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English Presentation

Kelompok 4
Annisa Sholihah
Asih Inpriawati N
Imron Mustofa
Nayli Rahmah
Wulung Imam A

Part of


and Clauses

The study analyzed data on 5.200 students (2.603

boys and 2.597 girls ) from the 2003 Program for
International Student Assessment (PINA) student and
school questioners (National Center fer Educational
Statistic, 2003). The PINA assesses reading literacy,
mathematics literacy , and science literacy skills of 15year-old in the U.S. Only one subject is surveyed in
depth on a rotational basis each year while on the
other 2 are given relatively less attention. In 2003 the
primary subject was mat. Student ranged in age from
15.25 to 16.33 years. Most math students were
ingrade 10 (3.249), but many were in grade 9 (1.618)
and a few were in grade. The ethnic breakdown was a
follows: 3.097 Caucasian, 799 African America, 883
Hispanic, 169 Asian and 252 of mixed or other

Data analisis belajar pada 5.200 siswa (2603 laki-laki dan 2.597
perempuan) dari 2003 program Internasional untuk menetapkan
siswa Internasional (PINA) siswa dan sekolah penanya (Pusat
Statistik Pendidikan Nasional 2003). PINA menetapkan
kemampuan membaca dan menulis, kemampuan membaca dan
menulis matematika, dan kemampuan membaca dan menulis
sains pada umur 15 tahun di Amerika Serikat. Hanya satu subjek
yang disurvey secara mendalam secara rotasi setiap tahun
sementara dua yang lain diberikan perhatian yang relatif kurang.
Dalam tahun 2003 subjek utama adalah matematika.
Jarak siswa dalam umur dari 15.25 sampai 16.33 tahun. Banyak
siswa matematika dalam kelas 10 (3.249), tetapi banyak dalam
kelas 9 (1.618) dan beberapa dalam kelas 11 (333). Suku yang
gagal diantaranya 3.907 Caucasian, 799 Africa Amerika,
833 Hispanic, 169 Asia dan 252 campuran suku lainnya.

1) The study analyzed data on 5.200 students (2.603 boys and 2.597
girls ) from the 2003 Program for International Student
Assessment (PINA) student and school questioners (National
Center fer Educational Statistic, 2003).
The study analyzed data on 5.200 students (2.603 boys and 2.597
girls ) from the 2003 Program for International Student
Assessment (PINA) student and school questioners (National
Center fer Educational Statistic, 2003).

S1= The study

V1= Analyzed

2) The PINA assesses reading literacy, mathematics literacy , and

science literacy skills of 15- year-old in the U.S.
The PINA assesses reading literacy, mathematics literacy , and
science literacy skills of 15- year-old in the U.S.
S1 : The PINA
V1 : Assesses
3) Only one subject is surveyed in depth on a rotational basis each year
while on the other 2 are given relatively less attention.
Only one subject is surveyed in depth on a rotational

basis each year while on the other 2 are given relatively

less attention.

S1 : Only one subject

S2= The other 2
V1 : is
V2= Are

4) In 2003 the primary subject was math

In 2003 the primary subject was math
S1 : In 2003 the primary subject
V1 : was

5) Student ranged in age from 15.25 to 16.33 years.

Student ranged in age from 15.25 to 16.33 years

S1 : Student
V1 : ranged
6) Most math students were ingrade 10 (3.249),
but many were in grade 9 (1.618) and a few were in
grade 11 (333).
Most math students were ingrade 10 (3.249),
but many were in grade 9 (1.618) and a few
were in grade 11 (333).
S1 : Most math student
V1 : were

S2= Many
V2= Were

S3= A few
V3= Were

7) The ethnic breakdown was a follows: 3.097 Caucasian, 799 African

America, 883 Hispanic, 169 Asian and 252 of mixed or other
The ethnic breakdown was a follows: 3.097 Caucasian, 799 African
883 Hispanic, 169 Asian and 252 of mixed or other ethnicity

S1 : The ethnic breakdown

V2 : was


The study analyzed data on 5.200 students (2.603 boys and

2.597 girls ) from the 2003 Program for International
Student Assessment (PINA) student and school questioners
(National Center fer Educational Statistic, 2003). The PINA
assesses reading literacy, mathematics literacy , and
science literacy skills of 15- year-old in the U.S. Only one
subject is surveyed in depth on a rotational basis each year
while on the other 2 are given relatively less attention. In
2003 the primary subject was mat. Student ranged in age
from 15.25 to 16.33 years. Most math students were
ingrade 10 (3.249), but many were in grade 9 (1.618) and a
few were in grade. The ethnic breakdown was a follows:
3.097 Caucasian, 799 African America, 883 Hispanic, 169
Asian and 252 of mixed or other ethnicity



















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