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Explore Activity 1

Explore Activity 1

Day 1

Moon Phase Tracker

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5


Day 6

Day 7

Directions: Observe the moon everyday at the SAME TIME for seven days. Shade in each
diagram according to your observations. Label the phases of the moon.
Elaborate 1

Patterns of the Sun, Moon and

Engage 2

Seasons:Shadows and Light Intensity



1. What happens when the light is shined on the The same amount of light is transmitted.
nail ?

2.When the light is tilted,what happens to the


The shadow becomes elongated.

3. When the light is closer to the nail,what

happens to the shadow?

The shadow is shorter and the light is more


4. What can be said about the shorter shadows,

in relation to the light?

The shorter shadows have more light energy

from the sun.The light is also less intense.

Explore 3A

Explore 3B

Shadow Length


Explore and Explain


Earth's distance from the sun is the

reason why it is hotter in the summer
and cooler in the winter.

State if the statement if correct or incorrect and why.Record

your answers in your science journals.

Elaborate and

1. Where is the sun located in our solar system?

2. Does the sun orbit the Earth, or the Earth orbit the
State your answer in your science journals, be sure to include evidence to support your

Engage 4A

1. In your science journals, draw a diagram

of the solar system.
2. Describe each planet.

State your answer in your science journals, be sure to include evidence to supp
your answer.

Engage 4B

What is different about

these two images?
Engage 4

3-D Model

Solar System Project Instructions

We have been learning about the solar system and models. In order to show what you have learned, I would
like for you to create your own solar system model to display in the classroom.
There are no limits to the project; you can use anything you like! This will be a test grade, so make sure
you do your best.
I encourage you to be creative and show what you have learned.
There are some basic rules for your project:

You must have the Sun and all 8 planets! (You may include Pluto if you wish. But remember, it isnt a planet anymore!)
The sun needs to be the biggest object.
Try to keep the planets in proportion. In other words, Earth should not be larger that Jupiter.
All objects must be labeled correctly and easily readable.
You should be able to give 3 interesting facts about each object. You can include the facts on your project or on index cards.
The planets should be colored correctly. Follow the color patterns below:

Mercury: Color the planet yellow. Color over the yellow with light brown.
Venus: Color the planet yellow. Color over the yellow with light brown.
Earth: Color the land brown or green, water blue, clouds white.
Mars: Color the ice caps white. Color the rest of the planet orange. Color over the orange with light red.
Jupiter: Color the planet orange, yellow, red, and light brown. Make the Great Red Spot dark red.
Saturn: Color the planet yellow and light orange. Color the rings light yellow.
Uranus: Color the planet blue-green.
Neptune: Color the planet blue. Color the clouds white. Make the Great Dark Spot dark blue.

You may use anything you like to do the project. A coat hanger, a box, dowel rods, Styrofoam balls, food,
whatever you would like! A rubric is attached to help you and your parents figure out what project will
deserve an A. If you need supplies or help with the project, be sure to ask me! I will help however I can,
but dont wait until the last minute.

Solar System
Project Grading
20 Points

17 Points

14 Points

10 Points


Students showed large

amounts of
creativity.All planets
are the correct color
and imagination was
usedwhen designing

Much thought was put

into the project.Planets
are close to correct
color and effort is

Some thought was put

into the project but
there some planets
incorrectly colored.

Very little to no
creativity.No color is
used,or all the planets
are incorrectly colored.

Planet Order

All planets are present

and in the correct

One planet is missing

and/or one or two
planets are out of

Two planets are

missing and/or3 or
more planets are out of

Three or more planets

are missing or are not
in the correct order.


All the planets are

roughly proportional to
each other.

Most of the planets are

proportional to each

A couple planets are

not proportionate.

Planets are not

proportionate. (Earth
should not be larger
than Jupiter).


All planets are clearly

and correctly labeled.

All planets are

correctly labeled, some
are difficult to read.

Planets are labeled

incorrectly or are near

Planets are not labeled

or labels are illegible.


All planets have at

least 3 facts on the
project or note cards.

All planets have at

least 3 facts, but are
difficult to read.

Planet facts are stated

incorrectly or are near

Planet facts are not

present, are incorrect,
or illegible.

Total Points =
_____ / 100

Total Points Earned

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