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Chetan Sana Khan

Asst. Professor, LPU



The lower part of a structure is
Function: Transfer the load of the
Structure to the soil on which it is
Properly designed foundation
Transfer the load throughout the soil without overstressing
the soil.
Overstressing the soil can result in either excessive
settlement or shear failure of the soil. Both cause damage
to the structure.

Depending on the structure and soil encountered various types of

foundations are used.
Pile foundation

Combined spread

Spread footing

Strap footing

Pile foundations and Drilled foundations:

Shallow foundations: depth of embedment to width ratio of approximately

less than four.
Examples: Spread, mat, strap, stepped etc.
Deep foundations: depth of embedment to width ratio of approximately
greater than four.

Ultimate Soil bearing capacity (qult) for Shallow foundation:

It is the gross pressure at the base of the foundation at
which the soil fails in shear

Net Safe Bearing capacity (qns):

It is the net soil pressure which can be safely applied to the soil
considering only shear failure.
qns = qnu/F.S

Net ultimate bearing capacity (qnu): It is the net pressure at the base
of foundation that causes shear failure of the soil.
It is equal to the gross pressure minus overburden pressure.

qnu = qu .Df

Modes of failure

Modes of Foundation Failure

Shallow Foundations
For transferring building loads to underlying ground
Mostly for firm soils or light loads

firm ground

bed rock


Terzaghi Bearing Capacity

Assumptions of the Terzaghis Bearing capacity theory:
1. Depth of foundation is less than or equal to its width
2. Base of the footing is rough.
3. Soil above bottom of foundation has no shear strength; it is only a
surcharge load against the overturning
4. load Surcharge up to the base of footing is considered.
5. Load applied is vertical and non-eccentric.
6. The soil is homogenous and isotropic.
7. L/B ratio is infinite.

Applicable to
Bearing capacity equation:

Failure geometry for Terzaghis method

Bearing capacity factors:

Nc, Nq, N

The factor of safety FS against a bearing capacity failure:

qall = qult / FS
Where qall is the gross allowable load-bearing capacity
The factor of safety is chosen according to the function of the
structure, but never less than 3 in all cases

qnet is the net ultimate bearing capacity

The general bearing capacity equation

The Terzaghi bearing capacity is applicable to continuous, square and
circular footings only.
1. Depth factor: To account for the shearing resistance developed along
the failure surface in soil above the base of the footing
2. Shape factor: To determine the bearing capacity of rectangular and
circular foorings
3. Inclination factors: To determine the b.c of a footing on which the
direction of load application is inclined at a certain angle to the vertical

Nc, Nq, N are the bearing capacity factors

Fcs, Fqs, Fgs are the Shape factors,
Fcd, Fqd, Fgd are the depth factors
Fci, Fqi, Fgi are the load inclination factors

Problem.1 Determine the ultimate bearing capacity of a strip footing,1.20m

wide and having the depth of foundation of 1.0m. Use Terzaghis theory
and assume general shear failure. Take = 35 degrees, = 18 kN/m3
and c = 15kN/m2
Nc = 57.8, Nq = 41.4, N = 42.4

Problem.2, Determine the allowable gross load and the net allowable load
for square footing of 2m side and with a depth of foundation of 1.0m.Use
Terzaghis theory and assume local shear failure. Take a factor of safety
of 3.0. The soil at the site has = 18kN/m2, c = 15kN/m2 and = 25
Nc = 14.8, Nq = 5.6, N = 3.2
Problem.3, A circular foundation is of 2.4m diameter. If the depth of
foundation is 1m, determine the net allowable load. Take = 19kN/m3, c
= 30kN/m2, = 15 degrees and factor of safety as 3.0. Use Terzaghis
equation and assume local shear failure.

1. What is the ultimate bearing capacity of a circular footing of 1m

diameter resting on the surface of a saturated clay of unconfined
compression strength of 100kN/m2. What is the safe value if the factor
of safety is 3?, Nc = 5.7, Nq = 1, N = 0 (Ans: q safe = 123.5 kN/m2)
2. A circular footing is resting on a stiff saturated clay with qu = 250
kN/m2. The depth of foundation is 2m. Determine the diameter of the
footing if the column load is 600kN. Assume a factor of safety as 2.5.
The bulk unit weight of soil is 20 kN/m3., Nc = 5.7, Nq = 1, N = 0. (Ans:
d = 1.365m)
3. A column carries a load of 1000 kN. The soils is a dry sand weighing 19
kN/m3 and having an angle of internal friction of 40 degrees. A
minimum factor of safety of 2.5 is required and terzaghi factors are
required to be used. (N = 42, and Nq = 21).
i. Find the size of a square footing, if placed at the ground surface
ii. Find the size of square footing required if it is placed at 1m below
ground surface with water table at ground surface. Assume sat =

5. Calculate the ultimate bearing capacity, according to the brinch hansens method,
of a rectangular footing 2m x 3m, at a depth of 1m in a soil for which = 18
kN/m2, c = 20 kN/m2, and = 20 degrees. The GWT is lower tthan 3m from
surface. The total vertical load is 1350 kN and the total horizontal load is 75 kN at
the base of the footing. Hansens factors for f = 20 degrees are Nc = 14.83, Nq =
6.4 and N = 3.54. Determine also the factor of safety.

Effect of Ground Water Table on B.C of Soil

Observation: If the W.T is close/above to the footing, B.C will get
effectedHow? some changes are required in the 2nd and 3rd
term of Terzaghis main equation

Three different conditions can arise regarding the location of

Case 1: If the g.w.t is located at a distance D
Above the bottom of the foundation

q ( D f D ) 1 .D
qu = c.Nc+q.Nq+0.4..B.N
Substitute into..
qu = c. Nc+(( Df D)+.D).Nq+0.4..B.N

Case 2: If the G.W.T Coincides

with the bottom of the foundation
2nd term q = .Df
3rd term, =

qu = c. Nc+q.Nq+0.4..B.N

Case 3: If the G.W.T is at a

Depth below the bottom of the
2nd term q = .Df
3rd term, = av


[ .D ' ( B D)]

(for D < = B)

av = (for D > B)

qu = c. Nc+q.Nq+0.4.av.B.N

Problem.1: A square footing is shown in fig. Assume general shear failure and factor
of safety of 3. Determine the safe gross allowable load. Use the following values,
= 15.72 kN/m3, sat = 18.55 kN/m3, c = 0, = 350, B = 1.53m, Df = 1.22, h =


Factor of Safety

qu W[ D L ] WF Ws 1
qall [

Where, A = area of the foundation, W[D+L] = D.L and L.L

Wf = Foundation self weight, Ws = weight of soil above the foundation
qu(net) = qu q
qall(net) = qu(net) / Fs
= qu q / Fs

where, q = .Df

Ultimate Load for Shallow Foundations under

Eccentric Load

Objective: To calculate the Bearing capacity of

shallow foundation with eccentric loading.
Meyerhofs effective area concept:
One way Eccentricity: Means due to eccentricity one
side only will get effect (B or L if it is rectangular
shape foundation)
Effective size , X = B = B 2.e (e = eccentricity)
Y =L = L 2.e

Ultimate load for Shallow foundation under One way eccentricity

e = eccentricity
Q= Ultimate load

Qu = qu (B.L)

Bearing Capacity of Sand based on Settlement

Why only for sandy soil? And How?
Obtaining the undisturbed specimens of cohesion less sand
during a soil exploration program is difficult.
Using the SPT during subsoil exploration one can predict the
allowable soil bearing capacity of foundations on sand
Meyerhof proposed a correlation for net allowable bearing
pressure for foundations with the corrected SPT resistance,
For 25mm of estimated max. settlement,
qall(net) = 11.98 .Ncorr
for B<1.22m
3.28 B 1 2

for B>1.22mall ( net )

Where, Ncorr = corrected SPT number

Meyerhofs correlelation is conservative and 50% higher side

Bowles proposed:
For B<1.22m

For B>1.22m

qall ( net ) (kN / m2) 19.16.N corr .Fd .( )
3.28 B 1 2
qall ( net ) (kN / m 2) 11.98.N corr .(
) .Fd .( )
3.28 B

Where, Fd = Depth factor =(1+0.33(Df/B)<1.33

Se = Tolerable elastic settlemnt, mm

Problem Solving
Problem 1: Compute the safe bearing capacity of a square footing 1.5m
x 1.5m, located at a depth of 1m below the ground level in a soil of
average density 20kN/m3. = 20 degrees, Nc = 17.7, Nq = 7.4, and
N = 5.0. Assume a suitable factor of safety and that the water table
is very deep. Also compute the reduction in safe bearing capacity of
the footing if the water table rises to the ground level. Ans; 83kN/m2,
41 kN/m2, % of difference = 50

Problem 2. Compute the safe bearing capacity of a continuous footing

1.8m wide and located at a depth of 1.2m below ground level in a
soil with unit weight = 20 kN/m3, c= 20 kN/m2, and = 20
degrees. Assume a factor of safety of 2.5. Terzaghis bearing
capacity factors for = 20 degrees are Nc = 17.7, Nq = 7.4, N =
5.0. What is the permissible load per metre run of the footing? Ans:
263 kN/m2, 473 kN

Problem 3: A foundation, 2.0m square is installed 1.2m below the surface

of a uniform sandy gravel having a density of 19.2 kN/m3, above the
water table and a submerged density of 10.1kN/m3. The strength
parameters with respect to effective stress are c = 0, and = 30
degrees. Find the gross ultimate bearing capacity for the following
1. Water table is well below the base of the foundation (the whole of the
rupture zone is above the w.t)
2. W.t rises to the level of the base of the foundation
3. The w.t rises to G.L
(for = 30 degrees, terzaghi gives Nq = 22, and N = 20)
(Ans: 814 Kn/m2, 668 Kn/m2, 428 Kn/m2, 20% to 50% decrease)
Problem 4: What is the ultimate bearing capacity of a circular footing of 1m
diameter resting on the surface of a saturated clay of unconfined
compression strength of 100kN/m2? What is the safe value if the factor
of safety is 3?
Ans: qsafe = 123.5 kN/m2
Note: When = 0, Nc = 5.7, Nq = 1, N = 0

Problem 5: Calculate the ultimate bearing capacity, according to the

general equation, of a rectangular footing 2m x 3m, at a depth of 1m
in a soil for which = 18 kN/m3, c = 20kN/m2, and = 20 degrees.
The G.W.T is lower than 3m from the surface. The total vertical load is
1350 kN and the total horizontal load is 75 kN at the base of the
footing. Hansens factors for = 20 degrees, are Nc = 14.83, Nq = 6.4
and Ng = 3.54. Determine also the factor of safety.
(Ans: qult = 539.5 kN/m2, FOS = 2.4)


Application: Most reliable method for calculating the ultimate
bearing capacity at site.

Site photos after test

Plate load test Limitations:


Problems on plate load test

1. For a square footing supported by a sand given that B= 2m, Df = 1.5m.
Corrected SPT number Ncor = 9, allowable settlement Se = 20mm, estimate the
net allowable bearing capacity. Ans: 143 kn/m2,
2. A plate load test was conducted in a sandy soil in which the size of the bearing
plate was 1ft x 1ft. The ultimate load per unit area (qu) for the test was found to
be 4200 lb/ft2. Estimate the total allowable load (Qall) for a footing of size 5.5ft x
5.5ft. Use a factor of safety of 4.
3. A plate load test was (bearing plate of 762mm diameter) conducted in clay soil.
The ultimate load per unit area (qu) for the test was found to be 200 Kn/m2.
What should be the total allowable load (Qall) for a column footing of 1.75m in
diameter? Use a factor of safety of 4. Ans: 160.4 kn
4. The results of two field load tests in a clay soil are given in the following table.
Plate diameter (mm) Settlement (mm)
Total load (Kn)
Based on these results, determine the size of a square footing that will carry a total
load of 300kN with a maximum settlement of 15mm.

5. Fig shows a footing on layered sand. Determine the net allowabble load it can
carry, given the following conditions. Square footing B = 5ft, FOS = 4, Df = 3.5ft,
H = 2ft, 1 = 118 lb/ft3, 2 = 105 lb/ft3, 1 = 40 degrees, 2 = 30 degrees. Ans:

Ultimate bearing capacity on Layered Soil

Condition: The ultimate B.C of shallow
Foundations on weaker(loose) sands and
Soft clays can be increased by placing a
Layer of compact sand over it.

In the above conditions how do you calculate

the ultimate Bearing capacity?
Case 1: Foundations on layered Sand Dense over Loose

2.D f Ks.Tan 1
qu qu ( b ) (1 ). 1.H (1
).S 1.H qu ( t )

2.D f Ks.Tan 1
qu qu ( b ) (1 ). 1.H (1
).S 1.H qu ( t )
Where, Ks = punching shear coefficient (1 40)
s = Shape factor, approximately 1
qu(b) = Ultimate bearing capacity of the bottom soil layer


Punching shear
coefficient, Ks

2 N ( 2)
1 N (1)

Case 2 : Foundations on dense or Compacted sand Overlying Soft


2.D f
qu (1 0.2 ).Cu.Nc (1 ). .H (1
.D f
Punching shear coeff. Ks
Ks = 1 - 40
0.5 .B.N

Punching shear
coefficient, Ks
0.5 .B.N

Problem: 1, A strip footing is 2m wide and founded at a depth of 2m in a

soil of unit weight 20 kN/m3 and a cohesion of 10 kN/m2. Determine
the increase in the bearing capacity when f is increased from 20 to
25 degrees. Use Terzaghis equation. Assume local shear failure.
(Ans: 130 Kn/m2)

Problem: 2, A purely cohesive soil has a unit weight of 20 kN/m3 and a

cohesion of 150 kN/m2. Determine the safe bearing capacity for a
rectangular footing 8m x 2m founded at a depth of 4m in clay (F.S =
Ans: 448 kN/m2

Settlement in Shallow Foundation

What is foundation Settlement?

After construction finished, footing will take vertical movement

(downwardly sinking into the soil)
Classified into 2 types:
1. Immediate or Elastic settlement (Se): this will takes place during or
immediately after construction finished
2. Consolidation settlement (Sc) : Its time dependent, and the results of water
extrusion from the voids
Total settlement, S = Se + Sc
Elastic Settlement (Se),

1 (1 S )
Se q0 ( .B ).
.I s .I f

Where, q0 = net applied pressure on the foundation

us = Poissons ratio of soil
Es = Avg modulus of Elasticity of the soil under the foundation
B = B/2 for center of foundation
= B for corner of foundation

Is = Shape factor
1 2 s
.F 2
1 s
For calculating the
Shape factor values, use
This charts:

Problems: 1, What is the ultimate bearing capacity of a footing resting on a

uniform sand of porosity 40% and specific gravity 2.6, if f = 30 degrees
(General bearing equation, Nc = 30.4, Nq = 18.4, Ng = 18.08 at a depth
of 1.5m under the following conditions:
1. Size 2m x 3m, GWL at 8m below natural level and
2. Size 2m x 3m, GWL at 1.5m below natural ground level
(e, gd, g, q ult, sq,sg,dq,dg, )

Problem 2:
A plate load test was conducted on uniform deposits of sand and the
following data were obtained.

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