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October 6, 2016

Dr.Rs/nsg forum/workshop/RGUHS/18.1.08

October 6, 2016

Dr.Rs/nsg forum/workshop/RGUHS/18.1.08

Definitions of terms
Quality management
Historical development
Evidence based practice
October 6, 2016

Dr.Rs/nsg forum/workshop/RGUHS/18.1.08

There is no quality with out

an evidence ;
Quality and evidence go

hand in hand.
October 6, 2016

Dr.Rs/nsg forum/workshop/RGUHS/18.1.08

A thing / Things

helpful informing a
conclusion or judgment

Something that

furnishes proof.

October 6, 2016

Dr.Rs/nsg forum/workshop/RGUHS/18.1.08

Nursing is a nurturative , generative, and

protective profession.
Preventive care is a part of nursing
practice of every nurse.
Nurses value independence and self
They are guided by ethical and
humanitarian philosophy in which ;
EVERY human being deserve respect
regardless of racial ,social, cultural, sexual,
economic, and religious or other factors.
October 6, 2016

Dr.Rs/nsg forum/workshop/RGUHS/18.1.08

It is degree of excellence.

It is subjective way of expression

according to each ones perception
and it is fundamentally relational.
( Websters dictionary )
Quality is a measure determining
what the best is shall be the
key to competitiveness.
October 6, 2016

Dr.Rs/nsg forum/workshop/RGUHS/18.1.08

It is also a methodology and a

way of promoting peoples active





involvement and responsibility of

each individual working towards
common vision.

October 6, 2016

Dr.Rs/nsg forum/workshop/RGUHS/18.1.08

In quality management ,
Quality control is a prime element of
the management of nursing service.
It is a system for evaluation of the
total effort, which include the
evaluation of management process and
the practice of nursing.
Quality Assurance and quality
improvement are essential elements .
October 6, 2016

Dr.Rs/nsg forum/workshop/RGUHS/18.1.08

Is the process by which Nurses make clinical

decisions using ;

The best available research evidence

Their clinical expertise,


Patient preferences

in the context of available resources .

( DiCensoA, Cullum N,Ciliska D.)
October 6, 2016

Dr.Rs/nsg forum/workshop/RGUHS/18.1.08


Is the integration of
best research
evidence with
clinical expertise
and patient values.
( Sackett D 2000)
October 6, 2016

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Involves the use of best

evidence to justify particular

teaching or curricular
interventions considering the
needs of individual learners ,
the professional judgment of
nurse educators ,
and the resource costs of
the interventions.
October 6, 2016

Dr.Rs/nsg forum/workshop/RGUHS/18.1.08


Is a process of finding

, appraising , and
applying scientific
evidence to the
treatment and
management of health
care .

October 6, 2016

Dr.Rs/nsg forum/workshop/RGUHS/18.1.08


In order to make a start in

the quest for evidence based

practice nurse managers ,
educationalists ,researchers
and clinical practitioners
must all play an active part.
Simple strategies can help to
prepare nurses such as role
modeling and reflection on
action.(Walsh & Ham, 1997).
October 6, 2016

Dr.Rs/nsg forum/workshop/RGUHS/18.1.08


Evidence based practice movement

was founded by Dr. Archie

Cochrane, a British epidemiologist .
In 1972 , Cochrane published a

land mark book that criticized the

medical profession for not
providing rigorous reviews of
Died in 1988.
October 6, 2016

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Cochrane Collaboration

was launched in England in

1993 Cochrane

collaboration was founded.

October 6, 2016

Dr.Rs/nsg forum/workshop/RGUHS/18.1.08


The term Evidence Based

Medicine ( EBM) describes a

clinical learning strategy that
was developed by faculty at
McMaster medical school in
the 1980s

Evidence Based Medicine

disseminated to the medical

community in the early 1990s

October 6, 2016

Dr.Rs/nsg forum/workshop/RGUHS/18.1.08


Applies methods derived

from clinical epidemiology to

clinical decision making .
Over the last decade, other

medical professions adopted

an evidence based approach.
October 6, 2016

Dr.Rs/nsg forum/workshop/RGUHS/18.1.08


Nursing research began to focus

on clinical issues in the mid 80s.

The national institute for

nursing research was formed in


Many new journals emphasize

nursing research

October 6, 2016

Dr.Rs/nsg forum/workshop/RGUHS/18.1.08


In recent years , the

international society for

nursing research ,has
greatly increased its
capacity to support and
disseminate nursing
October 6, 2016

Dr.Rs/nsg forum/workshop/RGUHS/18.1.08


McMaster University in Ontario,

Canada has developed extensive

resources in teaching and
implementing evidence based in
nursing and other disciplines.
In the past few years a number of

countries including UK, Canada , New

zealand Australia and others , have
created centers for evidence based
October 6, 2016

Dr.Rs/nsg forum/workshop/RGUHS/18.1.08


Bridge the gap between knowledge

and practice
Provide a sound method for making

clinical decisions
To make education less vulnerable to

political ideology ,conventional wisdom

, folk lore , and wishful thinking
October 6, 2016

Dr.Rs/nsg forum/workshop/RGUHS/18.1.08


Evidence Based practice is

not new, It is what we have

been doing for years
Evidence Based nursing

lead to cook book nursing

and a disregard for
individualized patient care.
October 6, 2016

Dr.Rs/nsg forum/workshop/RGUHS/18.1.08


There is an over emphasis on

Randomized Control
Trials( RCT) and systematic
reviews in Evidence Based
health care.

Requires too much time to be

routinely employed in real life

practice setting.

October 6, 2016

Dr.Rs/nsg forum/workshop/RGUHS/18.1.08


Evidence Based practice is the

mindless application of population

studies to the treatment of the
It takes the results of studies of
large groups of people and tries to
apply them to individual.
There is often great difficulty in

getting access to the evidence and

in conducting effective searches to
identify the best evidence.

October 6, 2016

Dr.Rs/nsg forum/workshop/RGUHS/18.1.08


The conduct and utilization of

research in nursing (CURN)

The CURN project was designed

to develop and test a model for

using Research based knowledge
in clinical practice settings.
October 6, 2016

Dr.Rs/nsg forum/workshop/RGUHS/18.1.08


The stetler model of

research utilization
applies research
findings at the
individual practitioner
October 6, 2016

Dr.Rs/nsg forum/workshop/RGUHS/18.1.08


The Lowa model of research

in practice infuses
research into practice to
improve the quality of care
,and is an out growth of
Quality Assurance Model
Using Research(QAMUR)
October 6, 2016

Dr.Rs/nsg forum/workshop/RGUHS/18.1.08


Ask the burning

clinical question
Collect the most

relevant and best

October 6, 2016

Dr.Rs/nsg forum/workshop/RGUHS/18.1.08


Integrate all evidence with

ones clinical expertise

,patient preferences, and
values in making a practice
decisions or change .
Evaluate the practice

decision or change.
October 6, 2016

Dr.Rs/nsg forum/workshop/RGUHS/18.1.08


Clinical question should be asked in PICO

P Population
I - Intervention/s
C- Comparison
O Out come/s
In teenagers (p), how effective Depo Provera
( Intervention) versus oral contraceptives
( Comparison) in the prevention of pregnancy
( Out come)
October 6, 2016

Dr.Rs/nsg forum/workshop/RGUHS/18.1.08


Begin with systematic reviews or

meta analyses

Evidence based clinical guide lines

Eg: Dove soap, Washing powders,

Face creams,

Medications etc which means

everything needs proof

October 6, 2016

Dr.Rs/nsg forum/workshop/RGUHS/18.1.08


October 6, 2016

Dr.Rs/nsg forum/workshop/RGUHS/18.1.08


October 6, 2016

Dr.Rs/nsg forum/workshop/RGUHS/18.1.08


Are nursing educators are walking the

walk in terms of Evidence Based

Are nursing education strategies and

curricula based on the best evidence?

Does nursing education have a specific

body of knowledge that is used as

Evidence Based practice?
October 6, 2016

Dr.Rs/nsg forum/workshop/RGUHS/18.1.08


Do nurse educators use clinical judgment in

adopting recommended practices to their

particular situations , curriculum or students?
In which way are student values considered

in the development of curricula and teaching

What are the implications of implementing

evidence based practice in nursing

October 6, 2016

Dr.Rs/nsg forum/workshop/RGUHS/18.1.08


Increased interest in Evidence

Based nursing practice and

participating in the generation of
Enhanced critical thinking skills

through the development of

knowledge , experience , and
October 6, 2016

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Increased motivation to continue

professional growth and

development by participating in
life long learning.
The desire to become better

consumers of research findings.

Increased desire to pursue

graduate studies in nursing.

October 6, 2016

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October 6, 2016

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Fostering communication skills

specific to nursing research.

Creating mentored

opportunities to practice
research process.
Promoting enduring pattern of

research use.
October 6, 2016

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Accessibility of research findings.

Anticipated outcomes of using

research .

Organizational support to use


Support from others to use


October 6, 2016

Dr.Rs/nsg forum/workshop/RGUHS/18.1.08


According to Capez and Morehouse


Total Quality Management refers to

A management process and set of
disciplines that are coordinated to
ensure that the organization
consistently meets and exceeds
customers requirements .
October 6, 2016

Dr.Rs/nsg forum/workshop/RGUHS/18.1.08


TQM engages all divisions ,

departments ,

And levels of the organizations.

Top management organizes all of

its strategy and operations around

customer needs and;

Develops a culture with high

employee participation.

October 6, 2016

Dr.Rs/nsg forum/workshop/RGUHS/18.1.08


To assure high quality nursing care,

or education ;
Information about structure ,
Nursing process,
And patient/Student out comes
Must be continuously fed back to
the Nurses /Teachers at all levels
of organizational hierarchy.

October 6, 2016

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October 6, 2016

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October 6, 2016

Dr.Rs/nsg forum/workshop/RGUHS/18.1.08


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