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Spiritual Fitness

Tereasa Segura
HW420 Unit 5
Kaplan University

Spirituality can be defined in numerous ways. All things or all life is
governed and derived from a universal life force. These are not
limited to the belief in a power operating in the universe that is
greater than oneself, a sense of interconnectedness with this
power and with all living things, an awareness of the purpose and
meaning of life beyond conventional terms, and the development
of aspirations and personal values.

Spiritual Mission
Spiritual Mission Statement: Ultimate truth calls us
from beyond; yet, its ineffable presence is also within
us as wisdom and among us as love. We are
committed to pursuing truth by putting timeless
wisdom into practice as a way of life in companionship
with others.The more we balance our karma and serve
life, the more we fulfill our divine calling.
This statement could offer spiritual inspiration to
myself and my colleagues because we can learn from
experienced individuals while still knowing we have
some sort of knowledge on the subjects we may be
working with. The more we can be content in our
working environment, the better off we are, possibly at
work and at home.

Muscles of the Soul

Persistence: A persistent person is someone who doesnt take
no for an answer until he or she has exhausted every
conceivable option. The spiritual approach is one of being
pleasantly persistent (not aggressive), like flowing water that
ever so slowly softens the hardest rock.
Patience: Patience is the ability to wait and wait and wait till
some sign is acknowledged that it is time to move on. Just as
there is strength in motion, there is power in stillness. Patience
quells an angry heart.

Muscle of the Soul

Optimism: Optimism is an inherent quality of being positive. A
great definition of an optimist is someone who looks at a
pessimist and sees hope.
Faith: Faith is one part optimism, one part love, and two parts
mystery. Faith is more than a belief that things will work out
okay; it is an innate certainty that all will end well. Faith is an
inherent knowing that we are part of a much bigger whole and
that the whole has a loving, divine nature to it.
Integrity: When you meet someone of integrity, the first thought
that comes to mind is honesty. Although this is certainly the
cornerstone of integrity, there is more to it. Integrity is honesty
over time. It is a code of conduct with a pledge to the highest
ideals in the lowest of times. Integrity literally means the
integration of many muscles of the soul.

Spiritual Activities
Incorporating yoga in
the workplace teaches
workers how to reduce
emotional and
musculoskeletal stress.
It is convenient and
practical in that it can
be readily performed
with immediate

Spiritual Activites
Tai chi is an ancient form of
exercise. It is sometimes referred
to as meditation in motion. Tai
chi is thought to promote serenity
by connecting the mind and body
through gentle body movements. It
is a self-paced system of gentle
physical exercise and stretching
through a series of postures that
continually flow.

Seaward, Brian L. (2013). Health of the Human Spirit, 2nd Edition. [VitalSource Bookshelf
Online]. Retrieved from

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