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10 Keynotes in

STRATA and HADOOP World Conferenc

Key-Note 1

Data & The New Era of Interactive Storytelling

Data is an evolving story. Its not a static snapshot of a point in time insight. With
data from internal and external sources constantly updating, we are evolving from
rear-view mirror dashboard views into an era of interactive Storytelling. Data
Storytelling is both a visual art and a method of interpreting analytic results.


ClearStory Data

Key-Note 2
A Bigger Lens Through which to View the World- the IBM
In a landmark
partnership, IBM and Twitter are combining advances in analytics,

cloud and cognitive computing in a manner that has the potential to transform how
institutions understand customers, markets and trends.

Adam Kocoloski,

Key-Note 3
All You Need is Love. And Money. And Skill. And Location. And
More Money. And Luck. And Data(?)
30% of restaurants fail in the first year, so why would anyone go into the business?
Most restaurateurs will tell you that its an act of love. They love hospitality; they love
sharing great food; they love creating a place where people come together to share
something special. Almost none of them tell you that they go into business based on

Rosie Atkins,

Key-Note 4
Big Data at Netflix: Faster and Easier
The Netflix Data Platform is a constantly evolving, large scale infrastructure running in
the (AWS) cloud. We are especially focused on performance and ease of use, with
initiatives including Presto integration, Spark, and our Big Data Portal and API.

Kurt Brown
Director, Data Platform, N

Key-Note 5
Data (Art &) Science
Data Science can bring scientific rigor to an organizations decisions and processes.
However, empiricism often fails to properly account for social norms, human relationships,
and phenomena that have yet to manifest themselves in data. This is where intuition,
cultural values, gut feel, and judgmentor artstill provide value to decisions.



Key-Note 6

Data Visualizations Decoded

Designing data visualizations presents us with unique and interesting challenges: how to
tell a compelling story; how to deliver important information in a forthright, clear format;
and how to make visualizations beautiful and engaging. In this talk, Julie will share a few
disruptive designs and connect those back to vizipedia, her compiled data visualization

Julie Rodriguez,
Sapient Global Markets

Key-Note 7
Dynamic Events in Massive Data Streams, from
Astrophysics to Marketing Automation
The Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (, the most impressive astronomical sky
survey ever designed, will deliver multi-year temporal coverage of the dynamic
Universe, while generating ~30 TB of imaging data every night for 10 years. The final
astronomical object catalog (database) is expected to be ~20 PB, comprising over 200
attributes for each one of trillions of source observations all available to the public for
exploration, education, and enjoyment.

Kirk Borne
George Mason University

Key-Note 8
From Source to Solution: Building A System for Machine
and Event-Oriented Data
While we frequently talk about how to build interesting products on top of machine and
event data, the reality is that collecting, organizing, providing access to, and managing
this data is where most people get stuck. Many organizations understand the use cases
around their data fraud detection, quality of service and technical operations, user
behavior analysis, for example but are not necessarily data infrastructure experts.

Eric Sammer,
CTO and co-founder of

Key-Note 9

Hadoop's Impact on the Future of Data Management

As Hadoop and the surrounding projects & vendors mature, their impact on the data management sector
is growing. Amr talks about his views on how that impact will change over the next five years.

Amr Awadallah
Cloudera, Inc.


Key-Note 10

and the Role of Open Source in Delivering on the Promise of Big Data
The exponential growth of digitally stored data and the transition of data science from
academia to real world applications hold the promise of improving nearly every aspect
of our lives. Michael Greenes talk will dive beneath the hype of big data and
analytics to reveal what Intel is building with the open source community to ensure
that all developers have the tools needed to change the world with Apache Hadoop
and Apache Spark.

Michael Greene

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