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First there was wood,

then coal, followed by
And now, free energy
from the earth itself to
heat and cool your home

The old method of Residential

Heating and Cooling
Most homes have a separate heating system
which burns expensive oil or gas in a furnace.

Residential Heating and Cooling

The furnace heats air and sends it through the
home via air ducts to each room.

Some homes use boilers to send hot water to


A lot of money goes up

the chimney
Unfortunately, especially with
furnaces and boilers built before
2000, much of the heat goes up
the chimney instead of heating
your home.

Poor efficiency = Wasted money

In fact, according to Consumer Reports,

most gas furnaces built in the 70s had an

Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency around 65%.
And most oil burners were even worse.

Fossil fuels seem more expensive

every day
As energy costs have gone up, the industry

has been trying to find ways to keep your

home comfortable for less cost.

Free energy from the earth

Instead of burning fossil fuels, some
companies have solved the problem by taking
free energy from the ground to keep you

The process is called GEOTHERMAL heating and


Heat Pumps
The heart of a geothermal system
is the HEAT PUMP which replaces
all the components of your old
heating and central air conditioning
We recommend Next Energy
geothermal heat pump systems

Free energy from the earth

Free energy (temperature) from the earth is
brought to
a Heat Pump and used to warm and cool your
home completely replacing the expensive oil or
gas you currently use.



Free energy from the earth

A couple feet down, the ground stays approximately

55 degrees all year long. And 55 degrees is warm in
the Winter and cool in the Summer.
It is that temperature differential which makes a
heat pump work.

Geothermal Energy Efficiency

With geothermal, you only pay for roughly 25% of your homes
heating and cooling costs, the rest comes FREE from your backyard

Heat Pump Efficiency

A conventional furnace is rated on how efficiently it uses fuel.
Furnaces from the 70s were typically around 65% efficient. An
average furnace today is 80% while a high efficiency unit may be
90% efficient.
That means for every
of heat.

$1 of fuel you put in, you get 80 or 90 cents

Heat Pumps are measured in COP Coefficient Of Performance

which is a measure of how many BTUs of heat are generated from
the electric energy used.
A Next Energy Heat Pump, connected to a geothermal field, can
offer a minimum COP of 4.0 which translates to 400% efficiency.
Because you use free energy from the earth, that means for every

$1 of fuel (electricity) you use, you get $4.00 worth of heat.

Heat Pump Efficiency

SEER stands for Seasonal Energy Efficiency
Rating , it is used to describe the energy
efficiency of air conditioners by blending the
BTU output of the air conditioner with the cost
of energy used per hour.

Average SEER ratings for air conditioners from the 70s

would have been 6 8.
Efficiency ratings today start at the Federal minimum of 13
with mid range units at 14.5 to 17 SEER .
Some high efficiency air conditioners offer 23 SEER ratings.
Unfortunately, as the weather gets hotter, conventional A/C
efficiency can decrease by over 20% in efficiency!
Next Energy Geothermal systems range from 25 - 40
SEER ratings and their efficiency remains stable, even on
the hottest days!

Free Central Air Conditioning

In addition to saying Good Bye to your oil
man, another big benefit is that while you are
purchasing an extremely efficient heating
system for your home you are also getting a
properly sized central air conditioning system,
virtually for free!

Free Central Air Conditioning with a

Geothermal Heat Pump System
Because a heat pump uses refrigerant to change the
temperature of the air just like the refrigerant in your
refrigerator which is actually a heat pump operating in
the cooling mode.

All you feel is comfort

So, go ahead, set the thermostat to be

No more wearing sweaters in the Winter because

it is too expensive to keep the house at a
comfortable temperature sweaters should be a
fashion statement!

All you feel is comfort

The heat pump does the rest by simply
reversing the direction the refrigerant flows in
the system

The refrigerant works as well at warming your

home as it does cooling your home.

Heat pumps have been around a

Heat pumps havelong
been time
in existence since 1857
when Peter von Rittinger built the first one
You have probably used several of them and

not known they were heat pumps



Air Conditioners

A refrigerator is a heat
A refrigerator is a heat pump

operating in the cooling mode

There are two heat exchange

coils and a compressor which

moves refrigerant between
the two coils
Coil #


The theory of removing

A refrigerator feels cool on the inside because

heat from the inside has been absorbed by

refrigerant in the cooling coil.

That refrigerant constantly circulates,

carrying the heat it just picked up to

another coil on the back where a fan
blows air across it, taking the heat away.

The theory of removing heat

Instead of using outside air which is cold in the
Winter and hot in the Summer, a Geothermal
system uses the constant temperature in the
earth to warm your home in the Winter and cool
it in the Summer.

Methods of extracting energy

from the earth
To get energy from the earth, you can drill
a well, pump water up to the heat pump
and drop it back down into the ground
- that method is called an open loop.

Or, insert pipes into borings and

run fluid thru the pipes. The fluid is constantly
circulated, exchanging energy between the earth and
the heat exchanger, that is a closed loop system.

Pros and cons of open loop systems

Open loop system
Generally cheaper to install
Only needs two or three wells.

Dumps water back into aquifer or soil after use
Requires high HP pump = expensive to run
Should treat water entering system
Pump submerged 100+ feet with relatively shorter life expectancy
Needs well drilling truck to repair or replace pump with associated property damage
Requires DEC permit and report if failure occurs
Unknown environmental impact

Pros and cons of

closed loop systems
Closed Loop
Warranted 30 years
Small, low HP pump at heat pump = low cost of operation
Pump can be changed in hour if needed
No environmental impact

Drilling cost can be higher

So, how can 50 degree earth

temperatures replace 1600
degree flames in a furnace
A furnace uses flames, created from burning oil or

gas, to heat air.

When you stop the flames, the area cools quickly to

ambient temperature and more flames are called for,

which means more oil or gas is used.
And dont forget, much of the heat

from those flames goes up the chimney.

So, how can 50 degree earth

temperature replace 1600
degree flames in a furnace
A geothermal system absorbs ground temperature and

carries it to a coil in the heat pump.

The refrigerant in the coil either boils or turns cold, depending

on which way the refrigerant is traveling in the loop.

So, how can 50 degree earth

temperature replace 1600
degree flames in a furnace
That heat (or cold) is then transferred at the
second coil in the heat pump which warms, or
cools air which then delivered to every room in
your home.

Finally, the hot air in your home in Summer, or

cold air in your home in Winter, transfers its
energy back to the refrigerant which carries it
back to the heat pump coil and back to the earth.

How about maintenance costs?

Remember the refrigerator example?
How many times in the last 10 years have you

needed someone to come fix it, clean it, tune it up

or get it going?
Now think of your furnace.
How many times in the last 10 years have you

needed someone to come fix it, clean it, tune it up

or get it going?

So, what will it cost?

Less than you think,
Check out our calculator at :
There is a 30% Federal Tax Credit
A $1,000 LIPA incentive
Most people qualify for a free energy efficiency home audit which can

qualify you for up to $25,000 in 2.99% financing which can be billed on

your LIPA bill.
We offer low interest financing on the drilling portion of the project which

averages 25% of your cost.

So, what will it cost?

By using Integrated Geothermal, you can order

your brand new, high efficiency geothermal

heating and cooling system and pay almost
nothing down!
And the system will pay for itself usually in 4 to

6 years out of the savings you enjoy from

saying Good Bye to your oil man.
So if you are paying your energy bills, this is the

opportunity you have been waiting for.

Thanks for your time and interest

For more information about available incentives, rebates, low

interest financing or a free home evaluation, please contact us

Integrated Geothermal
Hauppauge, NY
631 859 - 8805

Geothermal less than oil or gas. A LOT LESS!

Give em a break.

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