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Because intermolecular attractive forces are important when liquids and

solids are involved, the formation of a solution is inevitably associated with
energy exchanges. The total energy absorbed or released when a solute dissolves
in a solvent at constant pressure to make a solution is called the molar enthalpy
of solution, or usually just the heat of solution Hsoln.
Karena gaya tarik menarik antarmolekul yang penting ketika cairan dan
padatan terlibat, pembentukan sebuah larutan berkaitan dengan pertukaran
energi. Total energi yang diserap atau dilepaskan ketika suatu zat terlarut larut
dalam pelarut pada tekanan konstan untuk membuat larutan disebut entalpi
molar larutan, atau biasanya kalor larutan, Hsoln.
Energy is required to separate the particles of solute and also those of the
solvent and make them spread out to make room for each other. This step is
endothermic, because we must overcome the attractions between molecules to
spread the particles out. However, once the particles come back together as a
solution, energy is released as the attractive forces between approaching solute and
solvent particles decrease the systems potential energy. This is an exothermic
change. The enthalpy of solution, H soln, is simply the net result of these two
opposing enthalpy contributions.
Energi yang dibutuhkan untuk memisahkan partikel zat terlarut dan
pelarut dengan membuat mereka menyebar guna memberikan ruang bagi
satu sama lain. Langkah ini endotermik, karena kita harus mengatasi
interaksi antara molekul untuk menyebarkan partikel keluar. Namun,
setelah partikel kembali bersama-sama membentuk larutan, energi
dilepaskan akibat gaya tarik menarik antara partikel zat terlarut dan pelarut
berdekatan menurunkan energi potensial sistem. Ini adalah perubahan
eksotermik. Entalpi larutan, Hsoln, adalah nilai yang benar hasil dari dua
kontribusi entalpi yang berlawanan.

For a solid dissolving in a liquid, it is

convenient to imagine a two-step path.
Step 1. Vaporize the solid to form
individual solute particles.
Step 2. Bring the separated gaseous
solute particles into the solvent to
form the solution.
Step 1 KI(s) K+( g ) + I-( g ) H = +632 kJ
Step 2 K+( g ) + I-( g ) K+(aq) + I-(aq) H= -619 kJ

KI(s) K+(aq) + I-(aq) Hsoln = +13 kJ

The value of H soln indicates that the solution process is endothermic

for KI, in agreement with the observation that when KI is added to water and
the mixture is stirred, it becomes cool as the KI dissolves.
Nilai H larutan menunjukkan bahwa proses larutan adalah
endotermik, dibuktikan dengan pengamatan ketika KI ditambahkan
ke air dan campuran diaduk, ia menjadi dingin sebagai tanda telah
To consider heats of solution when liquids dissolve in liquids, its useful to
imagine a three step path going from the initial to the final state. We will designate
one liquid as the solute and the other as the solvent.
Step 1. Expand the solute liquid.
Step 2. Expand the solvent liquid.
Step 3. Mix the expanded liquid
Because we have to overcome forces of attraction, step 1 and 2 increases the
systems potential energy and so is endothermic.
The third step brings the molecules of the expanded solvent and solute
together to form the solution. Because the molecules of the two liquids
experience mutual forces of attraction, bringing them together lowers the
systems potential energy, so Step 3 is exothermic.
The value of Hsoln will, again, be the net energy change for these
Nilai Hsoln akan, sekali lagi, diperoleh dari perubahan energi untuk
langkah-langkah ini.

Energy is required to separate the particles of solute and solvent

is endhotermic change. While energy is released as the attractive
forces between approaching solute and solvent particles is
exothermic change. The net result of these two opposing enthalpy
contributions is called molar enthalpy of solution, or usually just the
heat of solution, Hsoln.
Energi yang dibutuhkan untuk memisahkan partikel zat terlarut
dan pelarut disebut perubahan endotermik. Sedangkan energi yang
dilepaskan karena adanya gaya tarik menarik antara patikel zat
terlarut dan pelarut disebut perubahan eksotermik. Hasil dari
konstribusi kedua entalpi ini disebut moral entalpi larutan atau pada
umumnya dikenal dengan kalor larutan, H larutan.

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