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Cookies and Sessions

Cookies are useful for storing user info that should

be retained from one page to the next. (Overcome
the stateless nature of the web)
Cookies are written to the clients hard drive.

User can disable cookies in the browser

Cookies may be viewed by other users
Can only store 20 cookies; max 4KB.
Some browsers may display incorrectly unless all
options are set in setcookie() (eg expiration time, path)

C:\documents and settings\jceddia\cookies\jceddia@phpbuilder[1].txt

Creating a cookie
Eg, setcookie(fruit,banana,time()+3600);
The cookie is called fruit and has a value of
banana; it will expire 1 hr from now.
Eg. setcookie(username,jceddia,time()

Cookie values are sent as part of the HTTP

headers (transparent to user). No output
should be sent to the browser (echo etc)
until the cookie is set else cookie will not be

Accessing A Cookie
Once created,cookie values are automatically
available to PHP scripts as a variable having
the same name as the cookie.
Eg. echo the current user is $username;

Php associative array $_COOKIE contain

the value of every current cookie
Foreach ($_COOKIE as $name =>$value) echo
<BR>$name => $value;

Cookie examples
// set an individual cookie
$value = 'something from somewhere';
setcookie ("TestCookie", $value);
setcookie ("TestCookie", $value,time()+3600); /* expire
in 1 hour */
setcookie ("TestCookie", $value,time()+3600,
"/~rasmus/", "", 1);
// Print an individual cookie
echo $_COOKIE["TestCookie"];
echo $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS["TestCookie"]; /* old
style */

Deleting a Cookie
Automatically deleted after expiration time
Can manually delete by setting negative

Other cookie options

path=which scripts have access to cookie values?. By
default, any script in the current server directory
downward have access. Parent directory doesnt.

Other cookie options

domain = by default, a cookie is only available to
scripts on the current web server. Specify a domain
name for other servers. NOTE that some browsers
need at least two dots in the domain name
secure = how cookies are sent.
1 = https (secure connection)
0 = http (normal connection) php has Mcrypt

Once login data is captured/validated then want to go to a
new page.
Header(Location: URL);
Or header("Location:filename); if on same server

General technique:

Site start page = login page

Login page validates user and set cookies
Redirect to new page
New page uses cookie data to access DB info

What if user disables cookies? Need to store data
on the server. This is done in session variables.
A session variable is a regular global variable that,
when registered as a session variable, keeps its
value on all pages that use PHP4 sessions.
To register a session variable:
assign a value to a variable that is to become a session
$mysessvar = somevalue

and call

On all subsequent pages that use sessions (by calling

session_start()), the variable mysessvar will have the
value assigned to it.

Session cont.
A visitor accessing your web site is assigned an unique
id, the so-called session id. This is either stored in a
cookie on the user side or is propagated in the URL.
The session support allows you to register arbitrary
numbers of variables to be preserved across requests.
When a visitor accesses your site, PHP will check
automatically (if session.auto_start is set to 1) or on your
request (explicitly through session_start() or implicitly
through session_register()) whether a specific session id
has been sent with the request. If this is the case, the
prior saved environment is recreated.
All registered variables are serialized after the request
finishes. Registered variables which are undefined are
marked as being not defined. On subsequent accesses,
these are not defined by the session module unless the
user defines them later.

The track_vars and register_globals configuration settings

influence how the session variables get stored and restored.
Note: As of PHP 4.0.3, track_vars is always turned on.
Note: As of PHP 4.1.0, $_SESSION is available as global
variable just like $_POST, $_GET, $_REQUEST and so on. Not
like $HTTP_SESSION_VARS, $_SESSION is always global.
Therefore, global should not be used for $_SESSION.
If register_globals is enabled, then all global variables can be
registered as session variables and the session variables will be
restored to corresponding global variables. Since PHP must
know which global variables are registered as session variables,
users must register variables with session_register() function
while $HTTP_SESSION_VARS/$_SESSION do not need to use
See php manual for further explanation of track_vars and

Example 1. Registering a variable with track_vars

if (isset($HTTP_SESSION_VARS['count']))
{ $HTTP_SESSION_VARS['count']++; }
{ $HTTP_SESSION_VARS['count'] = 0;

Use of $_SESSION (or

$HTTP_SESSION_VARS with PHP 4.0.6 or
less) is recommended for security and
code readablity.
Disabling register_globals is recommended
for both security and performance reason.


there is no need to use session_register() or
session_unregister() or session_is_registered()
functions. Users can access session variables like a
normal variables.
Example 2. Registering a variable with $_SESSION.
<?php // Use $HTTP_SESSION_VARS with PHP 4.0.6 or less
if (!isset($_SESSION['count']))
{ $_SESSION['count'] = 0; }
else { $_SESSION['count']++;
} ?>

Example 3. Unregistering a variable with

// Use $HTTP_SESSION_VARS with PHP 4.0.6 or less


Session Ids.
There are two methods to propagate a session id:
URL parameter
The session module supports both methods. Cookies
are optimal, but since they are not reliable (clients are
not bound to accept them), we cannot rely on them. The
second method embeds the session id directly into
PHP is capable of doing this transparently when
compiled with --enable-trans-sid. If you enable this
option, relative URIs will be changed to contain the
session id automatically. Alternatively, you can use the
constant SID which is defined, if the client did not send
the appropriate cookie. SID is either of the form
session_name=session_id or is an empty string.

The following example demonstrates how to register a
variable, and how to link correctly to another page using
Example 5. Counting the number of hits of a single user
if (!session_is_registered('count')) {
$count = 1;
else {
Hello visitor, you have seen this page <?php echo $count; ?>

Sids cont.
# the <?php echo SID?> (<?=SID?> can be used if
short tag is enabled)
# is necessary to preserve the session id
# in the case that the user has disabled cookies
To continue, <A HREF="nextpage.php?<?php echo SID?>">click

The <?=SID?> is not necessary, if --enable-transsid was used to compile PHP.

Non-relative URLs are assumed to point to external
sites and hence don't append the SID, as it
would be a security risk to leak the SID to a
different server.

Session functions

session_start -- Initialize session data

session_destroy -- Destroys all data registered to a session
session_name -- Get and/or set the current session name
session_module_name -- Get and/or set the current session module
session_save_path -- Get and/or set the current session save path

session_id -- Get and/or set the current session id

session_register -- Register one or more variables with the current session
session_unregister -- Unregister a variable from the current session
session_unset -- Free all session variables
session_is_registered -- Find out if a variable is registered in a session
session_get_cookie_params -- Get the session cookie parameters
session_set_cookie_params -- Set the session cookie parameters
session_decode -- Decodes session data from a string
session_encode -- Encodes the current session data as a string
session_set_save_handler -- Sets user-level session storage functions
session_cache_limiter -- Get and/or set the current cache limiter
session_cache_expire -- Return current cache expire
session_write_close -- Write session data and end session

All pages that uses PHP4 sessions must call
the function session_start() to tell the PHP4
engine to load session related information
into memory. The session_start() function
tries to find the session id in the cookie field
or the request parameters for the current
HTTP request. If it cannot find the session
id, a new session is created.

The first example (page1.php):
$my_session_variable = "some value";
//may also use $_SESSION[my_session_var'] =

What this does is that it registers the variable

my_session_variable as a session variable. This means
that the variable will be alive (keep it's value) across
page-accesses, as long as you call the session_start()
function on all pages that need access to the
my_session_variable variable.

Example 2 (page2.php):
print "Value of 'my_session_variable':

Using session variables for authentication in conjunction with a database

. Create a login-page gives the user a userid and password form and
posts to another PHP page (this example uses mysql):
if ($userid && $password) {
$res = mysql_query("SELECT userid FROM users WHERE userid='$userid' AND
if(mysql_num_rows($res) != 0) {
$verified_user = $userid;
Header("Location: your_main_page.php");
Now, on 'your_main_page.php', you call session_start() and then you
can check the verified_user variable to see if the user has been
authenticated (and who he is). Other uses for session variables, easing
database load by caching certain values in the session rather than
reading them from the database on each page access.

Example 2 register user

Any variable that you manipulate in a function must be
declared global if you want to store it in the session, and
any session variable that you need access to must be
declared global. For example,
function confirmUserLogin ($postLoginUrl) // Function to check login
{ // To get access to this session var, I must declare it global.
global $session_userID;
if (!IsSet($session_userID)) {
// To set this session var, I must declare it global.
global $session_post_login_page;
$session_post_login_page = $postLoginUrl;

Destroying a session - $_SESSION

// Initialize the session.
// Unset all of the session variables.
$_SESSION = array();
// Finally, destroy the session.
**See example by Christopher Fryer.

Templates allow the separation of php code
from html
Useful on large sites where graphic designers
manipulate html and php programmers write
<TITLE> Sample Template</TITLE></HEAD>
The answer to todays question is {ANSWER}.

{ANSWER} is a template variable which is

evaluated when the page is fetched

To Use Templates - do

Create a template file

Create a php script that fills in the
template by
1. Instantiate a template object (
2. Associate a template variable with the
template file (.tpl extension)
3. Assign values to template variables (
4. Parse the template variable associated with
the template file
5. Print the value of the template containing the

Template Example.
Assume that there is a template in the
/home/mydir/mytemplates/ named MyTemplate.tpl
that has some text that reads something like this:
Congratulations! You won a new {some_color} Book!
"{some_color}" has curly braces around it. The curly
braces indicate that some_color is a template variable.
A PHP script that will load the template, insert the
value of the PHP variable $my_color where the
{some_color} template variable tag is, and then
output the new text. If $my_color happens to be set to
"blue", the final output should look like:
Congratulations! You won a new blue Book!

Template Example cont.

include "";
$my_color = "blue"; // we'll use this later
$t = new Template("/home/mydir/mytemplates/");
// create a template object named $t
// set MyFileHandle = our template file
// set template variable some_color = $my_color value
// set template variable MyOutput = parsed file
$t->p("MyOutput"); // output the value of MyOutput (our
parsed data)

Template Example cont.

NOTE: The path
("/home/mydir/mytemplates/") in the
Template constructor call sets the root path
where your templates are located, but if you
leave it out it defaults to the same directory
as your PHP script.
Nothing is output to the web server until
p("MyOutput") is called, which outputs the
final parsed text.

Nested Templates
A feature of the parse() function is that the MyOutput
handle that it created is actually a template variable, just as
{some_color} is a template variable. So if you have
another template with a {MyOutput} tag, when you parse
that second template, all of the {MyOutput} tags will be
replaced with the parsed text from MyOutput. This lets you
embed the text of one template file into another template.
So, we could have another template called wholePage.tpl
that contains the text:
Sorry you didn't win. But if you had won, we would have told you:

And after wholePage.tpl is parsed, the final output would

Sorry you didn't win. But if you had won, we would have told you:
Congratulations! You won a new blue Book!

Nested template example

$t = new Template("/home/mydir/mytemplates/");
// These three lines are the same as the first example:
// (Note that we don't call p()
//here, so nothing gets output yet.)
// Now parse a second template:
// wholePage.ihtml has "{MyOutput}" in it
// All {MyOutput}'s get replaced
// output the value of MyFinalOutput

Template Array parameters

parse() and p() can be combined using the shorter function
pparse() replacing the last two lines with
<?php pparse("MyFinalOutput","SecondHandle"); ?>

The functions set_file() and set_var() can also accept

multiple sets of values at a time by passing an array of
handle/value pairs. Here are examples:
"pageOneHandle" => "pageone.tpl",
"pageTwoHandle" => "pagetwo.tpl"));
"last_name" => "Gates",
"first_name" => "Bill",
"net_worth" => $reallybignumber));

Appending Template Text

A third parameter that you can pass to parse() and
pparse() if you want to append data to the template
variable rather than overwrite it. Simply call
parse() or pparse() with the third parameter as
true, such as
<?php $t->parse("MyOutput","MyFileHandle", true); ?>
If MyOutput already contains data, MyFileHandle
will be parsed and appended onto the existing data
in MyOutput. This technique is useful if you have
a template where you want the same text to be
repeated multiple times, such as listing multiple
rows of results from a database query.

$t = new Template("/home/mydir/mytemplates/");
"mainpage" => "mainpage.tpl",
"each_element" => "each_element.tpl"));
while (list($elementName, $elementValue) = each($myArray)) {
// Set 'value' and 'name' to each element's value and name:
// Append copies of each_element:

Example cont.
This example uses two templates, mainpage.tpl and each_element.tpl.
The mainpage.tpl template could look something like this:
Here is the array:
The {array_elements} tag above will be replaced with copies of
each_element.tpl, which is repeated for each element of the array
($myArray). The
each_element.tpl template might look like this:
<TR> <TD>{name}: {value}</TD> </TR>
The result is a formatted table of the elements of $myArray.

Constructing a complete web site

A typical web page includes elements such as:

Headers : appear at the top of the page

Navigation bar : below the header or on LHS of page
Content : in the center of the page
Footers : at the bottom of the page

For consistency across the whole site it is usual to

create a template that describes each element and
an additional template file describing the way
these elements are combined.

Example - Std.tpl

<TD COLSPAN="2" ALIGN="LEFT">{header}</TD>
<TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT">{leftnav}</TD>
<TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT">{content}</TD>

Example - header.tpl
<FONT SIZE="6"><B>The Generic Web Site

Example - leftnav.tpl
<A HREF="index.php"><BR>Home<BR><BR>
<A HREF="function1.php">Function 1<BR><BR>
<A HREF="function2.php">Function 2<BR><BR>
<A HREF="logout.php"><BR>Logout<BR>

Example - index.tpl
<FONT SIZE="7">Welcome to the <BR>{title}!</FONT>
This is where you'll find information about absolutely nothing.
We're so sure you won't find anything of interest here, we'll
pay you if you can show us we're wrong.

Example - index.php

include '';
$tpl = new Template('.');
//assume the templates are in the current directory
$tpl->set_file(array('std' =>'std.tpl',
'header' =>'header.tpl',
$tpl->set_var('title', 'Generic Web Site');
$tpl->parse('header', 'header');
$tpl->parse('leftnav', 'leftnav');
$tpl->parse('content', 'content');
$tpl->parse('DUMMY', 'std');

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