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A programming language is designed to help process
certain kinds of data consisting of numbers, characters
and strings and to provide useful output known as
The task of processing data is accomplished by executing
a sequence of precise instructions called a program
The instructions are formed using certain symbols and
words according to some rigid rules known as syntax
rules (or grammar)
C has its own vocabulary and grammar

Characters are used to form word, numbers and

The characters in C are grouped into the following
Special characters
White spaces

The compiler ignores white spaces unless they are part

of a string constants

Non- English keyboards do not support all the characters
ANSI C introduces the concept of trigraph sequence to

provide a way to enter certain characters that are not

available on some keyboards
Trigraph sequence consists of three characters two
questions mark followed by another character

In a passage of text, individual words and punctuation

marks are called tokens

In C program the smallest individual units are known as C
C has six types of tokens
C programs are written using these tokens and the syntax of
the language


C words is classified as either a keyword or an identifier

C keywords are reserved words by the compiler
Keywords have fixed meanings and these meanings cannot be
Keywords are basic building blocks for program statements
All keywords must be written in lowercase

Refer to name of variables, functions and arrays
They are user-defined names and consist of a sequence

of letters and digits, with a letter as a first character

Both uppercase and lowercase letters are permitted
Underscore (_) character is also permitted, which is used
as a link between two words in long identifiers

a) #define N 10
b) #define a 15

Here, N and a are user-defined identifiers

Constants in C refer to fixed values that do no

change the execution of a program

They are classified as:


Integer Constants

Integer constants refers to a sequence of digits without decimal or

fractional part
There are 3 types of integers
Decimal Integer
Consists of set of digits, 0 through 9, preceded by an optional or + sign
Embedded spaces, commas, and non-digit characters are not permitted
between digits
15 750
are illegal numbers

Integer Constants
Octal Integer
An octal integer constant consists of any combination of digits from the set 0

through 7, with a leading 0

Hexadecimal Integer
A sequence of digits preceded by 0x or 0X is considered as hexadecimal integer
Include alphabets A through F or a through f
The letters A through F represent numbers 10 through 15
Rarely use octal and hexadecimal in programming
The largest value that can be stored is machine dependent
It is 32767 on 16-bit machine and 2,147,483,647 on 32-bit machine
Larger integer constants can be stored by appending qualifiers such as U, L and UL
to the constants
or 56789u
(unsigned integer)
987612347UL or 987612347ul (unsigned long integer)
or 9876543l
(long integer

Real Constants (Floating Point


Integer numbers are inadequate to represent quantities that vary continuously,

such as distances, heights, temperature, prices, and so on.

These quantities are numbers with fractional parts like 17.548
Such numbers are called real (or floating point) constants
-0.75 .95
These numbers are shown in decimal notation having whole number followed by
decimal point and the fractional part
A real number may be expressed in exponential (or scientific) notation.
215.65 may be written as 2.1565e 2 in exponential notation
e2 means multiply by 102
General form:
mantissa e exponent
The mantissa is either a real number expressed in decimal notation or an integer
The exponent is an integer number with an optional plus or minus sign
e can be written in either lowercase or uppercase
The exponent causes the decimal point to float this notation is said to
represent a real number in floating point form
Exponential notation is useful for representing numbers that are either very
large or very small in magnitude


Single Character Constants

Contains a single character enclosed within a pair of

single quote marks

5 x ;
The character constants 5 is not the same as the
number 5
The last constant is a blank space
Character constants have integer values known as
ASCII values

would print 97, the ASCII value of letter a


would print a

String Constants
A string constants is a sequence of characters enclosed in

double quotes
The characters may be letters, numbers, special characters
and blank space
A character constant (X) is not equivalent to the single
character string constants (X)
A single character string constant does not have an
equivalent integer value while a character constant has an
integer value

Backslash Character
Used in output functions
They are known as escape sequences

A variable is a data name that may used to store a data value
A variable can be of different data types
A variables take different values at different times during execution

Variables may consists of letters, digits, and the underscrore (_)
character, subject to following conditions:
They must begin with a letter
ANSI standard recognizes a length of 31 characters. However, the

length should not be normally more than 8 characters, since only

the first eight characters are treated as significant by many
Uppercase and lowercase are significant i.e., Total is not same as
TOTAL or total
The variable name should not be a keyword
White space is not allowed

ANSI C supports 4 classes of data types:
Primary (or fundamental) data types
User-defined data types
Derived data types
Empty data types
4 fundamental data types are:
Character (char)
Floating point (float)
Double-precision floating point (double)

Integer Types
Integers are whole numbers with a range of values supported by a

particular machine
In 16 bit word length, the size of the integer value is limited to the range
-32768 to +32767
In 32 bit word length, the size of the integer value range from -2, 147, 483,
648 to -2, 147, 483, 647
C has three classes of integer storage in both signed and unsigned forms
short int
long int

We declare long and unsigned integers to increase the range of values

The use of qualified signed on integers is optional because the default

declaration assumes a signed number

Long int and long double are also supported

Integer Types

Floating Point Types

Floating point or real numbers are stored in 32 bits

in all 16 bit and 32 bit machines), with 5 digits of

Defined by keyword float
To increase accuracy double data type is used
Double uses 64 bits giving precision of 14 digits
They are known as double precision numbers
Double represent the same data type that float
represent but with greater precision
To extend the precision, we may use long double
which uses 80 bits

Character Types
A single character can be defined as a

character(char) type data

Characters are stored in 8 bit (one byte) of
internal storage
The qualifiers signed or unsigned may be
explicitly applied to char
Unsigned chars have values between 0 and
Signed chars have values from -128 to 127

Declaration of Variables
Variable names must be declared to the compiler.
It does two things:
It tells the compiler what the variable name is
It specifies what type of data the variable will hold
The declaration of variables must be done before they are used in

the program
Primary Type Declaration

A variable can be used to store a value of any data type


data-type v1, v2, vn;

v1, v2, .vn are the names of variables
Variables are separated by commas
A declaration statements must end with a semicolon

int count;
int number, total;
double ratio;
int and double are keywords

User-Defined Type

Type definition:
C supports a feature known as type definition that allows users to
define an identifier that would represent an existing data type
The user-defined data type can later used to declare variables
typedef type identifier;
Where type refers to an existing data type and identifier refers to
the new name given to the data type
typedef cannot create a new type
typedef int units;
typedef float marks;
units symbolizes int and marks symbolizes float
units batch1, batch2;
marks name1[50], name2[50];
batch1 and batch2 are declared as int variables and name1[50] and
name2[50] are declared as 50 elements floating point array variables
Adv of typedef: Allow to create meaningful data type names for
increasing the readability of the program

User-Defined Type

Enumerated data type:

Enum identifier {value1, value2, .valuen};
The identifier is an user-defined enumerated data type which can be used
to declare variables that can have one of the values enclosed within the
braces known as enumerated constants
Variables declaration
enum identifier v1, v2,vn;
The enumerated variables v1, v2 can have one of the values value1,
value2, valuen
An example:
Enum day {Monday, Tuesday, .. Sunday};
Enum day week_st, week_end;
Week_st = Monday;
Week_end = Friday;
The compiler automatically assigns integer beginning with 0 to all
enumeration constants
The automatic assignments can be overridden by assigning values explicitly
to the enumeration constants
Enum day {Monday = 1, Tuesday, Sunday};
Enum day {Monday, Tuesday, .. Sunday} week_st, week_end;

Declaration of Storage

It provides information about location and visibility

int m;
int i;
float balance;
int i;
float sum;
Global Variables
Variable m which is declared before the main is called global variables
Can be used in all functions in the program
Also known as external variable
Local Variables
Variables i, balance and sum are called local variables because they are declared inside a
Local variables are visible and meaningful only inside the function in which they are
They are not known to other functions

Assigning Values to

Assignment Statement
Values can be assigned to variables using the assignment operator =
Variable_name = constant
Initial_value = 0;
Balance = 75.84;
Yes = X;
Final_value = 100;

C permits multiple assignment in one line

Initial_value = 0; Final_value = 100;

Can assign a value to a variable at the time the variable is declared
data_type variable_name = constant
int final_value = 100;
The process of giving initial values to variables is called initialization

Declaring a Variable as
To make the value of certain variables to

remain constant during the execution of a

program, we declare the variable with the
qualifier const at the time of initialization
const int class_size = 40;

Declaring a Variable as
Qualifier volatile tell explicitly the compiler

that a variables value may be changed at any

time by some external sources (from outside
the program)
volatile int date;
If we wish that the value must not be
modified by the program which it may be
altered by some other process, then we
declare as
volatile const int location = 100;

Overflow and Underflow of

Problem of data overflow occurs when the

value of a variable is either too big or too

small for the data type to hold
C does not provide any warning or indication
of integer overflow
It simply gives incorrect results
Overflow normally produces a negative

Reading Data from

scanf(control string, &variable1, &variable2, ..);
The control string contains the format of data being

The ampersand symbol & before each variable

name is an operator that specifies the variable

names address
scanf(%d, &number);

Defining symbolic
We use certain unique constants repeatedly in
a number of places in the program
Total no of students in the class
pass mark
We face 2 problems in the subsequent use of
such in programs
Problem in modification of the program
Problem in understanding the program


We may like to change the value of pi from 3.14 to

3.14150 to improve the accuracy.

To do this we have to search the program and explicitly
change the value of the constant wherever it has been used
If any value is left unchanged, the program may produce
disastrous outputs

When a numeric value appears in a program, its use is not

always clear, especially when the same value means

different things in different places
Example: number 50 mean the number of students in the
class at one place and the pass marks at another place of
the same program
Assignment of such constants to a symbolic name frees us
from these problem

Defining symbolic
#define symbolic_name value of
#define STRENGTH 100
#define PASS_MARK 50
#define PI 3.14159
Symbolic names are sometimes called
constant identifiers
The symbolic names are constants (not
variables), they do not appear in declaration

Rules apply to #define

Symbolic names have the same form as variable names
They are written in CAPITALS
No blank space between the pound sign # and the word

define is permitted
# must be the first character in the line
A blank space is required between #define and symbolic
name and between the symbolic name and the constant
#define statements must not end with a semicolon
After definition, the symbolic name should not be
assigned any other value within the program by using an
assignment statement
Symbolic names are not declared for data types. Its data
type depends on the type of constant
#define statement may appear anywhere in the program
but before it is referenced in the program

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