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S1 Farmasi UNG Mei 2012

Definisi, cara penggunaan, cara

pembuatan serta keuntungan dan
kerugian supositoria

In writings of early Egyptians, Greeks
and Romans.
Hippocrates : administration to very
young and very old

RPS : solid dosage forms of various weights
and shapes, usually medicated, for insertion
into the rectum, vagina or the urethra.
DOM : solid dosage forms intended for
administration via any several body orifices,
namely rectum, the vagina, or the urethra.
Scoville : conveniently shaped medicated
solids intended for insertion into one of the
body orifices other than the oral cavity/the
agents for use in the rectum, vagina, or


FI ed.IV : sediaan padat dalam berbagai

bobot dan bentuk, yang diberikan
melalui rektum, vagina, atau uretra;
umumnya meleleh, melunak, atau
melarut pada suhu tubuh


S. used not for only for their local

action but also as a means of
administering drug to produce a
systemic effect.

Local action
Hemorrhoids and pruritus ani :
anestetic action, astringent effect,
soothing properties
Vaginal suppositories of endocrine
drugs : treatment of vulvar n vaginal
conditions, vaginitis

Systemic action


1. S.rektal, berbentuk peluru, tapered at one

or both ends, digunakan lewat rektum atau
Bobot : 2-3 g (FI III), 2 g (FI IV)
(+) torpedo : once it has been inserted,
rectal contractions cause it move forward,
obviating the possibility of expulsion

Macam Suppositoria
2. S.vaginal(ovula, pessary), berbentuk
bola lonjong spt kerucut, digunakan lwt
vagina, 3-5 g, FI III 3-6 g, umumnya 5 g.
larger than rectal s.,wedge shaped,
globular, oviform, or rod-shape

Macam Suppositoria
3. S.uretra (bacilla, bougies) digunakan
lwt uretra, bentuk panjang, 7-14 cm.
RPS : d:5mm, length 50 mm(f) 125
2 g (f), 4 g (m)
Long, thin, pencil-shaped and pointed
at one end to vacilitate insertion.

Keuntungan Suppositoria
1. Menghindari iritasi pd lambung
2. Menghindari kerusakan obat oleh enzim
pencernaan dan asam lambung
3. Rapidly pass directly into the venous
4. Drug cannot be tolerated by mouth,
either because the patient becomes
nauseated or vomits, or where, for some
other reason, oral is contraindicated.
5. Sustained action over a long period of
time is indicated

Tujuan Penggunaan Obat

Bentuk Supositoria
1. Dipakai u pengobatan lokal, baik di
dalam rektum, vagina, atau uretra, spt
pd penyakit haemorroid/wasir/ambeien,
atau infeksi lain.
2. Distribusi sistemik, krn dpt diserap oleh
membran mukosa dlm rektum.
3. Jika used oral tidak mungkin
4. Aksi kerja awal akan cepat diperoleh
5. Agar terhindar dari kerusakan

Faktor yg mempengaruhi
absorpsi obat per rektal
Faktor fisiologis
The rectum is about
150 mm in length,
small amount of
fluid of low buffering
capacity. Rectal
epithelium is lipoidal

Rectal Suppositories

Rectal Suppositories
1. Wash your hand thoroughly with a soap and water
2. If the suppository is soft, hold it under cool water
to harden it before removing the wrapper.
3. Remove the wrapper, if present.
4. If you were told to take half of a suppository, cut it
lengthwise with a clean, single-edge razor blade.
5. Put on a finger cot or disposable glove, if desired
6. Lubricate the suppository tip with a water-soluble
lubricant such as K-Y Jelly, not petroleum jelly
(vaseline). If you do not have this lubricant,
moisten your rectal area with cool tap water.

Rectal Suppositories
7. Lie on your side with your lower leg straightened
out and your upper leg bent forward toward your
8. Lift upper buttock to expose the rectal area.
9. Insert the suppository, pointed end first, with your
finger until it passes the muskular sphincter of the
rectum, about to 1 inch in infants and 1 inch in
adults. If not inserted pst this sphincter, the
suppository may pop out.
10. Hold buttocks together for a few seconds
11.Remain lying down for about 15 minutes to avoid
having the suppository come out.
12.Discard used materials and wash your hands

1. Rolled (hand-shaping)
2. Molding (fusion)
3. Cold compression

Mencetak dengan tangan (Rolled/Hand

Yaitu dengan cara menggulung basis
suppositoria yang telah dicampur homogen
dan mengandung zat aktif, menjadi bentuk
yang dikehendaki. Mula-mula basis diiris,
kemudian diaduk dengan bahn-bahan aktif
dengan menggunakan lumping dan mortar,
sampai diperoleh massa akhir yang homogen
dan mudah dibentuk. Kemudian massa
digulung menjadi suatu batang silinder
dengan garis tengah dan panjang yang
dikehendaki. Amilum atau talk dapat

Mencetak kompressi-Compressionmolded (fused)

Hal ini dilakukan dengan mengempa
parutan massa dingin menjadi suatu
bentuk yang dikehendaki. Suatu roda
tangan berputar menekan suatu piston
pada massa suppositoria yang diisikan
dalam sulinder, sehingga massa
terdorong kedalam cetakan.





Pertama-tama bahan basis dilelehkan, sebaiknya
diatas penangas air atau penangas uap untuk
menghindari pemanasan setempat yang
berlebihan, kemudian bahan-bahan aktif
diemulsikan atau disuspensikan kedalamnya.
Akhirnya massa dituang kedalam cetakan logam
yang telah didinginkan, yang umumnya dilapisi
krom atau nikel

si h


DOM, 834
Scoville, 367
RPS, 1609

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