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A continuation on colour

Write this down in your books and fill in the equation template worksheet in texta or pencil.


1) Secondary colour = Primary + Primary colour
2) Tertiary colour = Secondary + Primary (choose the primary that has the primary colour in the tertiary

Blue (Primary) + Yellow (Primary) = Green (Secondary)

Blue-Green (Tertiary) = Green (Secondary) + Blue (Primary)

Fill the equation worksheet out in pencil or texta.
Finish filling in your colour wheel.
Label every colour on your colour wheel as show on the diagram to the right. It will be either a primary,
secondary or tertiary colour.
Paste your colour wheel into your visual art diary
Commence filling in the tint scale, tone and the shade scales.

Learning intentions: To develop your knowledge of colour theory in relation to colour mixing
If you finish your shade and tint scale templates
Tint, shade and tone scales
You are going to be using acrylic paint to fill in your tint,
shade and tone scales
Write these definitions in your visual art diaries:
Value is the lightness or darkness of a color. The value of a color
can be changed by tinting or shading the color. This also changes
the intensity (brightness or dullness) of the color.
Tint: The result of adding white to a hue to produce a
lighter hue. Tints are light value of a colour.

Shade: To create shades you combine a hue with black.

Shades are the dark values of a hue.
Tone: In between black and white we have grey. A colour
Complementary painting

Create a painting of an object you see in the room. You

will need to fill it in using different complementary
Complementary colour combinations:
Red and green
Blue and orange.
Purple and yellow.
These colours are located directly across from each other on the colour

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