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There are three pane areas available on the page

Left pane
Right top pane
Right bottom pane

Left pane
You have a list of HTML elements available on the Left pane
There you can search for the specific Element, after which the list will get filtered
There you can select Element, which will then get rendered on Right bottom pane and it will also add
entry of Element in Right top pane
You can clear the list of all selected Elements using Clear button of Left pane, which will remove
filtering, remove all the Element from Right bottom pane and entries from Right top pane

Right top pane

There you will show list of selected Elements and the count of theirs
You can also clear the particular Element using X

Right bottom pane

You will have Element type, Element and Add, Minus buttons
With Add, you can add same type element after that Element and also increase the count in Left pane
and Right top pane
With Minus, you can remove the current Element and also decrease the count in Left pane and Right top
Once removed all the Elements of particular type, it should also uncheck the Checkbox from Left pane
and should remove the entry from Right top pane

Add a common header, footer & organisation logo to the page which can be reused on all
other pages

Make maximum use of CSS3, HTML5, JQuery &
Please send us executable code to accurately verify all
the requirements listed out
UI look and feel should be classy

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