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Factors in Pronunciation

Learning and Teaching

Factors in Pronunciation Learning and

Many factors, both linguistic and socio-physiological,
influence pronunciation learning and teaching:
- age
- length of residence
- language use
- formal instruction
- motivation
- language learning aptitude

Factor 1 - Age
-Age - primary factor?
-Critical period hypothesis: Younger learners have a
head-start in learning foreign language pronunciation
due to specialized cognitive capacity for language
-'Sensitive' period rather than 'critical' period When
does critical period end?
-L2 usually spoken accent-free if it is learned by the age
of 6
-Foreign accents present in most individuals who begin
learning the L2 after the age of 12
- SomeL2 learners with AOLs of over 12 years may avoid
speaking their L2 with a detectable foreign accent

Factor 2 - Length of residence

-Specifies the number of years spent in a
community where the L2 is the predominant
-Flege - two groups of adult native Taiwanese
learners of English differing in LOR
-Flege & Fletcher - LOR is a less important
determinant of degree of L2 foreign accent than
AOL -The degree of LOR effects depends on
whether subjects are still in an early phase of L2
learning or not

Factor 3 Language Use

-A composite variable combining years of
residence in the US and number of months of
cohabitation with native speakers

The third most important predictor of degree

of L2 foreign accent
- Amount of conversation in English not a
significant predictor

Factor 3 Language Use

-Degree of L2 foreign accent not significantly
correlated with percentage daily use of the L2
-The possible influence of L1 use on the
pronunciation in L2 - a few studies - native
Korean subjects
-Language use factors account for some additional
variance - two groups of early bilinguals

Factor 4 Formal instruction

1) Five late learners of English who received
ratings in English that were comparable to those
obtained for native speakers of English. They all
received (unspecified) intensive training in the
perception and production of English sounds
2) Moyer - native English speakers of German.
Those subjects who had received both
suprasegmental and segmental training obtained
ratings that were closer to the range of ratings
obtained for native speakers of German.

Factor 4 Formal instruction

- 3) A group of inexperienced adult native Italian
learners of German who had received ''prosodycentered'' phonetic training in the L2 vs. a group
of inexperienced subjects who had received
''segment-centered'' phonetic training in German
- The first group was found to have improved its
pronunciation of German signifcantly more than
the second group. They also performed better
with regard to both suprasegmental as well as
segmental production.

Factor 5 - Motivation

-Designated integrative motivation and concern for

L2 pronunciation as significant predictors of L2
foreign accent
-The examination of highly motivated late L2
learners would receive pronunciation ratings
comparable to native speakers.
-Two groups examined: the Dutch speakers of
English and late native English learners of German
- Professional motivation, integrative motivation or
strength of concern for L2 pronunciation
accuracy do not automatically lead to accent-free
L2 speech

Factor 6 Language Learning Aptitude

The effect of musicality and mimicry on the

degree of L2 foreign accent
Two studies about the degree to which
musicality and mimicry affected foreign accent
Musical ability VS. the ability to mimic
unfamiliar speech sounds

To conclude:
Age - the earlier in life one learns an L2, the
better it will be pronounced
LOR - the number of years spent in a community
where the L2 is the predominant language. While
some studies have reported an influence of LOR on
degree of L2 foreign accent, some other studies
have not.
Formal instruction - if classroom teaching carried
on in the L2 involves special training in the
perception and the production of L2 sounds, it may
well have a larger effect on L2 production accuracy

To conclude:
Motivation - factors like professional
motivation, integrative motivation or strength
of concern for L2 pronunciation accuracy do not
automatically lead to accent-free L2 speech
Language use it can have a significant,
independent effect on degree of L2 foreign
Language aptitude - only a small influence on
degree of L2 foreign accent

Thank you for your attention

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