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Piped water supplies are ordinarily used for

1. Potable water for homes, schools, industries, etc.
2. Fire fighting
3. Nonagricultural irrigation (lawns and gardens)

Water intended for human consumption must meet extensive
physical, chemical, and biological standards for quality and
reliability. These standards include colour, taste, and transparency
as well as freedom from bacteria and chemicals related to human or
industrial wastes. Specific water quality standards are published in
the United States by individual state and federal agencies, but there
are variations between states and counties and these standards do
change with time. Some existing public water supplies do not meet
all the standards to which they are subject because
(1) most of these standards are very conservative and
(2) some are not related to public health or safety but rather to
aesthetic qualities of water (e.g., the ease of use in washing

The amount of water used in various parts of theworld varies
with regional legal, and political traditions. For instance, in the
north eastern United States the average water use is about75
gal (285 L) per capita per day in rural areas, and 150gal (570
L) per capita per day in metropolitan areas. This is a region
(1)where the English common-law tradition limits the right to
water D. to non-consumptive uses (use and return to stream),
(2) where little water is used for irrigation, and
(3)where water supply systems are funded entirely with local
fees and taxes. In metropolitan areas of the southwest, where
the Spanish law tradition grants preemptive rights to water on
a first come-first-established basis, average (publicly supplied)
water use is about 350 gal (1325L) per capita per day.

Tables 710-1 and 710-2 illustrate the specific water requirements for various
land uses and the rates of flow for various plumbing fixtures.


Elevated tanks linked to the water supply system, or
surface water impoundments may be used as fire
fighting reserves for large building complexes or dense
Fire hydrants should be laid out so that at least two
are within 150 to 180 m (500to 600ft) of every
building, with a larger number within that distance of
any major building or congested area.
The peak rate of flow in suburban neighbourhoods on
hot summer days can substantially reduce the ability
of the system to deliver water required for fire fighting.
Nonessential water use may need to be restricted.

Sources of potable water for any building project include: (1) public water supply
systems, (2) on-site wells of various kinds, and (3) surface reservoirs and ponds.
Selection of the source depends on location and project size.
1. In general, public water sources, where available, will be the least costly and
complex, and their use will often be mandated by local officials.
2. Low yield wells are feasible for on-site use in most regions where rainfall amounts
exceed evapotranspiration. Consult local officials or well contractors for specific
information on the feasibility and cost of these wells for a particular site.
3. Cisterns may be used to capture run off from a controlled surface in areas where
sufficient rainfall is available throughout the year. Water must be filtered and
disinfected prior to human consumption.
4. Surface catchments may be possible if run off from a large enough area can be
intercepted and impounded on site. The drainage area should be clean and free of
all livestock uses or other resources of pollution. Water must be filtered and
disinfected prior to human consumption.
5. For larger projects, a larger well or surface reservoir may be required. The design
of either system will require specialized engineering and/or hydro geologic

The development of high-yield wells can lower water tables significantly and draw water from
considerable distances. The planning of a high-yield well should include consideration of the
following development constraints:
Wells in seacoast environments must maintain adequate water table levels. If the water table
falls to mean sea level, brackish water enters the well, and ruins it for water supply purposes.
In areas where wells are adjacent to organic deposits, withdraw of significant volumes may
increase the iron and/or manganese content of the well, ruining it for water supply purposes.
Resting the well, will often correct the problem.
Contamination from wastewater is a concern in areas with old or failing cesspools, leaching
fields, etc. No well should be developed in areas where the its cone of depression would
include any significant number of old buildings, unless site analyses demonstrate that no
contamination problem exists.
The denser the development, the higher the concentration of nitrates from on-site wastewater
disposal which may pollute groundwater. Acceptable densities are a function of rainfall
amounts, soil permeability and infiltration rates.
Active or vacant Industrial sites, including processing, chemical storage, shipping, or waste
disposal, should not be included in the recharge cone of any potable well, unless site analyses
demonstrate that no contamination problem exists.

Design o f water supply reservoirs is dependent on water needs, watershed
characteristics, and site topography. The following factors should be considered.
1. The most cost-effective use of a stream for a water supply reservoir is likely to be
achieved with an amount of storage equal to 1 year's average annual runoff.
2. Any pond large enough to contain at least 1 year's flow-through is likely to be
adequately deep. In general however, the deeper the pond, the clearer the water.
3. Watershed characteristics for potable water reservoirs include: (1) freedom from
past industrial and waste disposal uses, (2) freedom from geologic sources of
phosphorus, and (3) freedom from urbanization-related sources of phosphorus.
4. Surface water will generally require some form of treatment under state law.
Treatment is likely to include filtration and disinfection.
5. The reservoir bottom should be stripped of all debris, organic deposits, and
topsoil, unless water supplies are not needed for immediate use.
6. The services of a geotechnical engineer, sanitary engineers, and hydrologists
should be retained for the design of reservoirs and the testing of water supplies.

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