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Inverted Pyramid


Inverted Pyramid
Also known as front-loading
To ensure the main points are clearly shown to the
Readers are offered a quick synopsis of the article by only
reading the first paragraph
From a writers perspective, this style allows you to engage
your audience quickly and maintain their attention

How to Start
Analyze the question given using the 5W1H

Inverted Pyramid
Pick your strongest point. Clearly state it in your top
half of your essay.
Avoid quotes or too many examples. The
explanation should do the talking.
Ensure continuous flow of information till the
weakest point.

Inverted Pyramid
The last point or conclusion will eventually be the
weakest point.
Add a quote or bombastic words to alert the reader.
DEFINITE NO ; It takes two to tango ;
Rome wasn't built in a day

How to Start
Write an article on the reasons behind the fleeting
growth of gangsterism in Malaysia and the measures
that should be taken to get things under control.

How to Start
Write an article on the reasons behind the fleeting growth
of gangsterism in Malaysian schools and the measures that
should be taken to get things under control.

Fleeting - happening in a short time or at a great rate

How to Start
Question~ WHAT
What is Gangsterism ?

How to Start
What they think they are?

How to Start
What are they actually?

How to Start
Question~ WHAT
Gangsterism ~ Agroup of people who are involved in
organized crime.

Question~ WHAT
What do they do?
Extortion, Robbery, Drugs, Murder
What is their motifs?
Source of income, sense of belonging, rule through fear

Question~ Who
Who are they consists of?
Teenagers, criminals, political leaders
Who should take responsibility in curbing gangsterism?
Authorities, School and parents

Key Words:
-Close door dialogues
-Play truant

-Teenagers / Adolescence (Handle with Care)
-School- Recruitment Centre

1) Body
Why Students Fall?
-Influenced by peer
-Recruited by force by triads
-Lack of attention or control by family members
-Want to attract attention

2) Body
Why the triads are still strong?
-Prostitution, Drug Dealing, Political Support
-Lack of Authority in School
-Influence of triads on a bigger scale if actions taken

3) How to prevent?
-All parties play an important role to eradicate activities
"gangsterism" in schools: students, parents, school
authorities, police and all members of society.
-People are teaming up to provide information about the
involvement of students in activities that are not healthy.
-Parents or guardians must notify the school or the police
if you suspect that a family member engaged in
"gangsterism in school.

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