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Module 7

SQL Server 2012
Execution Plans

Module Overview
Execution Plan Core Concepts
Common Execution Plan Elements
Working with Execution Plans

Lesson 1: Execution Plan Core Concepts

Why Execution Plans Matter
Query Execution Phases
What Is an Execution Plan?
Actual vs. Estimated Execution Plans
What Is an Execution Context?
Execution Plan Formats
Demonstration 1A: Viewing Execution Plans in SSMS

Why Execution Plans Matter

Common questions

Why does my query take so long to execute?

Why does this query take so much longer than a very similar

Why is SQL Server ignoring this perfectly fine index that I


Execution plans can help

Best use is in verifying expected plans

Query Execution Phases

SQL Server parses the T-SQL
Object references are resolved
Query optimizer finds a sufficiently good plan

Not necessary for DDL statements

Some statements lead to trivial plans

Aim is to quickly find a plan that is good enough

Storage and Execution engines execute the plan

Plan may be stored in the Plan Cache

What Is an Execution Plan?

An execution
execution plan
plan shows
shows how
how a
a query
query was
was executed
executed or
or how
how it
would be
be executed.
Execution plans detail choices that SQL Server makes on:

Types of operations

Order of operations

Choice of indexes

Rowcount estimates based on available statistics

SQL Server performs cost-based optimization

A cost is assigned to each element

Actual vs. Estimated Execution Plans

An option exists to ask SQL Server how it would execute a


Known as an estimated execution plan

SQL Server does not execute the query, it just works out how
it would execute it

Not always possible to get an estimated plan

An actual plan may differ from an estimated plan

Out of date or missing statistics

Actual degree of parallelism

Resources available at execution time

Estimated plan returns estimated counts based on


Actual plan returns actual counts returned

What Is an Execution Context?

Multiple users may execute a plan concurrently
Execution plan details how the query would be executed

Does not hold data for a specific execution

Execution context holds the data associated with a specific

execution of the plan

One execution context is needed for each concurrent execution

Execution contexts are also cached

Not all execution contexts are identical

Execution Plan Formats

Text-based plans



Now deprecated

XML-based plans


SSMS saves these as .sqlplan files

Portable format for execution plans

SSMS is associated with this filetype

Graphical plans

Renders XML plans in an easier to read format

Does not contain all information from the XML plan

Demonstration 1A: Viewing Execution Plans in SSMS

In this demonstration, you will see how to:
Show an estimated execution plan
Compare execution costs between two queries in a batch
Show an actual execution plan
Save an execution plan

Lesson 2: Common Execution Plan Elements

Table and Clustered Index Scans and Seeks
Nested Loops and Lookups
Merge and Hash Joins
Filter and Sort
Data Modification
Demonstration 2A: Working with Common Execution Plan


Table and Clustered Index Scans and Seeks

Table scan

Reading from a heap

Clustered index scan

Reading from a table with

a clustered index

Clustered index seek

Following a clustered index

to a specific location within
the table

Nested Loops and Lookups

Nested Loops

Commonly used for inner join operations

Can be used for left outer join, left semi join

and left anti semi join operations

For each row of top data path, perform a lookup

to the bottom data path

RID Lookup

Lookup on a heap using a row ID

Key Lookup

Lookup to a clustered index

Merge and Hash Joins

Merge Join

Commonly used for inner joins

Can be used for left outer join, left semi join, left anti semi
join, right outer join, right semi join, right anti semi join and
union operations

Requires two inputs to be in the same sorted order

Hash Match

More difficult joins where a hash table is built by computing a

hash value for each row from one input

Other input is used to lookup into the hash table

Stream Aggregate

Highly efficient

Data already in correct

order for processing the

Hash Match Aggregate

Hash table used to form

aggregate as data not in
the necessary order

Filter and Sort


Low cost operation

Typically used for WHERE clause predicates or

HAVING clause predicates

Only pass through rows that match the

required filter criteria


Used whenever a sort operation is necessary

Often used for ORDER BY clauses

Can be used for other operations such as

sorting inputs for merge join operations or
performing DISTINCT operations

Can be very expensive

Data Modification

Used in INSERT operations


Used in UPDATE operations


Used in DELETE operations

T-SQL MERGE statement can use

combinations of inserts, updates and deletes

Demonstration 2A: Working with Common Execution

Plan Elements
In this demonstration, you will see queries that
demonstrate the most common execution plan elements

Lesson 3: Working with Execution Plans

Methods for Capturing Plans
Demonstration 3A: Capturing Plans in Activity Monitor
Re-Executing Queries
Execution Plan Related DMVs
Demonstration 3B: Viewing Cached Plans

Methods for Capturing Plans

SQL Server Management Studio

Estimated and actual

Also available in Visual Studio 2010

SQL Server Profiler (Commonly used but now deprecated)

Can capture query execution details

Can include an XML column with query plan

Extended Events Profiler

Based on extended events infrastructure in SQL Server Denali

Integrated with SQL Server Management Studio

Dynamic Management Views (DMVs)

Activity Monitor
SQL Server Data Collection

Demonstration 3A: Capturing Plans in Activity Monitor

In this demonstration, you will see how to use Activity
Monitor to view recent expensive queries

Re-Executing Queries
Plan re-use is generally desirable

Parameter sniffing issues are an exception to this

Plans can become unusable or suboptimal



Plans evicted on a cost algorithm basis

Cost reduced over time

Reuse re-establishes cost

Cost of zero indicates a candidate for eviction

Options are available to force compilation behavior

Execution Plan Related DMVs

Dynamic Management Views (and Dynamic Management


Show current server state

Not persisted internally

Many useful views/functions related to execution:









Demonstration 3B: Viewing Cached Plans

In this demonstration you will see how to view cached
execution plans

Lab 7: Reading SQL Server Execution Plans

Exercise 1: Actual vs. Estimated Plans
Exercise 2: Identify Common Plan Elements
Challenge Exercise 3: Query Cost Comparison (Only if time


Logon information

Virtual machine


User name




Estimated time: 45 minutes

Lab Scenario
You have been learning about the design of indexes. To take
this learning further, you need to have a way to view how
these indexes are used.
In the first exercise, you will learn to view both estimated
and actual execution plans.
Execution plans can contain many types of elements. In the
second exercise, you will learn to identify the most common
plan elements and see how statements lead to these
elements being used.
You regularly find yourself trying to decide between
different ways of structuring SQL queries. You are
concerned that you arent always choosing the highestperforming options. If time permits, you will learn to use
execution plans to compare the cost of statements in multistatement batches.

Lab Review
Can two different queries end up with the same execution


Question: If so, how can that occur? If not, why not?

Module Review and Takeaways

Review Questions
Best Practices

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