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Gejala Klinis
Dimulai dengan makula dan papul
eritematosa, ukuran lentikular numular,
menyebar secara sentrifugal.
Gambaran klasik: plak eritematosa diliputi
skuama putih disertai titik perdarahan.
Dapat menyerang kulit, kuku, mukosa, sendi,
tetapi tidak mengganggu rambut
Terdapat fenomena Koebner, lidah geografik

1. Psoriasis Plakat
Lesi : dimulai dgn makula eritematosa atau papul
melebar ke arah pinggir
Lingkaran putih pucat mengelilingi lesi woronoffs
Bentuk lesi bervariasi, antara lain: kurva linear, mirip
cincin, dan papul berskuama pada folikel
Disjumpai di scalp, siku, lutut, punggung, lumbal, dan
Keluhan: gatal, rasa terbakar/nyeri terutam bila kulit
kepala terserang

2. Psoriasis inversa
Lesi : tampak lembab dan eritematosa
Terdapat di daerah intertriginosa, aksila, fosa
antecubital, poplitea, lipat inguinal, nframamae dan
Bentuk lesi: tidak berskuama, merah merona,
mengkilap, berbatas tegas

Background from case in this journal is a risk factor from
patient. It is factor genetic (father was bald) and habits
(vegetarian for 20 years). Hair loss, or alopecia, is a very
common presenting symptom. More than one third of
women have clinically significant hair loss during their
lifetime. Hair loss may be the first clinical sign of systemic

Hair biology

Cause of hair loss

Hair loss can happen in central portion, lateral portin, or frontal portion
of the scalp.
Hair loss categories scarring can be caused :
a)hiperandrogen (hirsutism or menstrual disturbances) more of male
b)Effluvium telogen numbers of anagen hairs to telogen hairs on the
scalp 70 : 30. Hair loss > 300/day
c)After a major illness or other stress (e.g., surgery, parturition, rapid
weight loss, nutritional deficiency, high fever, or hemorrhage) or
hormonal derangement ( thyroid dysfunction)
d)Effluvium Anagen agent kemoteraphy

Cause of hair loss

Hair loss categories non scarring can be caused:
A less frequent cause of nonscarring alopecia is alopecia
The cause is unknown
But it is thought to be autoimmune, compulsive hair pulling
(trichotillomania), severe bacterial infections, tinea capitis, and,
in rare cases, abnormalities causing fragility or breakage of
irregularly shaped hair.

How to diagnosis ?
Patients should be asked about hair-care practices that may
damage hair (e.g., braiding that causes traction alopecia),
as well as about the loss of eyelashes, eyebrows, and
axillary, pubic, or body hair, since any hair-bearing area can
be affected by alopecia areata or trichotillomania. A history
of illness, childbirth, surgery, psychosocial stress, or a new
medication predating the onset of hair loss by 1 to 3
months suggests telogen effluvium. Acne, irregular
menstrual cycles, or hirsutism may indicate androgen
excess contributing to female-pattern hair loss.

Minoxidil solution
Antiandrogen therapies
Hair transplantation

The author would initiate treatment with topical 5% minoxidil
solution twice daily, with the plan to continue this treatment
indefinitely if there is evidence of efficacy within 1 year. If the results
are unsatisfactory, hair transplantation might be considered, if this
procedure is available and affordable to the patient and if the hair in
the donor area has sufficient density. The author would carefully
review the patients expectations regarding therapy, with attention to
the magnitude of improvement that can be realistically anticipated.
Results of treatment are usually seen in 6 months to 1 year.

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