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Consumer/Buyer Behavior

Nishan Navaratne
Consumer/Buyer Behavior Summary

1. Defining Consumer Behavior

2. Nature, Scope and Application of Consumer
3. Application of Consumer Behavior
4. Why Study Consumer Behavior?
5. Evolution of Consumer Behavior
6. The Interdisciplinary Nature of Consumer
Consumer Behavior may be defined as the interplay of forces that
takes place during a consumption process, within a consumers self
and his environment. - this interaction takes place between three
elements viz. knowledge, affect and behavior; - it continues
through pre-purchase activity to the post purchase experience; - it
includes the stages of evaluating, acquiring, using and disposing of
goods and services.
DEFINING The consumer includes both personal consumers and
CONSUMER business/industrial/organizational consumers.
Consumer behavior explains the reasons and logic that underlie
purchasing decisions and consumption patterns; it explains the
processes through which buyers make decisions. The study includes
within its purview, the interplay between cognition, affect and
behavior that goes on within a consumer during the consumption
process: selecting, using and disposing off goods and services.
The behavior that consumers display in searching for, purchasing,
using, evaluating and disposing of products and services that they
expect will satisfy their needs.
Schiffman and Kanuk
..the decision process and physical activity engaged in when
evaluating, acquiring, using or disposing of goods and services."
Loudon and Bitta
The study of consumers as they exchange something of value for
OTHER a product or service that satisfies their needs
DEFINITIONS: Wells and Prensky
Those actions directly involved in obtaining, consuming and
disposing of products and services including the decision processes
that precede and follow these actions.
Engel, Blackwell, Miniard
the dynamic interaction of effect and cognition, behavior and the
environment by which human beings conduct the exchange aspects
of their lives
American Marketing Association

The discipline finds its roots in the marketing concept and has
been essentially interdisciplinary in nature. As a subject it emerged
as a separate field of study in the 1960s.
Initially the focus lay in the marketers attempts to study the causes
of consumer behavior; the assumption was that if they could
identify the reasons behind consumption behavior, they would be
able to predict it; and if they could predict consumer behavior, they
could influence it. So the emphasis was to predict consumer
behavior; the approach came to be known as positivism.
Gradually, the focus of the study changed; the marketers wanted to
understand the customer better, and this approach came to be known
as interpretivism.
i The subject deals with issues related to cognition, affect and behavior in
consumption behaviors, against the backdrop of individual and environmental
determinants. The individual determinants pertain to an individuals internal self
and include psychological components like personal motivation and involvement,
perception, learning and memory, attitudes, self-concept and personality, and,
decision making. The environmental determinants pertain to external influences
surrounding an individual and include sociological, anthropological and economic
components like the family, social groups, reference groups, social class, culture,
sub-culture, cross-culture, and national and regional influences.
AND SCOPE ii. The subject can be studied at micro or macro levels depending upon whether it is
OF analyzed at the individual level or at the group level.
iii. The subject is interdisciplinary. It has borrowed heavily from psychology (the
BEHAVIOR : study of the individual: individual determinants in buying behavior), sociology
(the study of groups: group dynamics in buying behavior), social psychology (the
study of how an individual operates in group/groups and its effects on buying
behavior), anthropology (the influence of society on the individual: cultural and
cross-cultural issues in buying behavior), and economics (income and purchasing
iv. Consumer behavior is dynamic and interacting in nature. The three components of
cognition, affect and behavior of individuals alone or in groups keeps on changing; so does
the environment. There is a continuous interplay or interaction between the three
components themselves and with the environment. This impacts consumption pattern and
behavior and it keeps on evolving and it is highly dynamic.

v. Consumer behavior involves the process of exchange between the buyer and the seller,
mutually beneficial for both.

vi. As a field of study it is descriptive and also analytical/ interpretive. It is descriptive as it

explains consumer decision making and behavior in the context of individual determinants
and environmental influences. It is analytical/ interpretive, as against a backdrop of
theories borrowed from psychology, sociology, social psychology, anthropology and
economics, the study analyzes consumption behavior of individuals alone and in groups. It
makes use of qualitative and quantitative tools and techniques for research and analysis,
with the objective is to understand and predict consumption behavior.

vii. It is a science as well as an art. It uses both, theories borrowed from social sciences to
understand consumption behavior, and quantitative and qualitative tools and techniques
to predict consumer behavior.
Consumer Behaviors
Interdisciplinary Roots
Psychology: This includes the study of the individual as well as the individual
determinants in buying behavior, viz., consumer perception, learning and memory,
attitude, self-concept and personality, motivation and involvement, attitudes and
attitudinal change and, decision making.
Sociology: This includes the study of groups as well as the group dynamics in buying
behavior, viz., family influences, lifestyles and values, and social group influences.
Social psychology: This includes the study of how an individual operates in
group/groups and its effects on buying behavior viz, reference groups and social
class influences.
Anthropology: This is the influence of society on the individual viz., cultural and
cross-cultural issues in buying behavior, national and regional cultures etc.
Economics: This is the study of income and purchasing power, and its impact on
consumer behavior. The underlying premise is that consumers make rational choices
while making purchase decisions. While resourcse are limited and needs and wants
many, consumers collect information, and evaluate the various alternatives to finally
make a rational decision.
The study of consumer behavior deals with
Scope of
Consumer understanding consumption patterns and behavior. It
Behavior: includes within its ambit the answers to the
following: -
What the consumers buy: goods and services
- Why they buy it: need and want
- When do they buy it: time: day, week, month,
year, occasions etc.
- Where they buy it: place
- How often they buy it: time interval
- How often they use it: frequency of use

The scope of consumer behavior includes not only the

actual buyer but also the various roles played by
him/ different individuals.
Consumer Behavior as an Academic
Discipline and an Applied Science
Factors that contributed to the growing interest
in consumer behavior:
accelerated rate of new product development
consumer movement
public policy concerns
environmental concerns
the opening of national markets throughout
the world
The knowledge of Consumer Behavior helps the marketer understand
and predict the consumption patterns and consumption behaviors of
people. It helps them gain insights as to why a consumer behaves
differently to another consumer; as well as, why a consumer behaves
differently in different times and buying situations. The study helps
them understand the internal (individual determinants) and external
(environmental factors) forces that impel people to act out different
consumption patterns and behaviors.
The study helps the marketer in:
a) Analyzing the environment: identifying opportunities and fighting
threats b) Segmenting, targeting and positioning
c) Designing the marketing-mix
d) Designing the marketing strategy
e) Governmental and Non-profit Organization and Social Marketing
1. Define Consumer Behavior?
2. List out the individual determinants and environmental influences that
affect consumption behavior?
3. Is the subject of Consumer Behavior interdisciplinary?
4. What are the basic components in consumption behavior?
5. What are the various Buying Roles.
FAQ 6. Which are the various disciplines that have contributed to the study of
Consumer Behavior?
7. What are the various environmental influences that affect consumption
Fill in the blanks
1. The three interplay of forces, ------------------, affect and behavior that takes place
during a consumption process, within a consumers self and his environment.
2. The consumer includes both personal consumers and
3. As we know that the subject consumer behavior is interdisciplinary in nature
and most of It has borrowed from--------------
4. Consumer behavior involves the process of ---------------between the buyer and
the seller, mutually beneficial for both.

Keys: 1.knowledge 2. business/industrial/organizational 3. psychology 4.

Application of Consumer Behaviour in Marketing

According to the marketing concept, the marketer should

be able to determine needs and wants of the target segment
and provide product and service offerings more effectively
and efficiently than competitors. It is essentially a
customer-centered philosophy, which aims at
understanding customer needs and wants, providing the
right product and service, and deriving customer
satisfaction; make what you can sell rather than sell
what you make.
An understanding of the study of consumer behavior helps
formulate appropriate marketing strategies for a firm
keeping in view the consumer and his environment.

It has a number of applications; the main application bases are as follows:

Analyze the environment : The knowledge of consumer behavior can be applied to help
identify opportunities and fight threats. The opportunities could be in terms of newer
customers, newer markets, unfulfilled needs and wants (through a study of consumer
individual determinants and other environmental influences). The threats could be fought
by developing and implementing appropriate marketing strategies to best fit the
environment. The marketing strategies need to be dynamic and constantly evolving
keeping in view the uncertainty in the environment; Environmental uncertainty is a
function of complexity and dynamism. Complexity is defined in terms of the number,
strength and interrelatedness of the various factors in the environment that a firm has to
deal with. Dynamism relates to how quickly the changes take place in the environment.
Segmentation, targeting and positioning: The study of consumer behavior may be
applied to segment the market, select the target market and position the product or service
offering. Identifying the target segment, understanding their needs, providing the right
product and service offering and communicating about the offering all of these help a
marketer succeed in the long term and ensure his survival and success in a changing

a) Segment the market: The marketer needs to identify distinct customer

groups with needs and wants, classify them on basis of descriptive
characteristics and behavioral dimensions.
The descriptive characteristics may take forms of age, gender, income,
occupation, education, family size, family life cycle, gender, lifestyle,
personality, religion, generation, geography, nationality, and social class. The
behavioral dimensions take forms of benefits, uses, use occasion, usage rates,
and loyalty status.
b) Select target market: The marketer then selects one or more markets to
enter. The segment(s) that should be targeted should be viable; there should
be a fit between the market attractiveness and the companys objectives and
resources. The marketer would be able to assess the viability of a segment on
the basis of the following criteria, viz., measurability, substantialability,
accessibility, differentiability, and actionability.
c) Position the product offering in the mind of the customers: The
marketers should be able to communicate the distinct and/or unique product

Designing the Marketing Strategy: There exists interrelatedness between the

Consumer, the Environment and the Marketing strategy.
a) Consumer: The consumer has his needs and wants as well as product
preferences; Thus, there exists an interplay of Cognition (knowledge about
products and alternatives), Affect (feelings of favorableness and
unfavorableness) and Behavior (action: buy or not to buy).
b) Environment: This refers to forces in the environment, which make the
environment complex and dynamic.
c) Marketing strategies: This implies setting up of goals and then achieving them
through the design of an appropriate marketing mix. The Marketing Strategy
should be designed to influence consumers (Cognition, Affect and Behavior)
and be influenced by them. It should be flexible and ever evolving with
changes in the customer needs and wants; as well as, changes in the
environment in which it operates. The knowledge of consumer behavior can be
applied to develop a best fit between consumer needs and wants, the
environment in which the firm operates; and, the firms goals and objectives.

Designing the Marketing Mix (4 Ps):

a) Product: The term product includes both tangible products and intangible
services. The issues to address consist of name (brand), size, shape, features,
labeling, packaging, accessories and supplementary products, terms of sale
and services, after sales etc.
b) Price: This includes the pricing of the product offering. The major components
include, form of payment, terms and conditions of payment, discounts, price
sensitivity, differential prices and customer reaction, imagery (price increase
and customer reaction, price decrease and customer reaction).
c) Place and Distribution: This includes the marketing channel, and comprises
decisions regarding choice of channel (direct or indirect), location,
accessibility and availability of product offering, wholesaling, retailing,
logistics etc.
d) Promotion: This includes marketing communication, and the major issues
comprise decisions on communication/promotion mix, the message and media
strategy (the content, appeal and context).

Application in Governmental and Non-profit Organizations and

Social Marketing:
The knowledge of consumer behavior finds relevance even in
Governmental and Non-profit Organizations and Social Marketing.
Governmental and Non-profit Organizations have the society as its
customers and need to understand them so as to be able to serve
them better. Social marketing involves propagation of ideas;
attempts at such circulation and spread of ideas for moral and
social upliftment can be more successful if there is a proper
understanding of the these consumers (i.e., the public and society )

Assignment questions:
1. As a marketer, how do you think that you can apply what you study in Consumer Behavior?
2. How has the study of Consumer Behavior evolved?
3. Is the subject of Consumer Behavior interdisciplinary? Discuss.
4. List out how the knowledge of Consumer Behavior helps a marketer in Designing the 4 Ps?
1. The study of consumer behavior is viewed as the edifice of the selling concept.
2. The knowledge of consumer behavior does not find relevance in Governmental and Non-profit
Organizations and Social Marketing
Fill up the blanks:
1. The _____________________ concept believes in make what you can sell approach rather than sell
what you make approach.
2. Environmental uncertainty is a function of ________________ and dynamism.
3. There exists interrelatedness between the Consumer, the _________________ and the Marketing strategy.
4. During the evolution of the discipline, marketers realized that there was a need to understand the customer
better. This approach came to be known as ______________.
5. The marketer needs to identify distinct customer groups with needs and wants, classify them on basis of
descriptive characteristics and behavioral dimensions this process is known as.
Keys: 1.Marketing 2. complexity 3.environmental 4. interpretivism 5. Segmentation of market:
Decision : A decision is defined as choosing an option of the few/many available. Decision
making is the process of choosing between two or more alternatives; It is the selection of
an alternative out of the few/many choices that are available. Decision making is: a) a
goal oriented process. b) it is a problem solving process: helps take advantage of
opportunities and fight threats.
Decisions Making can be of two types,
a) Programmed decision making: This is applied for problems that are routine and
regular. Such problems are simple to deal with and guidelines to sort out such problems
exist. Such decisions are made without much thought. With respect to marketing, these
are decisions related to day to day purchases or convenience and shopping goods; these
are generally low involvement purchases. They may also be habitual in nature, and
brand loyalty could easily develop. Examples: Purchases made for staples, toiletaries etc.
b) Non-programmed decision making: This is applied for problems that arise suddenly
and are unique or novel. As the problem is sudden and novel, it is complex and requires
a lot of information gathering, deliberation and thought. With respect to marketing, these
are decisions related to infrequent purchases or specialty goods and emergency goods;
these are high involvement purchases. Examples: Purchases made for laptops, real
estate etc.
A consumer purchase is actually a response to a problem. Consumer Decision Making
pertains to making decisions regarding product and service offerings. It may be defined
as a process of gathering and processing information, evaluating it and selecting the best
possible option so as to solve a problem or make a buying choice.
Consumer Decision Making pertains to the following decisions:
a) What to buy: Products and Services (and the Brands?)
b) How much to buy: Quantity
c) Where to buy: Place
d) When to buy: Time
e) How to buy: Payment terms.
All purchase decisions are not similar. The effort put into each decision making is
A Simplified Model of Consumer Decision
The decision-making process can be viewed as
three interlocking stages:
The input stage:
marketing efforts
sociological influences
The process stage:
psychological factors
The output stage:
purchase behavior
postpurchase evaluation
External Influence
Firms Marketing Efforts Sociocultural Environment
1. Product 1. Family
2. Informal sources
Input 2. Promotion
3. Other noncommercial sources
3. Price 4. Social class
4. Channels of distribution 5. Subculture and culture
Consumer Decision Making

Psychological Field
Need 1. Motivation
Recognition 2. Perception
3. Learning
Prepurchase 4. Personality
Search 5. Attitudes
Evaluation of
Alternatives Experience

1. Trial

Output 2. Repeat purchase


Postpurchase Evaluation
While decision making is defined as the selection of an alternative to solve a problem, the time
and effort required to complete the process varies across buying situations. We may define
three kinds problem solving spread over a continuum; these are referred to as the levels of
consumer decision making;
(i) Extensive problem solving (EPS):In EPS, the consumer is unfamiliar with the
product/service category; he is not informed of the product or service offering, and thus, the
situation requires extensive information search and evaluation.
1.These goods are ones of high involvement; they are expensive; they are infrequently bought;
there is considerable amount of risk involved.
2.These are generally first time purchases
Examples: Jewellery, electronic goods, Real estate and property etc.
(ii) Limited problem solving (LPS) :The consumer is familiar of the product or service
offering; but he is unaware of the various brands. The case is one where the buyer is familiar
with the product category but unfamiliar with the brands. The types of products and /
situations where we generally have LPS:
3.These goods are ones of low involvement; they are generally moderately priced; they are
frequently bought; there is lesser amount of risk involved.
4.These are generally recurring purchases.
Exceptions: They may also be cases where an expensive product is being repurchased.
Examples: A laptop replacing a desktop, a second TV for the home.
(iii)Routinized problem solving (RPS) or Routinized response behavior:
The consumer is well informed and experienced with the product or service offering. The
consumer is aware of both the decision criteria as well as the various brands available.
Here, the goods are ones of low involvement; they are inexpensive; they are frequently
bought; there is no risk involved. These are routine purchases and are a direct repetition, where
the consumer may be brand loyal.
Examples: Staples, Cold drinks, Stationery etc.

Comparisons between EPS, LPS and RPS

1.Complexity of decision makingHigh Medium Low
2.Time taken to make decisions High Low to High Low
3.Information gathering Yes Yes No
4.Information sources Many Few Few or none
5.Awareness and knowledge of:
a)Decision criteria No No Yes
b)Alternative brands available Somewhat Yes Yes
6. Evaluative criteria Complex Moderate Simple (if at all)
7. Brands considered Many Few One (Repeat purchase)
8. Cognitive dissonance High Rare None
9. Consumer Involvement High Medium Low
10.Information search Extensive Limited Minimum
Comparisons between EPS, LPS and RPS


11. Evaluation of alternatives Complex Moderate Simple (if at

5. Purchase Gradual after a cognitive process Not so gradual Immediate
6. Post purchase processes Cognitive dissonance is high Cognitive dissonance Brand loyalty.
. Brand loyalty if satisfied would be rare Repeat purchase
7. Types of goods Specialty goods Mixed Convenience
BUYING ROLES: Consumer decision making is a complex process. It is an
interplay of reactions amongst a consumer and his cognition, affect and behavior on
the one hand, as well as the environmental forces on the other hand.
The actual transaction/ exchange is preceded by considerable amount of thought
processes and influences. This could be explained in terms of the five Buying Roles
a) Initiator: The person who identifies a need and first suggests the idea of buying a
particular product or service.
b) Influencer: The person(s) who influences the buyer in making his final choice of
the product.
c) Decider: The person who decides on the final choice: what is to be bought, when,
from where and how.
d) Buyer: The person who enters into the final transaction and exchange process or
is involved in the physical activity of making a purchase.
e) User: The person(s) who actually consumes the product or service offering.
so The marketer needs to understand these to frame suitable strategies.
Example A boy enters college and needs a laptop for doing assignments.
i) Initiator: The boy himself
ii) Influencer: His friends and classmates.
iii) Decider: The boy himself.
iv) Buyer: The boy himself.
v) User: The boy himself.
1. Define Consumer Decision Making.
2. Compare and contrast the various levels(EPS,LPS&RPS) of Consumer
Decision Making.
3. Mention the five buying roles.
4. Mention the two types of decision making.
5. Mention the three kinds problem solving.
6. True/false:
a) With respect to marketing, programmed decisions are related to infrequent
purchases or specialty goods and emergency goods.
b) In case of LPS brand loyalty is high.
c) As far as Buyer Behavior is concerned, the users role is the most
Fill in the blanks:
1. A decision is defined as choosing an -------------of the few/many available.
2. Programmed decision making is applied when problems are ---------to deal
with and guidelines to sort out such problems exist.
3. ----------------decision making is applied for problems that arise suddenly and are
unique or novel.

Keys: 1. option 2. simple3. Non-programmed

Thank You

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