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control system is said to be completely

state controllable if it is possible to transfer
the system from any arbitrary initial state to
any desired state in a finite time period. That
is, a control system is controllable if every
state variable can be controlled in a finite
time period by some unconstrained control
signal. If any state variable is independent of
the control signal, then it is impossible to
control this state variable and therefore the
system is uncontrollable.

Controllability Canonical Form


Consider the equations

x (t ) Ax(t ) Bu (t )
y (t ) Cx (t ) Du (t )

Their characteristic equation will be

Controllability Canonical Form


These above dynamic equation is

transformed into CCF by the transformation
of equation1with equation 2

eq. 1


Controllability Canonical Form




Controllability Canonical Form



Controllability Canonical Form


S is defined as controllability matrix

That is the system is completely controllable if

and only if the inverse of controllability matrix
is available.


A control system is said to be observable

if every initial state X(0) can be
determined from the observation of Y(k)
over a finite number of sampling periods.
The system, therefore, is completely
observable if every transition of the state
eventually affects every element of the
output vector

Observability Canonical Form

A dual form of transformation of the CCF is
the observability canonical form (OCF).
system described by these below equations

x(t ) Ax(t ) Bu (t )

y (t ) Cx (t ) Du (t )

is transformed to the OCF by the


Observability Canonical Form


The transformed equations are



Observability Canonical Form

Notice that A andC are the transpose of
the and
in controllable canonical form
The OCF transformation matrix Q is given

where M is as given in

Observability Canonical Form

The matrix V is often defined as the
observability matrix,
That is the system is completely observable
if and only if the inverse of observability
matrix is available

Diagonal Canonical Form


Given the dynamic equations

x (t ) Ax(t ) Bu (t )
y (t ) Cx (t ) Du (t )

if A has distinct eigenvalues, there is a

nonsingular transformation

Diagonal Canonical Form


which transforms these equations to the

dynamic equations of


Diagonal Canonical Form


The matrix A is a diagonal matrix,

where 1, 2. . . , n are the n distinct eigen

values of A.

Diagonal Canonical Form


We show in the following that the DCF

transformation matrix T can be formed by
use of the eigenvectors of A as its columns;

where phi=1,2, . . . , n, denotes the

eigenvector associated with the eigenvalue

This can be proved by the use of equation

Diagonal Canonical Form


Now, forming the n x n matrix,

The last equation is written

Thus, if we let

A T 1 AT

Jordan Canonical Form


In general, when the matrix A has multipleorder eigenvalues, unless the matrix is
symmetric with real elements, it cannot be
transformed into a diagonal matrix.
there exists a similarity transformation in
the form of such that the matrix A is almost
diagonal. The matrix A is called the Jordan
canonical form (JCF). A typical JCF is
shown below.

Jordan Canonical Form


where it is assumed that A has a third-order

eigenvalue 1 and distinct eigenvalues 2 and3.
The JCF generally has the following properties:

1. The elements on the main diagonal are the eigenvalues.

2. All the elements below the main diagonal are zero.
3. Some of the elements immediately above the multipleorder eigenvalues on themain diagonal are Is, as shown

Jordan Canonical Form

4 When the nonsymmetrical matrix A has multipleorder eigenvalues, its eigenvectors are not linearly
independent. For an A that is n x n, there are only r
(where r is an integer that is less than n and is
dependent on the number of multiple-order
eigenvalues) linearly independent eigenvectors.
5 The number of Jordan blocks is equal to the number
of independent eigenvectors r.
6 There is one and only one linearly independent
eigenvector associated with each Jordan block.
7 The number of 1 s above the main diagonal is
equal to n r.

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