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Noorman Herryadi
Bagian Ilmu Kedokteran Forensik

Patients Rights
Patient/Victims autonomy to get

medical services and/or to do something

about their own health.
To be healthy is a human right

Patient/Victim & Medical workers are

subjects of the law
they have rights and responsibilities

Patients Rights are always related

to Doctors Responsibilities
Doctors Rights?
Patients Responsibilities?

Patients Rights
SE Dirjen Yan Med No. YH02.

1. To get information about procedures;

2. To get humane, fair and honest services;
3. To get quality non-discriminatory medical
services based on the standards of the
medical profession;
4. To get nurses treatment based on the
standard of the nursing profession.

Patients Rights (continued)

SE Dirjen Yan Med No. YH02.

5. To choose doctors and nursing treatment based

on regulations and ones own capabilities;
6. To be treated by doctors with freedom to make
their own clinical and ethical opinions without
any external influences or pressures;
7. To seek second opinion by the
acknowledgement from the doctor in charge;
8. To be granted privacy and confidentiality of
their disease as well as medical record.

Patients Rights (continued)

SE Dirjen Yan Med No. YH02.

9. To receive information about:

the illness;
medical actions to be performed;
the possibilities of getting side effects from the medical
actions and the actions to overcome them;
therapy altenatives
cost estimates

10. To approve of the medical actions;

11. To refuse medical actions, to terminate
treatments after receiving clear information
about their illness.

Patients Rights (continued)

SE Dirjen Yan Med No. YH02.

12. To be accompanied by relatives in critical

13. To conduct their own religious activities as long
as they do not disturb other patients;
14. To be granted security and safety during
15. To put forth suggestions, advice, improvement
about treatments received;
16. To receive and refuse moral or spiritual guidance.

Indonesian Medical Ethics

Article 10

Every doctor has the obligation to respect and protect life.

Article 11
Every doctor has to respect the patients right.
Article 12
Every doctor has to make all efforts their knowledge and skills- in the interest of the
patients. When he has no capabilities, he has consult the patient to other doctors with the
capacity about the illness.
Article 13
Every doctor has to provide the opportunities for the patients to be with their family and
accompanied by their religious advisor.
Article 14
Every doctor has to keep the confidentiality of their patients illness, even after the patient
Article 15
Every doctor has to provide emergency treatments as a humanitarian act except in cases
when he is certain that there are more capable doctors.

Doctors Responsibilities
SE Dirjen Yan Med No. YH02.

To abide by the hospital regulations as dictated by law;

To provide medical services as dictated by the professional
standards and to respect patients rights;
To refer patients to other doctors/hospital with more capabilities;
To provide the opportunities for the patients to be in touch with
the\or family and to make sure that they can perform their
religious practices;
To keep the confidentiality of their patients illness, even after
the patient dies;
To provide emergency treatments as a humanitarian act except
in cases when he is certain that there are more capable doctors;
To give adequate information about the necessary medical
actions and their risks;
To make good medical records of patients;
To get more knowledge and to update their medical science;
10. To abide by agreement/appointment they have made;
11. To mutually collaborate with other related parties in provoding
medical services for patients;
12. To make a written agreement with the hospital.

Patients Rights
UU No.29 Th. 2004

a. To receive complete information about the medical actions to

be performed;
b. To seek for a second opinion from other doctors;
c. To get services based on the medical needs;
d. To refuse medical actions;
e. To get the content of the medical records

Doctors Responsibilities
UU No. 29 Th.




To be granted judicial protection when working in

accordance with the professional standard and
standard operational procedures.
To give medical services in accordance with the
professional standard and standard operational
To receive complete and honest information from
patients and/or their families.
To receive tokens for services.

SE Dirjen Yan Med No. YH02.

1. Memperoleh informasi mengenai tata

2. Pelayanan yang manusiawi, adil dan jujur;
3. Pelayanan medis bermutu sesuai standar
profesi medis tanpa diskriminasi;
4. Asuhan keperawatan sesuai dengan
standar profesi keperawatan;

SE Dirjen Yan Med No. YH02.

5. Memilih dokter dan kelas perawatan

sesuai kemampuan dan peraturan;
6. Dirawat dokter yang bebas menentukan
pendapat klinis dan pendapat etis tanpa
campur tangan pihak luar;
7. Meminta second opinion sepengetahuan
dokter yang merawat;
8. Mendapatkan privacy dan kerahasiaan
penyakit termasuk data medisnya

SE Dirjen Yan Med No. YH02.

9. Mendapat informasi ttg:

penyakit yang diderita

Tindakan medik yang akan dilakukan
kemungkinan penyakit akibat tindakan dan tindakan
alternatif terapi
perkiraan biaya

10. Menyetujui tindakan yang akan dilakukan

11. Menolak tindakan, mengakhiri pengobatan serta
perawatan dengan tanggungjawab sendiri,
setelah mendapat informasi jelas ttg

SE Dirjen Yan Med No. YH02.

12. Didampingi keluarga dlm keadaan kritis;

13. Menjalankan ibadah sesuai agama yg dianutnya,
selama tidak mengganggu pasien lain;
14. Keamanan dan keselamatan selama
15. Mengajukan usul, saran, perbaikan atas perlakuan
thd dirinya;
16. Menerima dan menolak bimbingan moral maupun

Kewajiban Dokter
SE Dirjen Yan Med No. YH02.


Mematuhi peraturan rumah sakit sesuai dengan hubungan hukum;


Memberikan pelayanan medis sesuai standar profesi dan

menghormati hak pasien;


Merujuk pasien ke dokter/rumah sakit lain yang punya

keahlian/kemampuan lebih baik, bila tidak mampu;


Memberi kesempatan kpd pasien agar senantiasa dapat

berhubungan dengan keluarga dan dapat menjalankan ibadah sesuai


Merahasiakan segala sesuatu ttg penderita, juga stlh penderita

meninggal dunia.

Kewajiban Dokter.

SE Dirjen Yan Med No. YH02.


Melakukan pertolongan darurat sebagai tugas perikemanusiaan, kecuali bila yakin ada
orang lain bersedia dan mampu memberikannya;


Memberikan informasi adekwat ttg perlunya tidakan medik beserta resikonya;


Membuat rekam medik yang baik;


Menambah ilmu pengetahuan dan mengikuti perkembangan ilmu kedokteran;


Memenuhi kesepakatan/perjanjian yang telah dibuatnya;

10. Bekerja sama dgn profesi dan pihak lain terkait secara timbal balik dlm memberikan
pelayanan kpd pasien;
11. Mengadakan perjanjian tertulis dengan pihak rumah sakit

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