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Part B

Hazard in
Hard and Soft
Sdn. Bhd.

by Muhammad Fitri Fauzili Azman

Hazard in Workplace
There are manydefinitionsforhazardbut
the more commondefinitionwhen talking
aboutworkplacehealth and safety is:
Ahazardis any source of potential
damage, harm or adverse health effects
on something or someone under certain
conditions at work.

Safety Hazards
These are the most common and will be
present in most workplaces at one time or
another. They include unsafe conditions
that can cause injury, illness and death.

Safety Hazard

Unguarded machinery


Working from heights

Safety Hazard


Electrical Hazards : Improper wiring

Safety Hazard


Prevention :
Provide SOP for each machinery.
Avoid carrying materials up or down
ladder but use hoist or chutes to move
Contact a qualified electrician to discuss
the problem and get an electrical
system inspection.

Physical Hazards
Factors within the environment that can
harm the body without necessarily
touching it.

Physical Hazards

Tripping Hazards


Physical Hazards


Keeping walking areas clear from clutter
or obstructions.
Keeping flooring in good condition.
Ensuring that things carried or pushed
do not prevent from seeing any
obstructions or spills.

Ergonomics Hazards
Occur when the type of work, body positions
and working conditions put strain on your
body. They are the hardest to spot since you
dont always immediately notice the strain
on your body or the harm that these hazards
pose. Short term exposure may result in
sore muscles the next day or in the days
following exposure, but long-term exposure
can result in serious long-term illnesses.

Ergonomics Hazards

Improper adjusted workstation


Poor posture

Ergonomics Hazards


Maintain Neutral Posture
Work in the Power / Comfort Zone
Allow for Movement and Stretching
Reduce Excessive Force
Reduce Excessive Motions

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