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By: Ysrael M
Is a condition where there is a loss of
calcium in the bones, which causes them
to be thin and fragile. The over active
Parathyroid cause constant break down of
bone, causing aches in the bones. You are
10 times more likely to fracture a bone
with Osteoporosis.
Gland and Hormone
The Parathyroid Hormone (PTH) is the hormone
affected in this case and the Parathyroid is the
affected gland.
The Parathyroid is hyper-secreting PTH which
causes constant breaking down of the bone. This
causes the bone to be thin and fragile. Another
sign is that there will be high levels of Calcium
in the blood.
Stimulus: Low
Blood Calcium
Normal Cycle

Parathyroid PTH is The Function: Bone

is activated release Osteocla is broken down
d sts are and Calcium is
targeted released into
Negative Feedback: bloodstream

Parathyroid Hormone is released when Blood Calcium is low, from the

Parathyroid. It targets the bones, but more specifically, the
Osteoclasts. The Osteoclasts job is to break down bone so that
Calcium is released back into the bloodstream. The Negative feedback
of this cycle is when Calcium is back to Homeostasis, meaning that
Calcium levels are back to normal.
Problem with the
The most common cause for Hyperparathyroidism is one of
the parathyroid glands develop a tumor.
The tumor causes the parathyroid to lose control of its
functions. This leads to the over-development of PTH,
which then leads to Osteoporosis.
The PTH eats up the bone like its normally suppose to so
Calcium is released back into the blood. The problem
occurs when the tumor in the parathyroid doesnt read the
signal that the blood has reached Calcium Homeostasis.
This causes the PTH to continuously break down bone for
Calcium causing bones to become brittle and fragile.
Theres a 1.5% chance that a parathyroid gland grows a
tumor due to Radioactive Iodine Treatment that is used to
cure Thyroid problems.
Calcium supplements: 1,000 mg of elemental Calcium
for people between 19 and 50 years old. For men over
50, the intake is recommended to be 1,200 mg
Vitamin D: 800 IU-2,000 IU of Vitamin D for adults
over 50 years old. This assists in absorption of
Calcium in the bone
Weight Bearing Exercises: This plus a healthy lifestyle
reduces the risk of bone fractures
Calcitonin: Calcitonin can be injected or taken through
a nasal spray. Calcitonin is the hormone that builds
bone from Calcium. This will strengthen the bone and
counteract the PTH breaking down the bone

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