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Target Audience

By Paige Edwards

Age Range
Our production is aimed at individuals aged 12-35. We chose to have our
age limit as low as 12 due to the significant message od cancer awareness
that we believe should be taught from a young age. Our film is primarily
aimed at young and older women, but is also suitable for men.
With this age range, we hoped that our audience would be able to relate
to these real life events. Also. The main character in our film is within this
age range, which we hope would attract young women of her age group,
as we would like to send a significant message that allows children to also
cherish their beloved ones before it ma be too late, like it was for our
main character.

Our production is based around females, a young woman, who
reminisces on the times she had and the times she wishes she had
more of with her mother.
Even though our film is based around the awareness of young
women and breast cancer, we agreed that this could also aim
around young men and the awareness of all cancers that apply to
both genders. Our film could allow sons, not just daughters, to
understand the importance of a parent and maybe relate to the real
life events that occur within our film as we are hoping to send a
strong message to all about cancer.

Socio- economic groups

Our short film will be aimed at socio-economic groups C1,
C2, D and E. This consists of working class,
administrative, supervisory and unemployed individuals.
We have chosen these specific groups as we know that an
individual that is within the group A and B are less likely
to watch our film due to their lifestyle, it is far more
realistic that the groups we have chosen will be more
likely to view our film due to having more of an interest
due to having more time on their hands.

the certification of our short film is a 12A. We have chosen his because there
is no strong language, nudity/sexual references, and/or violence and
aggression. It is simply an elegant storyline of an young girl regretting that
she didnt tell he mother she loved her enough before she passed. We believe
that children as young as 12 should be able to be aware of cancer and we
hope for our film to send a significant message about it. However, the reason
being for us not making our film the certification U or PG was simply
because we didnt want to stress or worry young viewers or care them into
thinking that this is what will occur around or to them, due to them not
understanding the significance of our product. We agreed that it would be
better for a young person that is slightly more educated to view our film.

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