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Docker Prerequisites
No Docker Experience required
Need to have
Linux Machine (Ubuntu Preferred)
Use your own or use cloud provider
Amazon EC2
Digital Ocean

Be familiar with Linux command line

What is Docker ?
Container Vs Virtual Machines
Docker Platform Overview and Terminology
Docker Engines
Docker Hub
Docker orchestration tools
Intro to Images
Getting Started with Containers

What is Docker?
Docker is a platform for developing, shipping and running application using
container virtualization technology.
The Docker Platform consists of multiple products/tools
Docker Engine
Docker Hub
Docker Machine
Docker Swarm
Docker Compose

Introducing Containers
Containers based virtualization uses the kernel on the hosts operating system
to run multiple guest instances
Each guest instance is called a container
Each Container has its own:
Root Filesystem
Network Ports

Containers Vs VMs
Containers are more lightweight
No need to install guest OS
Less CPU, RAM, storage space required
More containers per machine than VMs
Great portability
Docker and Linux the Linux kernel
Docker Engine is the program that enables containers to be built, shipped and
Docker Engine uses Linux kernel namespaces and control group
Namespaces give is the isolated workspace

Install Docker
Follow the instructions at
to install the latest Docker maintained Docker package on your preferred
operating system.
Run hello-world container to test your installation
$sudo docker run hello-world

Add your user account to the docker group

$sudo usermod -aG docker <your username>

Logout of your terminal and log back in for the changes to take effect
Verify that you can run the hello-world container without using sudo
$sudo run hello-world

Docker Client and Daemon

Client/Server architecture
Client takes user inputs and send them to the daemon
Daemon builds, run, and distributes containers
Client and daemon can run on the same host or on different
Cli client and GUI (Kitematic)

Docker Version Check

$docker version

Docker Containers and Images

Read only template used to create containers
Built by you or other Docker users
Stored in the Docker Hub or your local Registry

Isolated application platform
Contains everything needed to run your application
Based on one or more images

Docker Hub
Docker Hub is the public registry that contains a large number of images available
for your use.

Benefits of the Docker

Separation of concerns
Developers focus on building their apps
System admins focus on deployment

Fast Development cycle

Application portability
Build in one environment. ship to another

Easy spin up new containers if needed

Run more apps on one host machine

Search for Images On Docker Hub
Lots of images available for use
Images resides in various Repositories
Create your docker hub account

official Repositories

Getting Started with Containers

Creating a Container
Use docker run command
docker run [options] [images] [command] [args]

Image is specified with repository:tag

docker run ubuntu:14.04 echo Hello World
docker run ubuntu ps ax

Run a Simple Container

Contd ...
On Terminal
$docker run ubuntu:14.04 echo hello world
$docker run ubuntu:14.04 ps as

Use -i and -t flags with docker run

The -i flag tells docker to connect to STDIN on the container
The -t flag specifies to get a pseudo-terminal
Note: You need to run a terminal process as your command (e.g /bin/bash)
$docker run -i -t ubuntu:latest /bin/bash

Run a Container and get Terminal Access

Create a container using ubuntu 14.04 image and connect to STDIN and a
sudo docker run -it ubuntu:14.40 /bin/bash

In your container create a new user using your first and last name as the
#adduser username
#adduser username sudo

Notice how the container shut down

Once again run:
#sudo docker run -it ubuntu:14.40 /bin/bash

Try and find your user

Notice that it does not exist

Container Processes
A container only runs as long as the process from your specified docker run
command running
Your command's process is always PID 1 inside the container

Running in Detached Mode

Also known as running in the background or as a daemon
Use -d flag
To Observer output use: $docker logs [container id]
$docker run -d ubuntu:14.04 ping -c 10

Running Tomcat in docker container

Use -O flag to map container ports to host ports
$docker run -d -P tomcat:7
$docker ps


Docker Fundamentals
1. Building Images
2. Dockerfile
3. Managing Images and Containers
4. Distributing Images on Docker Hub
5. Basic Container Networking
6. Docker in continuous integration

Building Images
Image layers
1. Images are comprised of multiple layers
2. A layer is also Just another image
3. Every image contains a base layer
4. Docker uses a copy on write system
5. layers are read only.

The Container Writable Layer

1. Docker creates a top writable layer for containers
2. Parent images are read only
3. All changes are made at the writeable layer

Docker Commit
docker commit commands saves changes in a container as a new image
docker commit [options] [container ID] [repository:tag]

Repository name should be based on username/application

can reference the container with container name instead of ID
Example:Save the container with ID as a new image in the repository
prabin/myapp. Tag the image as 1.0
$docker commit [container ID] prabin/myapp:1.0

Build New Image

Create a container from Ubuntu Image and run a bash terminal
$docker run -it ubuntu:14.04 /bin/bash

Inside the container, install curl

$apt-get install curl

Exit the container

Run docker ps -a and take note of your container ID
save the container as a new image. For the repository name use <your
name>/curl. Tag the image as 1.0
$docker commit <container ID> <yourname>/curl:1.0

A dockerfile is a configuration file that contains instructions for building a Docker
Provides a more effective way to build images compared to using docker
Easily fits into your continuous integration and deployment process

Dockerfile Instruction
Instruction specify what to do when building the image
FROM instruction specifies what the base image should be
RUN instruction specifies a command to execute
FROM ubuntu:14.04
RUN apt-get install vim
RUN apt-get install curl

RUN instruction
Each RUN instruction will execute the command on top writable layer and
perform a commit of the image
Can aggregate multiple RUN instruction by using &&
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \
curl \
vim \

Docker Build
docker build [options] [path]
Common option to tag the build
docker build -t [repository:tag] [path]
docker build -t prabin/myapp:1.0 .
docker build -t prabin/myapp:1.0 myapp

Note: [path] >> build context

Build From DockerFile

In your home directory, create a folder called test
in the test folder, create a file called Dockerfile
in the file specify to use ubuntu 14.04 as the base image
FROM ubuntu:14.04

write an instruction to install curl and vim after an apt-get update

RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y curl \

Build an image from Dcokerfile. Give it the repository

<yourname>/testimage abd tag it as 1.0

CMD instruction
CMD defines a default command to execute when a container is created
CMD performs no action during the image build
Shell format and EXEC format
can only be specified once in a Dockerfile
Shell Format
CMD ping -c 30

Exec Format

Go to the test folder and open your Dockerfile from previous exercise
Add the following line to the end
CMD [ping,, -c 30] (jason Array)

Build the image

docker build -t <yourname>/testimage:1.1 .

Execute a container from the image observer the output

docker run <yourname>/testimage:1.1 .

Execute a container from the image observer the output and specify the echo

ENTRYPOINT Instruction
Defines the command that will run when a container is executed
Run time arguments and CMD instruction are passed as parameters to the
ENTRYPOINT instruction
EXEC form preferred as shell form accept arguments at run time
Container essentially runs as an executable

Start,Stop and Deleting Containers

Find your containers first with docker ps and note the ID or name
docker start and docker stop
List all containers
docker ps -a

start container using the container ID

docker start <container ID>

Stop a container using the Container ID

docker stop <container ID>

Deleting the container

Getting terminal access

Use docker exec command to start another process within a container
Execute /bin/bash to get a bash shell
docker exec -i -t [container ID] /bin/bash

Exiting from the terminal will not terminate the container

Deleting Local Images

Use docker rmi command
docker images
docker rmi [image ID] or docker rmi [repo:tag]

if an image is tagged multiple times, removes each tag

docker rmi prabin/test:1.1
docker rmi prabin/test:1.2

Docker Hub Repositories

User can create their own repositories on Docker Hub
Public and Private
Push local images to a repository

Pushing Images to Docker Hub

Use docker push command
docker push [repo:tag]

local repo must have same name and tag as the Docker Hub repo

Tagging Images
Used to rename a local image repository before pushing to Docker Hub
docker tag [image ID] [repo:tag] or docker tag [local repo:tag] [Docker Hub repo:tag]

Tag Image using the local repository

docker tag prabin/testimage:1.5 prabin/test:2.0

Push to Docker Hub

Login to your Docker Hub account
Create a new public repository test
tag your local image to give it the same repo name as the repository you
created on Docker Hub
docker tag <yourname>/testimage:1.1 <yourname>/testexample:1.1

push the new image to Docker Hub

docker push <yourname>/testexmple:1.1

Go to your Docker Hub repository and check for the tag

A volume is a designated directory in a container, which is designed to persist
data, independent of the containers lifecycle
Volume changes are excluded when updating an image
Persist when a container is deleted
Can be mapped to a host folder
Can shared between containers

Mount a Volume
Volumes are mounted when creating or executing a container
Can be mapped to a host directory
Volume paths specified must be absolute
Execute a container and mount the volume /myvolume into its filesystem
docker run -d -P -v /myvolume myapp:1.2

Execute a new container and map the /data/src folder from the host into the
/test/src folder in the container
docker run -i -t -v /data/src/:test/src myapp:1.2

Volumes in Dockerfile
VOLUME Instruction creates a mount point
Can specify arguments JSON array or string
cannot map volumes to host directories
Volumes are initialized when the container is executed
String Example
VOLUME /myvol

String example with multiple volumes

VOLUME /www/ /www/

Uses of volumes
De-couple the data that is stored from the container which created the data
Good for sharing data between containers
Can setup a data containers which has a volume you mount in other containers

Mounting folders from the host is good for testing purposes but generally not
recommended for production use

Create and test a volume

Execute a container and initialise a volume at /www/website Run a bash
terminal as your container process
docker run -i -t -v /www/website ubuntu:14.04 bash

inside the container, verify that you can get to /www/website

Create a file inside the /www/website folder
Exit the container
Commit the updated container as a new image called test and tag it as 1.0
docker commit <container ID> test:1.0

Execute a new container with your test image abd go into itss bash shell

Mapping ports
Containers have their own network and IP address
Map exposed container ports to ports on the host machine
Ports can be manually mapped or auto mapped
Uses the -p and -P parameters in docker run
Maps port 80 on the container to 8080 on the host
docker run -d -p 8080:80 nginx:1.2

Automapping ports
Uses the -P option in docker run
Automatically maps exposed ports in the container to a port in the host
Host port numbers used to go from 49153 to 65535
only works for ports defined in the EXPOSE instruction
Auto map ports exposed by the nginx container to a port value on the host
docker run -d -P nginx:1.7

EXPOSE instruction
Configures which ports a container will listen on at runtime
Ports still need to be mapped when container is executed
#Example (Dockerfile)
FROM ubuntu:14.04
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install -y nginx
EXPOSE 80 443
CMD [nginx, -g, daemon off;]

Linking Containers
Linking is a communication method between containers which allows them to
securely transfer data from one to another
Source and recipient containers
Recipient containers have access to data on source containers
Links are established based on containers names

Creating a Link
Create the source containers
Create the recipient container and use the --link option
Best practice - give your containers meaningful names
Create the source container using the postgres
docker run -d --name database mysql

Create the recipient container and link it

docker run -d -P --name website --link database:db nginx (db > alias>

Link two containers

Run a container in detached mode using the mysql image name the container
docker run -d --name dbms postgres

Run another container using the Ubuntu image and link it with the dbms
container. Use the alias db. run the bash terminal as the main process
docker run -it --name website --link dbms:db ubuntu:14.04 bash

in the website container terminal, open the /etc/hosts file

What can you observe

Docker in Continuous Integration

Self Study

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