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Strengthening Contract Management in


Office of Performance Evaluation Repo

Legislative Response
Division of Purchasing Response

Division of Purchasing

Office of Performance Evaluation Report

Why/how was the study done
Stimulated by the Molina - MMIS
Examined the framework of Idahos contracting process to
identify improvement areas and align best practices
o how agencies develop, monitor and close out contracts
o if DOP and agencies could further improve the process
for developing, awarding and monitoring contracts
Data collected by surveys, individual interviews and research

Management in Idaho
Division ofStrengthening
Purchasing Contract

Office of Performance Evaluation Report

Best practices framework

o DOP to develop a best practices checklist and a closeout checklist into its
training materials
o Legislature to consider whether to require all agencies (including DOP exempt
agencies) to incorporate a best practices checklist into their contracting
o DOP to work with the AGs office consider improving statute, rule accessibility
and make more user-friendly. Incorporate into contracting guidelines.
Contract Development and Award
o Ensure all staff involved in the purchasing process receive training in various
aspects of contracting process includes administrative and management staff
o Develop a full time training position
Contract Monitoring
o DOP to create monitoring positions for high risk high dollar contracts
o DOP to require regular risk report submittal by agencies
o Require all agencies (including those exempt from DOP) be subject to DOP
statewide monitoring for high dollar/high risk dollar contracts. Formalize DOP
monitoring role in Idaho Code.

Management in Idaho
Division ofStrengthening
Purchasing Contract

Legislative Response HCR 18

DOP to develop a plan to respond to OPE report

o Improve the development, management and reporting of contracts using best
o Train and certify contract development and management personnel
o Improve monitoring of contracts
o Plan components should be
Best practices checklists
Training programs for RFP, development experts and contract managers
Project risk management and mitigation activities
Other best practices to improve the efficiency and performance of
contracts in Idaho

Develop a plan to identify and outline the role of project managers within
agencies as it relates to contract management and its coordination with DOP

Report plan to the legislature on or before January 31, 2014

Management in Idaho
Division ofStrengthening
Purchasing Contract

Division of Purchasing Response Agency

DOP formal plan being created plan in place 7/1/2013
Give us feedback - concerns
Preliminary work started

Tools being updated/created

Templates, flowcharts, purchasing officer manual
Client level contract management MOUs with agencies roles, resp
Contract management guides and checklists
Training program revision/expansion
Revise current program - test, modify and improve
Propose new plan and resources
Test new delivery mechanisms (web webinars, web based on-line)
Contract administration vs. contract management (DOP Agenc
Definitions and best practice checklists
Governance management at agency, administration at DOP
Responsibilities and definition of high risk/high dollar contracts

Management in Idaho
Division ofStrengthening
Purchasing Contract

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