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POEMS: Question 5

Miss Siti Sarah Nabillah Binti Mohd Hashim Hasni

Miss Noorzatul Iffah Binti Badrul Khairi
PT3 2014-2015
POEM 2014 2015 2016
The River / - ?
Nobody Plan - Build / Test / Evaluate
I wonder - /
Heir Conditioning / -
Leisure / - ?
Fighters Line - / ?
PT3: Question 5
an expression of a poets ideas, emotions or
4 questions:
5 (a)
5 (b) General Understanding
5 (c)
5 (d) HOT Give suggestion/opinion + Reason
Relate the poem to your life + Reason
Lesson learnt + explanation/justification
Basic Questions
What Apa
Where Di Mana
When Bila
Which Yang mana
Which word in Stanza 1 that shows.
Which phrase
Who Siapa
HOT Questions

How Bagaimana
Why Kenapa
Suggest Cadangkan
Give solutions Berikan pendapat
Poet = The person who writes the poem
Persona / Voice =
Who is telling the story?
Setting = Place / Time
Theme = One word
Moral Value/Message/Value
We must______________
We should_____________
Word Perkataan
Phrase beberapa patah perkataan (2-3)
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The River
The rivers a wanderer,
A nomad, a tramp.
He doesn't choose any one place
To set up his camp.

The rivers a winder,

Through valley and hill
He twists and he turns,
He just cannot be still.

The rivers a hoarder,

And he buries down deep
Those little treasures
That he wants to keep.

The rivers a baby,

He gurgles and hums,
And sounds like hes happily
Sucking his thumbs.
Stanza 1
The focus in stanza 1 is about the words wanderer, nomad and tramp. The river is like a
person; a wanderer who keeps on moving from one place to the other without stopping at
any particular place for long. Same goes to the river which continues flowing and never

Stanza 2
In stanza 2, the river is characterized as a winder. It keeps twisting and turning and just
can't seem to be able to keep still as if it does not rest or stops. Even though there are
valleys or hills upfront, the river will continue flowing by adapting the surface of the Earth. It
talks about the inability of the river to remain at rest like a child who is unable to keep still.

Stanza 3
In stanza 3, the river is portrayed as a hoarder. The river is like a person; a hoarder who
likes to accumulate or gather things which are well hidden or guarded from others at its base
or bottom. Its because when the river flows, it wont stop to evade things which come across
its way. The river will carry all the things with it and bury them in the river bed. All the hidden
things at the bottom of the river gives it a mysterious aura.
Stanza 4
In stanza 4, the river is pictured as a baby. The sound of running water of a river is
characterized as the sound of a baby gurgling, humming and sucking his thumb. In
addition, a babys voice sometimes can be too loud and sometimes it can be too slow.
Same goes to the river, whenever he goes fast down the stream the sound is loud
and when it comes to a more flat ground, the sound lessen and sometimes it cannot
be heard.

Stanza 5
In stanza 5, the river is portrayed as a singer seeing that the rivers movement is
significant to the movement of a singer on the stage. While moving, the river moves
with sounds and the sound of flowing water of the river resonates and is heard
throughout the countryside.

Stanza 6
The river is said to be a monster which can cause massive destruction when it's
angry. Because,when the water level increases and the speed of the stream is
boosted, it will be a disaster that no one could stop it until it alleviate itself. It shows
how a calm river can turn into a destructive force of nature especially during a flood
which in turn can destroy properties and even cause death to people.
The poem is set in the countryside as the persona talks about the river, hills and
surrounding area.

The main theme in this poem is man and life. The hidden meaning behind the word
'river' refers to man. Man can choose to lead a stable life or move around in search of
his dreams and experiences. During his travels, man collects experiences and
memories. Besides that, man also faces challenges in life and this can prompt him to
be destructive.

Moral Values:
We must strive for stability in life.
We must value life experiences.
We should keep good memories in life and people close to us.
We should face our problems positively.
We should not destroy other people when facing challenges.
We should take care of our environment by not polluting our environment and cutting
down trees.
Mr Nobody
I know a funny little man,
As quiet as a mouse,
He pits damp wood upon the fire,
Who does the mischief that is done
That kettles cannot boil;
In everybody's house!
His are the feet that bring in mud,
There's no one ever sees his face,
And all the carpets soil.
And yet we all agree
The papers always are mislaid,
That every plate we break was
Who had them last but he?
There's no one tosses them about
By Mr. Nobody.
But Mr. Nobody.
`Tis he who always tears our books,
The finger marked upon the door
Who leaves the door ajar,
By none of us are made;
He pulls the buttons from our shirts,
We never leave the blind unclosed,
And scatters pine afar;
To let the curtains fade.
That squeaking door will always
The ink we never spill; the boots
That lying round you see
For, prithee, don't you see,
Are not our boots they all belong
We leave the oiling to be done
To Mr. Nobody.
By Mr. Nobody
Stanza 1
The funny little man mentioned in the poem is a little boy, perhaps three to
five years old. This is because; a child within that age usually does not talk
much rather than making things that require them to learn. However, they
often create trouble to people around them. Like in this stanza, there are
cracked plates but people tend not to scold them because they are in the
learning process though people know they do it.

Stanza 2
The same thing happen mentioned in this stanza, the child creates another
trouble in the house. Some of the troubles are the books have been torn,
the buttons have been pulled out from the shirts and the pins are scattered.
However, seeing that the little boy needs to learn, they leave the squeaking
door to be oiled by the boy for him to learn.
Stanza 3
Within this age also, the child may be doing something that may annoy
some other people. The examples are given in this stanza such as Mr.
Nobody puts damp woods upon the fire which causes the kettle cannot be
boiled, bringing the mud into the house and make the carpet soiled, and
papers are mislaid. People know that no one could do such things except
for Mr. Nobody

Stanza 4
However, though people like Mr. Nobody is quite troubling, they need to be
directed and to be taught the meaning of life. Not to forget they become like
that because they are in the process of learning. Therefore, we as adult or
people that are older and already matured must show a good talent for them
to follow the right role model. For example in this stanza, Mr. Nobody does
not know the meaning of privacy which he lets the door and the curtain
open, leaving the boots not in the right place and spilling inks.
The poem is set in a house and the area around the house. The persona talks about
the situation in the house and things happening in it. things get broken, misplaced
and thrown around by an unseen person. Besides that, he also messes up the house
and dirties the place.

The main theme in this poem is family life which is full of mischievousness from the
children. it is normal for a family to have someone who does mischievousness but will
not admit it. In a family, we might take things done by other people for granted. We
should appreciate the work done by other people. We should allocate work clearly
and be responsible for our own actions. Another theme is respect for every member
of the family. Cultivate good habits for everyone's sake and comfort.

Moral values:
We must work together to look after the family home.
We should have respect for other people's properties.
We must value and appreciate the things at home.
We must be willing to admit our mistakes and carelessness.
We must not be careless when using our own things or other people's possessions.
I Wonder
I wonder why the grass is green,
And why the wind is never seen?

Who taught the birds to build a nest,

And told the trees to take a rest?

O, when the moon is not quite round,

Where can the missing bit be found?

Who lights the stars, when they blow out,

And makes the lightning flash about?

Who paints the rainbow in the sky.

And hangs the fluffy clouds so high?

Why is it now, do you suppose,

That Dad won't tell me, if he knows?
Stanza 1
The child is outdoors on a windy day. She questions why the grass is green and the
wind is only felt but not seen.

Stanza 2
The wind has subsided and the trees have stopped swaying. The birds are building
their nests in the trees. The child is curious to find out who taught the birds this skill.

Stanza 3
The child's thoughts drift to the moon in the sky. She wonders about the different
phases of the moon.

Stanza 4
The child is also keen to know who lights the stars when they "malfunction" and who
causes lightning to streak across the skies.

Stanza 5
The fascinated child also wants to find out who is behind the colours of the rainbow
ans the downy clouds above.
The persona of the poem:
The persona is the voice in the poem (the person who might say the lines in
the poem)

The persona might be an inquisitive child who observes the world around

A childs curiosity. Children loves to ask questions about anything that
they do not understand.
The wonders of nature. People who take time to stop and appreciate
nature will find that nature is amazing.

Moral values :
There is an existence of God.
Care for our environment.
We must have a strong desire to learn a lot of knowledge.
Heir Conditioning
I am old and worn
And have lost all my strength
And the history of the fight for independence
Have forced sacrifices
That know no name
Or life

From the wheelchair of the rest of my days

I, body and energy crushed
See and cannot do much
These times are too big a challenge
For the remnants of my crippled years
The net of deceit spread everywhere
Disturbs me

In the name of justice

Wake up and form ranks sons of our ancestor
Be brave
And erect a wall of people
Stanza 1
In the first stanza, the poet asks his grandparents about the life before the technology
arouse and become the important usage in the world nowadays. He asks his
grandfather was it complicated to live in the life without technology as he refers the
technology to the invention of the air cons. Then he asks his grandmother regarding
the condition when she used paper fans to cool herself. He also asks his
grandmother what were the possibilities for them to communicate without faxes and
long distance calls compared to the world nowadays.

Stanza 2
The second stanza shows the answers given by the poets grandparents that sum up
all the questions in one simple answer. The reason on why they did not experience all
the pollution, stress, traffic jams, and destruction of forests, streams and hills is
because of their ignorance; they were lack of knowledge by that time. His
grandparents add, the only thing that they fear is God and nature but now, the nature
turns to fear the entire human race and money is the only obsession to human.
The poem is written in twentieth century setting as there are references to
modern gadgets such as air cond and faxes. The problems mentioned in the
poem also allude to current problems faced by today's generation.

There are two personas in the poem. They are the grandparents and the

1. Technology Brings More Harm
It may seem that we are living in comfort with all the technology that keeps
on improving, but we do not realize the harms that the technology has
brought us. The grandchild thinks that it is impossible for their grandparents
to live in comfort with the help of technology. The child does not realize that
because of the technology itself, the world becomes hotter and that is the
reason why some technologies are created to blind humans with the fake
comfort that the technologies bring them. For example, electric fans and air
cons. Technological advancements have other setbacks such us pollution,
stress, traffic jams, and destruction of forests, rivers and hills.

2. Fear
The older generations were God-fearing people and respected His creation
nature. However, todays generation does not fear God. On the contrary the
poet says that now nature fears you and money is your new God. This
indicates that the younger generation has become more materialistic. They
do not care for nature but gives priority to riches and money rather than
practicing good values such as preserving Gods creation.

3. Importance of Preserving Nature

God created nature to preserve life. In stanza 2, the poet gives the
consequences of not preserving nature -pollution, stress, traffic jams,
destruction of forest, streams and hills. Humans seem not to aware that the
more pollution they make, the more they need to preserve the nature. In
paving the way for development, forest and hills have been destroyed and
streams have been polluted. This has destroyed the natural habitat of many
species of animals and plants which help to retain balance in our ecosystem
Moral Values:
We must be grateful with what we have.
Do not take things for granted.
Progress brings advantages and disadvantages
The younger generation has different values.
We must pay a high price for development
Fighters Line
I am old and worn
And have lost all my strength
And the history of the fight for independence
Have forced sacrifices
That know no name
Or life

From the wheelchair of the rest of my days

I, body and energy crushed
See and cannot do much
These times are too big a challenge
For the remnants of my crippled years
The net of deceit spread everywhere
Disturbs me

In the name of justice

Wake up and form ranks sons of our ancestor
Be brave
And erect a wall of people
Stand up heirs of our freedom
Stanza 1:
The poet once had become a soldier and he had suffered a lot to fight for
independence from invaders.

Stanza 2:
During that time, they fought with all of their will and as the consequences now he is
wheelchair bound due to the loss of energy and he is now old enough to only be able
to sit on the while writing this poem. After years of independent, the poet sees that the
people trying to destroy themselves by engulfing into the world full of lies. The poet
says that there is nothing much he can do as these times are too challenging.

Stanza 3:
The poet now urges new generation to fight for their freedom. First we have to be
united regardless of our races or religions and fight for the sake of our nations

Stanza 4:
The poet also claims that he cannot affect others to fight for freedom as he is old and
has no will to protect the country and it is the responsibility of the young ones to
speak out their opinions.
In this poem, there are two settings.
First is in an independent country- independent of colonial rule and
any foreign control. This is shown by the line, and the history of the
fight for independence have forced sacrifices that know no name or
life. The word history tells us that the persona is reflecting the past.
The second setting is an old man sitting on a wheelchair inside his
abode- home where he sits and ponders on the days problems.
This is shown in Stanza 2 (Line 1), from the wheelchair of the rest
of my days.
1. Patriotism.
Patriotism is one of the themes of this poem. The people in this country have made a
lot of sacrifices to fight for their freedom. They have achieved independence but now
there are other threats such as deceit. This affects the country's safety. The persona
calls on the younger generation to fight for justice and to speak up against deceit.

2. Being courageous.
Another theme is being courageous. In the past, people made many sacrifices and
fought bravely with the country's enemies for their freedom. Now, the persona urges
the younger generation to be brave and fight against other threats in the country. He
tells them to stand up and speak with courage.

3. Unity.
In the past, people were united when they fought for independence. Now, the persona
emphasises that the younger generation who has inherited a free country should
unite to preserve their freedom. They should stand united by building a wall of people
or forming ranks irrespective of racial, religious and other social differences. The
"lines" in the poem, A Fighter's Lines refer to the persona's lines and the lines or
ranks formed for unity. We have to be united and strong as in the saying, "United we
stand, divided we fall".
1. We must be brave to uphold justice.
The persona urges the younger generation to stand up against the
widespread lies which are rampant in society today. This 'net of deceit'
worries his as it can destroy the solidarity of the people. Therefore, he urges
them to stand united and uphold justice to preserve the freedom and safety
of the country.

2. We must be willing to make sacrifices to preserve our independence.

In the fight for independence, the persona and other soldiers sacrificed and
risked their lives when they fought for independence. Now, he is wheelchair-
bound because he was either crippled in the war or is now old and sick.
Now, he wants the younger generation to make sacrifices too to preserve
their freedom.

3. We must be united to preserve our freedom.

The persona wants the younger generation to stand united regardless of
their differences to ensure their freedom.
What is this life if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare.

No time to stand beneath the boughs

And stare as long as sheep or cows.

No time to see, when woods we pass,

Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass.

No time to see, in broad daylight,

Streams full of stars, like stars at night.

No time to turn at Beauty's glance,

And watch her feet, how they can dance.

No time to wait till her mouth enrich that smile her eyes began.

A poor life this is if, full of

Stanza 1:
The poet asks of how this life would mean if we have the time to
take a rest and feel the beauty of life.

Stanza 2:
Working people nowadays have no time to rest and have some
leisure time as they are too busy earning money for living.

Stanza 3:
We have no time to experience the fresh air and the excitement of
spending time in the jungle watching how the nature of the Earth
works as we are too busy working in the town.
Stanza 4:
Since nowadays people work very hard in the daylight, they turn to be tired
at night. As a result, they have no time to enjoy the beauty of the night
seeing that they need to sleep for their body need to rest to start working
early in the morning the next day.

Stanza 5:
We have no time to care about our mothers; how they take care of us and
doing the house chores in order to raise us and to make us live in a happy
and comfortable environment.

Stanza 6:
We have no time to even take a look at our mothers to curve a smile again
and the eyes that hide all the pain and suffer in raising us.

Stanza 7:
The poet feels that a life without appreciating the nature is seen as a lifeless
life because we dont have the time for our self to care of the beauty of
The persona could be the poet himself. In the poem, the persona thinks and
wonders about life. He believes that life should be enjoyed at a slower pace. he
loves outdoor and nature and he wants everybody to think about their life too.

The poem is set in the countryside as the persona wonders why man is not
taking time off or leisure to enjoy the simple pleasures of life.

Lack of recreational activities in life
The poem highlights that in today's world we have forgotten to put time aside for
recreational activities. The poet draws our attention to the fact that life has no
meaning if we only concentrate on our work and we have "no time to sand", "no
time to see", "no time to turn" and "no time to wait". We have to give meaning to
our life by putting aside some time for leisure and to observe the simple things
around us - like watching "squirrels hide their nuts in grass", see "streams full of
stars" and see nature and people dance.
Enjoy nature
The poem draws our attention to the beauty of life around us. We have to
take time to look around us and take in simple pleasures given to us by
nature. For instance we have "to stand beneath the boughs" and take in the
beauty of nature as it unfolds before us.

Moral Values:
Lead a balanced life
We must make sure we maintain a balance. We must ensure time is set
aside for leisure so that we become more balanced and harmonious

Appreciate nature
We must ensure we put aside sufficient time to enjoy what God has given us
- the beauty of nature around us. Life has no meaning if we do not enjoy and
appreciate the beauty around us.

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