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Kingdom Plantae

All plants are eukaryotic

autotrophs making food from
sunlight through photosynthesis.

There are, however, a few species

that are both autotrophs and

Plants have cell walls made of


Primary consumers eat only

Land plants evolved from green algae

Researchers have identified green algae

called charophyceans as the closest
relatives of land plants
Adaptations Enabling the Move to Land
In charophyceans
A layer of a durable polymer called
sporopollenin prevents exposed zygotes from
drying out

The accumulation of traits that facilitated

survival on land
May have opened the way to its colonization
by plants
There are four key traits that land plants share
only with charophyceans
Rose-shaped complexes for cellulose
Peroxisome enzymes
Structure of flagellated sperm
Formation of a phragmoplast
Derived Traits of Plants
Five key traits appear in nearly all land plants
but are absent in the charophyceans
Apical meristems
Alternation of generations
Walled spores produced in sporangia
Multicellular gametangia
Multicellular dependent embryos
Cuticle a protective waxy coating that prevents H2O
in plant tissues from evaporating into the atmosphere.
Within the cuticle are stomata that
allow exchange of gases.

Guard cells open and close pores in the

stomata to release O2 into the
atmosphere and take in CO2.
A leaf is a broad flat organ that
traps light energy for
photosynthesis and exchanges
gases through stomata.
Root a plant
organ that
anchors the
plant in soil
and absorbs
H2O and
minerals from
them to the
A root cells
job is to take
water and
nutrients from
the soil and
send them up
to the part of
the plant
above the
The stem is the plants structural
support for upright growth
containing tissues to transport
H2O, minerals, and nutrients from
one part of the plant to another.

Stems may also store food.

Green stems carry on

AP Biology April 30

Plants PP continued

Private Life of Plants

Animal practical
Coming up.
- Plant Test May 4
- Chapter 47 objectives

- Animal systems and structure

- Abstract ?
Growing root includes 3 regions:
- root tip
- elongation region
- maturation region
Root tip and elongation region are sites of
primary growth through apical meristem tissue

Maturation zone, vascular tissue forms primary

xylem and phloem which forms
stele (the inner concentric cylinder)
Plant Vascular Tissues
Xylem made up of a series of
dead tubular cells that transport
H2O and dissolved minerals
upward from roots to leaves.

Phloem made up of a series of

living tubular cells that transport
sugars from leaves to all parts of
the plant.
Two types of xylem cells:
- tracheids which are are long and thin
- vessel elements which are short and thick

Phloem cells are made up of

- sieve tube elements (carry nutrients)
- companion cells (support sieve tube
When there is no water in the soil for the plant, it
looses turgor pressure (wilts).
Leaf cell
Animal Cell
Chlorophyll absorbs energy from
sunlight and passes that energy into the
Stroma contain enzymes that turn light
energy into sugar and oxygen from water
and carbon dioxide.
SUNLIGHT + 6CO2 + 6 H2O C6H12O6 + 6O2

Grana are stacks light trapping

When we burn wood, basically the
photosynthesis formula is reversed.

We're breaking down the

carbohydrate and producing carbon
dioxide gas and water, plus energy,
which, like sunlight, feels hot and
looks bright.
Alternation of Generations
Sexual reproduction
involves the two alternating
processes of meiosis and

In meiosis, the chromosome

number is reduced from the
diploid to the haploid number.

In fertilization, the nuclei

of two gametes fuse, raising
the chromosome number from
haploid to diploid.
In most plants meiosis and fertilization
divide the life of the organism into two
distinct phases or "generations".

The gametophyte generation begins

with a spore produced by meiosis. The
spore is haploid, and all the cells
derived from it (by mitosis) are also
haploid. In due course, this
multicellular structure produces
gametes by mitosis and sexual
reproduction then produces the diploid
sporophyte generation.
In fact, the gametophyte generation is the
major stage in the life of mosses and an
independent plant in ferns.

However, the gametophyte is only an

inconspicuous structure in angiosperms and
other "higher" plants.
The sporophyte generation
produces spores (diploid) which
develop into the gametophyte

The gametophyte generation

produces gametes (haploid).

In vascular plants, the sporophyte

generation is dominant.

In non-vascular plants, the

gametophyte is larger and more
conspicuous than the sporophyte.
Plant Tropisms
Phototrophism - growth toward light
Plant Tropisms
Gravitropism downward growth of roots
Plant Tropisms
- Thigmotropism
plants response
when it comes
into contact with a
solid object.
Vegetative Reproduction.

is asexual
Plant Growth

Meristematic tissue is made up of actively

dividing cells

Primary growth occurs via apical

meristems in the tips of roots and stems

Secondary growth is carried out by lateral

meristems increasing the girth of the plant
- two types of cells: vascular cambium
cork cambium
Vascular cambium
produces secondary xylem and
phloem secondary which replaces
primary xylem and primary phloem

Cork cambium produces the tissues of the

outer bark

Plants also have lenticels which allow for gas

exchange through bark
Bryophytes vs Tracheophytes
whats the difference?
Division Bryophyta mosses, liverworts,
hornworts. All are non-vascular and non-seed.
Bryophyte gametophytes
Produce flagellated sperm in antheridia

Produce ova in archegonia

Generally form ground-hugging carpets

and are at most only a few cells thick

Some mosses
Have conducting tissues in the center

of their stems and may grow

Bryophyte Sporophytes
Bryophyte sporophytes
Grow out of archegonia
Are the smallest and simplest of all extant
plant groups
Consist of a foot, a seta, and a sporangium

Hornwort and moss sporophytes

Have stomata
Concept 29.4: Ferns and other seedless
vascular plants formed the first forests
Bryophytes and bryophyte-like plants
Were the prevalent vegetation during the first
100 million years of plant evolution

Vascular plants
Began to evolve during the Carboniferous
Division Lycophyta
- Club Mosses
vascular and non-
seed .
Division Pterophyta
whisk ferns, horsetails, and
ferns vascular and non-seed .
Seed Bearing Plants
are vascular
plants that
produce seeds
on scales of
woody strobili
called cones.
In other words, they have
naked seeds - seeds not
enclosed in a fruit.
The four divisions of
Gymnosperms are:




Cycads have a terminal rosette of leaves
and bear seeds in cones.
All cycads have separate male and
female plants.
Ginkgophyta has
only on living
species Ginkgo

The leaves are


Like Cycads,
Ginkgos have
separate male
and female trees.
Division Gnetophyta has 3 genera:



Coniferophyta is the largest and most
diverse division of the gymnosperms.

Most are evergreen keeping their

leaves year-round.

A very few are deciduous dropping

all of their leaves at
the same time
Angiosperms include one division
- Anthophyta
Though there is only one division
of angiosperms, Anthophyta .

It is the largest and most diverse

group of seed plants on Earth.

Anthophytes produce flowers,

then seeds enclosed in a fruit.

Anthophytes can be annuals,

biennials, or perennials.
What is an annual?

What is a biennial?

What is a perennial?
AP Biology: May 2
Kingdom Plantae continued

Kingdom Practical

Presentations ? Private Life of Plants ?

Coming up:
- Parade of Kingdoms Test corrections due 5/4

- Kingdom Plantae test ?

- Continue reading chapter 47 due May 4

- 6th Abstract due May 8 plants or systems
What is the purpose of fruit?
Seeds can be dispersed in a
variety of ways:


Passing through an animals

digestive system

Catching on fur or skin

Floating on water
Division Anthophyta has two
classes of angiosperms .
Monocots and Dicots
Possible Advantages to
Alternation of Generations
Amplification of the sexual product
because it produces many spores.

Possibly useful in an environment

where limited water availability for
successful fertilization limits the
number of successful zygotes.
Adaptations to Survival in the
Terrestrial Environment
Separation of absorbtive organs
(roots) and photosynthetic organs
Waterproof cuticle
Vascular tissues (xylem and phloem)
Structural support tissues
(cellulose and lignin)
Species dispersal (spores and seeds)
Adaptations to Survival in the
Terrestrial Environment

Protection of gametes in gametangia

Fertilization in the absence of free
water (pollen tubes instead of
swimming sperm)
Zygote and sporophyte embryo
protected and nurtured by
Primative seedless vascular plants
Early chordates
Recent chordates
Arthropoda Insecta
Platyhelmenthes and Nematoda
Arthropoda Arachnida, Mesostomata,
Crustacea, Myriapoda
1. Why were adaptations necessary for
plants to become terrestrial ?

2 What were the adaptations?

3. What is the general term for growth

tissue of plants?

4. Describe the difference(s) between

gymnosperms and angiosperms.

5. Describe the two patterns of growth in

seed plants?
1. Plants were no longer surrounded by water when
they became terrestrial. They needed to get
water, stay upright, reproduce without
surrounding water.

2. Specialized root tissue, waterproof cuticle,

specialized stem tissue with vascular tissue,
leaf tissue, spores, seeds.

3. Meristematic tissue.

4. Gymnosperms are either Cycadophyta,

Ginkgophyta, Gnetophyta, or Coniferophyta.
4. Cont. They reproduce using strobilli
naked cones. Angiosperms belong to
phylum Anthophyta and include all
flowering plants. The flower is a
specialized reproductive structure that
produces seeds (zygote) covered by

5. The two patterns of growth in

angiosperms are monocots and dicots.
Division Anthophyta has two classes
of angiosperms .
Monocots and Dicots
1. Describe the two types of vascular
tissue and the cells that make them?

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