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The Study

This case has conducted by Taya R Cohen of Kollegg School

Management Northwesten University
They study whether Personally difference in empathy and
perspective taking relate to disapproval of unethical negotiation

Perspective taking (Cognitive Response): imaging our

self in someone else situation or try to consider the
feeling of other.
ii. Empathy (emotional response) : considering the feeling
of other - characterized by warmth , compassion and
concern for others
Personally measure and experimental manipulation of
perspective to find method to discover agreement , create and
claim resources.

Summary of Case

Unethical bargaining can be deterred by empathy but

not by perspective taking.
Empathy did not predict disapproval of false promises
when guilt proneness was included in analysis.
Empathy has related with enhancing quality that could
be beneficial in future dealing through interpersonal
Empathy is most likely to deter unethical negotiation,
encourage cooperation , pro social and discourage
It is difficult to take advantage to people we have
considered their feeling than thoughts.

Problem Statements

Empathy VS Perspective Taking, are in

e cthebai/unethical bar
Cognitive response VS Emotional
Reponse.Unethical consequences such
as bribes, lies, false promises
Guilt pronees VS Shame prone

Major Finding

does considering the feelings of ones

counterpart provide any benefit that
perspective taking does not?

The current literature in negotiation

suggests the answer is no
Despite their results, Galinsky and
colleagues (2008) did not rule out the
possibility that empathy may offer
negotiation benefits not reflected in their


has relationship-enhancing qualities that

could help negotiators build
interpersonal capital and facilitate future
may be more likely to deter unethical
More likely to stimulate moral action

Major finding from Study


People who feel empathy for other

Expressed greater disapproval of attempting to: To get opponents fired

Make false promise
Feigning positive and negative emotion to
manipulate other

People who are perspective taking

No more likely to disapprove of these unethical

bargaining compared to those less perspective


Women were more likely than men to

disapprove of these tactics
Considering an opponents thoughts
helps a negotiator win money and
considering an opponents feelings
helps a negotiator avoid harmful
breaches of ethics

Major Finding from Study


Consistent with study 1

Guilt-prone individuals were especially
likely to disapprove of lying and making
fake promise
Shame-prone individuals were less likely
to disapprove

People with a dispositional tendency to feel

guilty about committing transgressions
disapproved of negotiation strategies
why guilt proneness discouraged false promises
but empathy did not is that false promises
require internal self-regulation to be avoided.
offenses with clear interpersonal consequences
are more likely to be deterred by empathy, while
offenses that are private are more likely to be
deterred by anticipated guilt


Empathy is emotional
Empathy doesnt work very well across
Empathy is biased
To deter deceitful negotiation- Promote
group harmony (guilt and shame
Keep up that group cohesion

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