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Meeting notes

Pre filming
Attending- Monica Kigozi , Saif Ijaz , Maisha Rahman
Friday 16th December 2017 - This was a time where we all met up and
decided on a location as a group. We thought it was a good idea as we
would all have input towards a decision and it would be made as unit and
not a singular persons opinion. We also decided on our final actors and
came to a decision on that. Lastly we decided on an initial location to film
in which was near the actors house.
Filming attempt 1
Attending- Saif Ijaz, Monica Kigozi, Aleena Masood, Maisha Rahman,
Mahbubur Rahman
Monday 19th December 2016- We decided to film on this day. This was a
day where all the actors we needed and the group members were free. The
scene we filmed was the scene right at the beginning where she is tied up
and is struggling to get free. Some of the girl members had to apply make
up to the actor to make it seem as though she was bruised and battered,
we also tied her up to a chair and wrapped her wristed with ropes. We took
multiple shots on the same scene as the vision was to create a cctv effect
when editing. The location was inside Oaks Park high school.
Filming attempt 2
Attending- Saif Ijaz, Monica Kigozi, Aleena Masood, Maisha Rahman,
Mahbubur Rahman
Thursday 12th January 2016- We decided we wanted to film the rest of
what was remaining to film. We went out after school this day, we
managed to film a large majority of the scenes that we needed to collate in
order to make the production. The problem we encountered that day was
that it got very dark and the temperature really started to drop and the we
didnt come prepared with gloves or jackets as it was generally quite hot
during the day so we decided to stop filming and finish off another day.
When we gave the filming to the editor we came to the decision that the
quality of the shots was not good enough and it looked unrealistic as the
actors didnt do a good job, so we completely took disregards of that
filming and decided to start again. The location was Royal close off Meads
Filming attempt 3
Attending- Saif Ijaz, Monica Kigozi, Aleena Masood, Maisha Rahman,
Mahbubur Rahman
Monday 30th January 2017- After failure to the first recording attempt we
came to the conclusion the story line it self wasnt good enough to create
the effect we thought it would on the viewers, as on camera it did look as
good as we thought it would be so we changed the story line. And this day
filming got cancelled due to actors not being able to turn up due to
personal issues.
Filming attempt 4
Attending- Saif Ijaz, Monica Kigozi, Aleena Masood, Maisha Rahman,
Mahbubur Rahman
Monday 3rd February 2017- This was the first day of filming for the new
storyline we had come up with. Everyone turned up and we managed to
film a large majority of the scenes. We had managed to create the
atmosphere we wanted and everything was going to plan but the weather
had randomly took a turn for the worst and it started raining so we
managed to film up to around 1 minute 30 seconds of the production. But
again when looking at the edited footage it didnt come out good so we
had to re film everything. The location was 56 Oaks lane.
Filming attempt 5
Attending- Saif Ijaz, Monica Kigozi, Aleena Masood, Maisha Rahman,
Mahbubur Rahman
Monday 6th February 2017- This was a good day in terms of filming. It was

a good day because managed to film a bit of the production before it got
too dark to film, everything came together well and shots we took were
actually well taken. We managed to film to the point where the antagonist
and protagonist are running downstairs. we left it at that point so this day
was actually our first success in terms of filming. The location was Oaks
Park High School
Filming attempt 6
Attending- Saif Ijaz, Monica Kigozi, Aleena Masood, Maisha Rahman,
Mahbubur Rahman
Tuesday 7th February 2017- This was the final day of filming for us we
managed to finally collate all the necessary recordings to create a fluent
production. The location was in Oaks park High School.

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