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Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
19 April 2016

Setiap sub bab TIDAK ada

kepala paragraf
A. The definitions of Translation
Translation has been defined by several scholars.
The study is eager to show several definitions that
might tell how and why translation cannot be
developed well in a foreign language setting. In the
following sections, the study expounds the
definiton of the translation as the pure study
(Nida, 1997;p34), part of the language learning
(Johnson, 2009;p5), and an art (Harmer,
1997;p31). Each of them will be explained and
supported by sound reasons that confirm the
choices of translation definition of the study.

Diparagraf 2 anda tuliskan definisi dari

Nida (dan disupport oleh referensi lain).
Diparagraf 3 anda tuliskan definisi dari
Johnson. (dan disupport oleh referensi lain)
Diparagraf 4 anda tuliskan definisi dari
Harmer. (dan disupport oleh referensi lain)
Diparagraf 5 anda tuliskan simpulan atau
definisi mana yang akan diambil dalam
studi ini.

Cut and paste paragraph:

Mengutipnya dari mana sampai mana?
The most common issues in English for Specific Purposes are
the present status of the English language educational system
is not satisfactory, the general English textbooks do not meet
the students needs, students motivation for the English
language is not boosted, the number of hours dedicated to the
English language is not adequate; undue emphasis is paid to
grammar which has led to the students learning frustration,
the first and the most important needs for the English
components are reading comprehension, writing, and
translation, vocabulary and essay writing skills are highly
required by the postgraduate students, the content of the
specialized English textbooks must be more relevant to the
students fields of study and specialized English courses should
be taught by the ESP instructors. (Gholamreza, 2015, p. 86)

Sumber yang sama

In English for Specific Purposes (ESP), the most
important phase is needs analysis phase. Any course
should be based on an analysis of learner need
(Hutchinson, 1987, p.53). It means that we
should do an analysis to help us define program
goals. According to Hutchinson (1987, p.54),
the meaning of needs are the ability to comprehend
and/or produce the linguistic features of the target
situation. Thus, in the writers view, needs analysis
is collecting the information as much as possible to
get comprehensive understanding of the learner
needs (Hutchinson, 1987, p.53).

Sub bab hanya merujuk pada satu sumber

(lihat pembahasan kepala paragraf)

A.Types of Reading
There are three types of reading (Nuttal,
B. Elements of Reading

Di Bab 2 anda selalu menuliskan

Brown (1997;p90) mentions 18 types
of grammar mistakes:
1. first .............................................
2. second .......................................
3. Third .........................................
(Anda tulsikan sampai 5 halaman
dari satu sumber)

Tidak ada Kesimpulan diakhir sub


In conclusion, ....
To summirize above consideration, ...
To conclude, .....
Finally, ......
All in all, .....

Penjelasan bab 2 tidak dikaitkan

dengan studi anda
Teaching materials, as the study is going to
conduct on, are object to help the teacher to
teach the lesson well. Chandra (1998, p.2)
stated that teaching materials are the aids
used by the trainer to help him/her in
teaching his/her lesson effectively. The
materials provide alternatives for teachers
and learners (Dubin and Olshtain, 1987, p.
29). Materials can be defined as anything or
any source that can be used to assist the
students in the process of language learning.

Tidak ada Transition signals penyambung

Teaching materials are object to help the
teacher to teach the lesson well. Chandra
(1998, p.2) stated that teaching materials are
the aids used by the trainer to help him/her in
teaching his/her lesson effectively. The
materials provide alternatives for teachers
and learners (Dubin and Olshtain, 1987, p.
29). Materials can be defined as anything or
any source that can be used to assist the
students in the process of language learning.

Antar paragraf tidak ada kata

penyambung (LINK)
Teachers nowadays, however, are much more aware of the
importance of needs analysis (Huthchinson and waters, 1987) as
they usually review students proficiency of English and discuss
their preferences in learning English like needs, wants, wishes,
desires, etc. Similar to teachers, materials writers also think very
carefully to meet the need analysis as found in the syllabus at all
stages of material production (McDonough and Shaw, 1993). Both
teachers and material writers have demonstrated the importance
of need analysis, and this has long been researched to reveal the
study of need analysis related issues that have concerned many
researcher all over the world.
With the status of English as an international language,
communication in English is necessary nowadays. For that reason,
it is influencal to know what students necessities are because, as
Hutchinson and Waters (1987) said ........

Masih bingung penulisan kalimat

aktif dan pasif
The books have delivered in time so
that the students can use them in
the class.
The methods is appllied to all
teaching techniques.
The students are read the books in
the classroom.

To be dan Verb:
selalu tidak seiring sejalan
The research is provides the data
by direct observation.
The teacher can interviewing the
students after the class.

Kesalahan lain-lain
Satu halaman minimal DUA kutipan.
Tidak ada OMONGAN (kalimat hasil sendiri) yang
menggabungkan kutipan-kutipan tersebut.
Tidak boleh menuliskan dari sumber yang sama
Sumber referensi HARUS TERBARUKAN, minimal 10
tahun terakhir, khusus buku tertentu dibolehkan.
Bab III tidak perlu menuliskan keadaan sekolah
Bab I (min 10 hal), Bab II (min 30 hal) dan Bab III
(min 20 hal).
Bab III harus menjelaskan Teaching Program

Penomoran rata kiri semua :

A. .......
a. ........
1. .......
2. .......




1. .

Format layout
Nomor halaman : - di bawah, tengah
jika ada judul Bab
Halaman selanjutnya di sudut kanan
Nomor tabel : di atas
Nomor figure / gambar : di bawah
Penulis 3 orang / kurang : ditulis semua
Penulis lebih dari 3 orang : et al

Penulisan referensi
Berurut sesuai abjad
Abdurrahman, Mumu. 1997. ELT media. PT Intan
Press. Bandung
Abdurrahman, Mumu and Aminuddin, Muhammad.
1997. dst
(kalau dari internet) ditambahkan accessed
18/4/1997. Available at

Tips terakhir
Lebih baik cari referensi di E-book
daripada mencari sumber dari artikel
lepas di internet, bahkan artikel lepas
tanpa penulis . Pada saat mengutip
dari e-book, jika perlu print poin yang
dikutip dari cover, indentitas buku
tsb, bagian-bagian yang dikutip.

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