faktor sosial dan psikologis yang

memicu terorisme
Perasaan tertindas
Tuntutan perubahan

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