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Week 12:

Emotional Intelligence and

Educational Leadership
Dr. Ismail Hussein Amzat

Emotional Intelligence
Goleman [2001], emotional intelligence (EI), refers to the
abilities to recognize and regulate emotions in
Salovey and Mayer [1990], understand EI as the ability to
monitor ONEs OWN and OTHERS emotions, to
discriminate between them, and to use the information to
guide ones thinking and actions.
Mayer, Salovey and Caruso, defined EI as:
the ability to perceive emotions, to access and generate
emotions so as to assist thought, to understand emotions and
emotional knowledge, and to reflectively regulate emotions so
as to promote emotional and intellectual growth

Emotional Intelligence
Bar-On describes EI as an array of non-cognitive capabilities,
competencies, and skills that influence ones ability to succeed
in coping with environmental demand and pressures.
In business sector, IQ is important because all organizations
need people who are able to develop the right products and
However, IQ is not enough because research shows that, IQ
does not guarantee success for individuals and that those who
combine high IQ and high Emotional Intelligence are the most
likely to succeed.
There is a limit to what organizations can achieve without
emotionally intelligence behavior from all their people.

Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence is the skill of:

effectively managing emotions like anger,

1. Feel Emotions Feeling

Feeling afraid is the first step in the baby trying to meet

its survival needs. If it does not feel afraid, it won't take
the steps needed to ensure its own safety and survival.

2. Use Emotions

A frightened baby uses its fear to take needed action.

3. Communicate Emotions

This action is typically crying, or screaming when very,

very afraid. A more emotionally intelligent baby will do
a better job of communicating its fear, and thus will
have a higher chance of survival.

4. Recognize Emotions

A baby with high emotional intelligence will quickly

learn to recognize when the mother or father is angry.

5. Remember Emotions
The highly emotionally intelligent baby will remember
the details of how the mother and father look when
they are angry, how their voices sound and what
movements they make.

6. Learn from Emotions

The highly emotionally intelligent baby will quickly learn
when it does something which angers the parent.

7. Manage Emotions

A baby with high EI will more quickly learn to

manage its own emotions so as not to anger the
parents. For
example, it will learn not to cry, even
though crying is natural, if crying angers the

Communication Effectiveness & EQ

Communication plays an important role in the management of
professional organizations and their achievement of success.
Communication effectiveness has long been held to be a
success factor for managers.
Results of studies on EI indicated that emotional intelligence
played a pivotal role in human communication.
The need to establish the relationship between EQ and
effective communication was recognized.
This relationship was further emphasized by many EQ
theorists who asserted that managers who are emotionally
Intelligent communicate well with people.

Communication Effectiveness & EQ

EI is necessary for building trust, creating a sense of
identity and efficacy, solving problems with others,
cooperating, and participating productively in a group.
In a simple way, EI determines your self-awareness and
your people skills.
When emotionally intelligent people work together,
they have the ability to sweep aside minor conflicts in
order to focus on the team's interests and overcome
any disagreements that may arise.
People who have high EI perform better and experience
more job satisfaction than those with lower EI.

Communication Effectiveness & EQ

According to Campbell communicative effectiveness is deliberate
behavior aimed at expanding the result of an interpersonal meeting.
A high level of communication effectiveness leads to a high degree of
similarities of understandings between the sender and the receiver.
In this case, the communication effectiveness of the group managers
has positive correlation with maximizing understanding or minimizing
misunderstanding of group workers with strategic alignment.
Your team members might be more open to developing their EI if you
communicate the benefits that they can expect.
Communication skills is an essential skills for leaders who need to
communication goals and objectives to subordinates on an ongoing
People with high EI typically have excellent communication skills.

Communication Effectiveness & EQ

Emotional Intelligence in Human Development

According to the surveys conducted by the Ministry of
Justice and Japan Federation of Bar Associations, it is
suggested that there is relevance between juvenile
crimes and abuse in childhood.
A research studied by the National Institute for
Educational Policy
Research in Japan also cited
inappropriate nurturing attitudes of parents at home
as the most commonly observed problem in early
developmental histories of children who easily lose
control of themselves and suddenly become violent.
In addition, it is well known that abusive parents were
likely abused children themselves in their childhood.

Multiple forms of intelligence

(Howard Gardner)
1. Naturalist Intelligence (Nature Smart)
Designates the human ability to discriminate among living things
(plants, animals) as well as sensitivity to other features of the natural
world (clouds, rock configurations).
2. Musical Intelligence (Musical Smart)
.People who have strong musical intelligence are good and thinking in
patterns, rhythms and sounds.
.They have a strong appreciation for music and are often good at
musical composition and performance.
3. Logical-Mathematical Intelligence (Number/Reasoning Smart)
.Logical-mathematical intelligence is the ability to calculate, quantify,
consider propositions and hypotheses, and carry out complete
mathematical operations.
.Logical intelligence is usually well developed in mathematicians,
scientists, and detectives.

Multiple forms of intelligence

4. Existential Intelligence
Sensitivity and capacity to tackle deep questions about
human existence, such as the meaning of life, why do we
die, and how did we get here.
It is the ability to understand religious and spiritual ideals.
They have a strong understanding of things that are not
visual to the eye but through faith and belief.
5. Interpersonal Intelligence (People Smart)
Interpersonal intelligence is the ability to understand and
interact effectively with others.
It involves effective
verbal and nonverbal communication.
Young adults with this kind of intelligence are leaders
among their peers, are good at communicating, and seem
to understand others feelings and motives.

Multiple forms of intelligence

6. Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence (Body Smart)
it's the capability to use your whole body or parts of
your body to solve a problem or make something.
People who are examples are athletes, dancing or
7. Linguistic Intelligence (Word Smart)
Linguistic intelligence is the ability to think in words
and to use language to express and appreciate
complex meanings.
Linguistic intelligence is the most widely shared
human competence and is evident in poets,
novelists, journalists, and effective public speakers.
Young adults with this kind of intelligence enjoy

Multiple forms of intelligence

8. Intra-personal Intelligence (Self Smart)
Intra-personal intelligence is the capacity to understand oneself
and ones thoughts and feelings, and to use such knowledge in
planning and directioning ones life.
It is evident in psychologist, spiritual leaders, and philosophers.
They have high self-esteem, self-confidence and are perfectionists.
They tend to learn from their own mistakes and successes.
They are usually introverted and play on their own.
They do not seek the approval of their peers nor their
9. Spatial Intelligence (Picture Smart)
Spatial intelligence is the ability to think in three dimensions.
Core capacities include mental imagery, spatial reasoning, image
manipulation, graphic and artistic skills, and an active imagination.
Sailors, pilots, sculptors, painters, and architects all exhibit spatial


The Competencies of Emotional Intelligence

Dr. Ismail Hussein Amzat

Why EQ & IQ?

Emotional Understanding
Which of the following faces is
expressing happiness, surprise,
anger, sadness?

Four Basic Components of EI or


Self awareness

Self management

Social awareness


Emotional Self-Awareness
Self Awareness is about knowing ones internal states,
preferences, resources, and intuitions.
It is about having the skill to focus your attention on your
emotional state, being aware, in-the-moment, of what
you're feeling.

Competencies that determine
Manage Ourselves.

How We

It is about asking yourself: Are you happy,

excited, worried, or angry?
After knowing your emotional state, you
should know: what should (or shouldn't) you
do or say next?

Emotional Self-Awareness
This information will help you to make effective
decisions to achieve better outcomes for yourself
and others.
This competency is important in the workplace
for the following reasons.
Accurate self-assessment

These emotional intelligence skills create a

decision path to determine who is the most
appropriate person or group to make the best
decision in any given circumstance.
Without emotional intelligence, decision makers
fail the first and most important decision, which is
who is the best decision-maker for this

Self-Awareness: Self-Motivation
Aligning with the goals of the group or organization. People with this
Readily make personal or group sacrifices to meet a larger
organizational goal
Use the group as core values in making decisions and clarifying
Actively seek out opportunities to fulfill the group is mission

Readiness to act on opportunities. People with this competence:
Are ready to seize opportunities
Pursue goals beyond what is required or expected of them
Bend the rules when necessary to get the job done
Mobilize others through unusual, enterprising efforts

Persistence in pursuing goals despite obstacles and setbacks. People with
this competence:
Persist in seeking goals despite obstacles and setbacks
Operate from hope of success rather than fear of failure

Social Competencies
It is competencies that determine How We Handle
Our awareness of others feelings, needs, and
Empathizing accurately with other peoples emotions
(using active listening).
Empathy is a people skill.
People who are empathetic and compassionate are
able to read social signals that reveal what other
people want or need.
This competency is important in the workplace for the
following reasons.
Understanding others
Customer service orientation
People development

Emotional Self-management (Self


Managing ones internal states, impulses, and resources.

It is about having the skill to be able to choose the emotions
you want to experience, rather than being the victim of
whatever emotions occur by letting people dictate for you.
It is about possessing the ability to manage your emotional
It provides skill to choose the emotions you want by helping to
transform negative emotional states into positive productive
It is about controlling yourself and suspending the judgment to
think before acting.
This competency is important in the workplace for the
following reasons:

Relationship Management
The ability to use awareness of one's own emotions
and the emotions of others to manage interactions
This includes clear communication and effectiveness in
handling conflict.
cooperation, and articulation the needs of a group.
Resist saying something that publicly embarrasses
someone else.

Relationship Management

Inspirational Leadership:
guiding individuals and groups



development needs and strengthening their





Change Agent: Initiating or managing change



Teamwork & Collaboration: Working with

others toward shared goals.

Why do people with high

IQs not always succeed?

Difference between EQ & IQ

Intelligence Quotient (IQ)
Is a value used to measure intelligence.
Emotional Quotient (EQ)
Is used to measure how a person processes
IQ is based on a student's level of knowledge.

EQ is the level of a student's ability to

emotionally judge situations and/or fit into
groups by managing their personal

Difference between EQ & IQ

By UnitedHealthCare

Could a greater
miracle take place
than for us to look
through each other's
eyes for an instant?
- Henry David

If your emotional abilities

aren't in hand, if you don't
have self-awareness, if
you are not able to
manage your distressing
emotions, if you can't
have empathy and have
effective relationships,
then no matter how smart
you are, you are not going
to get very far.

- Daniel Goleman

You know, there's a lot of talk in this

country about the federal deficit. But I
think we should talk more about our
empathy deficit -- the ability to put
ourselves in someone else's shoes; to
see the world through the eyes of those
who are different from us -- the child
who's hungry, the steelworker who's
been laid-off, the family who lost the
entire life they built together when the
storm came to town. When you think
like this -- when you choose to broaden
your ambit of concern and empathize
with the plight of others, whether they
are close friends or distant strangers -it becomes harder not to act; harder not
to help.


Being intelligent about emotions means that we can perceive and
use emotions to create optimal relationships and produce desired
Unmet emotional needs cause the majority of problems at

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