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Dr: Ziad Arandi

Lets revise

To assess the patient to identify any

mental health difficulties.
Can be therapeutic.
Strongly variable on the basis of time,
place & patient.

Set the scene

Privacy & Confidentiality

Try to avoid interruptions
Safety- Seating arrangement
Note taking

General principles

Put the patient at ease

Introduce yourself & anyone
accompanying you & explain the role
Length of interview

Interview style
Keep relax & in control even in difficult
Appropriate eye contact, appear
Begin with a general question eg tell me
about your problem
Have a systematic but flexible approach
May need to interrupt

Interview techniques
Open questions where possible
Closed questions can be helpful
Avoid leading questions eg You have
a poor appetite, dont you?

Interview techniques
May need to explain the rationale of certain
questions, eg abuse, criminal record etc.
Summarise to check understanding
Dont take words at face value eg
Pick up non-verbal cues
Encourage patient by leaning forward,
nodding, saying go on tell me more

Collateral information
Always useful particularly if patient is
cognitively impaired, patient is
concealing information etc
Often best to see patient alone first
and then with informant
Ascertain informants concerns as
well as gather information.
Interview patients in first language
where possible. May need interpreter
Symptomatology, cultural beliefs &
treatment expectations may vary

Signs and symptoms

of mental disorders

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: Mind
: Psychiatrist
: Psychology
: Psychologist
: Psychoses
: Hallucinations
: Delusions
: Organic disorder
:Functional disorder





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