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Penyebab ISPA Pada

Acute Bronchitis

A chest X-ray is useful to exclude

pneumonia which is more common in those
with a fever, fast heart rate, fast respiratory
rate, or who are old
A sputum sample showing neutrophil
granulocytes (inflammatory white blood
cells) and culture showing that has
pathogenic microorganisms such as
Streptococcus species.
A blood test would indicate inflammation (as
indicated by a raised white blood cell count
and elevated C-reactive protein).

Mild peri hilar cuffing


Chest radiograph revealed an

endotracheal tube far above the
carina, bilateral opacities, and a
well-defined right upper lobe
Close-up image of the right upper
lobe shows lung parenchymal
Posteroanterior radiograph
demonstrates a left lower lobe

Generalised prominence of
bronchovascular markings in a
perihilar distribution but no
confluence consolidation or
Chest X ray shows hyper inflated
lung with perihilar haziness and
Plain radiograph
Bronchopneumonia is characterised by multiple small nodular or
reticulonodular opacities which tend to be patchy and/or confluent. This
represents areas of the lung where there are patches of inflammation
separated by normal lung parenchyma.
The distribution is often bilateral and asymmetric and predominantly involves
the lung bases.
Multiple foci of opacity can be seen in a lobular pattern, centred at
centrilobular bronchioles.This may result in atree in bud appearance.These
foci of consolidation can overlap to create a larger heterogeneous confluent
area of consolidation or 'patchwork quilt' appearance
CT-scan thorax:
Bilateral extended
and exclusively
peribronchial dense
infiltrations in the
right upper lobe and
lower lobe as well as
in the left lower
lobe. Discreet dense
areas also in the left
upper lobe and
middle lobe on the
right side. The outer
areas are free on
infiltrations. No
fusions. Bilateral
stress effusion, on
the right side in
need of puncture. No
signs of obstruction.
No suspicious lymph
nodes. In the bone
window no
1. Foto polos: digunakan untuk melihat adanya infeksi di paru dan status
2. Nilai analisa gas darah: untuk mengetahui status kardiopulmoner yang
berhubungan dengan oksigenasi
3. Hitung darah lengkap dan hitung jenis: digunakan untuk menetapkan adanya
anemia, infeksi dan proses inflamasi
4. Pewarnaan gram: untuk seleksi awal anti mikroba
5. Tes kulit untuk tuberkulin: untuk mengesampingkan kemungkinan terjadi
tuberkulosis jika anak tidak berespon terhadap pengobatan
6. jumlah lekosit: terjadi lekositosis pada pneumonia bakterial
7. Tes fungsi paru: digunakan untuk mengevaluasi fungsi paru, menetapkan luas
dan beratnya penyakit dan membantu memperbaiki keadaan.
8. Spirometri statik digunakan untuk mengkaji jumlah udara yang diinspirasi
9. Kultur darah spesimen darah untuk menetapkan agen penyebab seperti

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