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Husni Mubarok
Islamic University of Nahdhatul Ulama

Technology In Education?
Technology in teaching and learning has some
1. Promoting students engagement in their
daily learning.
2. Promoting students to be active.
3. Building students motivation.
4. Being mobile or portable which can support
in searching the information and knowledge
whenever and everywhere they are.

Technology has a power to transform teaching

by ushering in a new model connected
teaching. Used to support both teaching and
learning, technology infuses classroom with
digital learning devices, such as PDA,
computer, laptop, PC tablet, and many
others. The method in which internet or web
can be used in learning is blended learning.

What is blended learning?


learning is a combination of
face to face learning in the classroom
and online learning.

It has other names:

1. Hybrid learning
2. Technology-mediated instruction
3. Web enhanced instruction

Beside that, blended learning can be

viewed as a simple and complex
At a simple level, blended learning is
the thoughtful integration of
classroom face to face learning
experiences with the online learning
The complexity arises when this idea
is put into action and the need to
respond in different settings.


goal of blended learning is to provide the

best aspect of face to face and online
Classroom time can engage students in advance
interactive experience while the online
instruction can provide students with the
multimedia-rich content, information, and
knowledge at any time of day and anywhere the
students have internet access.
In the university, blended learning is often
introduce to improve the quality of learning and
students engagement and a typical example
like virtual learning environment can reshape
learning relation between students and lecturer.

3 models of blended learning

1) Supplemental Model
This model retains the basic model of traditional course and
uses technology to supplement the traditional lecturing
and textbook. In this model, blended learning does not
change the basic structure of traditional lecturing.
2) Replecement Model
This model reduces the number of in-class meetings or
classroom time and replaces the meeting with out of class
and internet connection and makes significant changes in
remaining in class meeting.
3) Emporium Model
This model eliminates the class meetings and replaces
them with a learning resource center which offers an
access to course online material.

Lecturer roles

must learn to be comfortable facilitating

learning in this environment and creating a
culture that sets high academic expectations
and encourages students to own their learning.
Lecturer should model the learning and show the
students how to find information and ask and
answer the questions.
Lecturer should be able to manage and evaluate
project based learning activities.
Lecturer should have strategy to keep students
on task, engage and motivate them.

Thank You

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