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Islamic ethics in consumerism

Islamic Business School (IBS), UUM

Consumerism refers to a movement of
social, economic and political that aims to
protect the safety and rights of consumers
as a whole

Developments in the production of goods

and services are not enough to create a
peaceful life without a good/right used of

Such developments may result in

damaging the human body, mind and
Therefore, the use of ethics is needed to
control the behavior of customers on the
use of goods or services.

Customers need to figure out how, why

and when to use the goods or services.

Even though Allah forbids we ban

something halal but we shall use the
goods and service appropriately.
4.1 Expenses allowed
Wasteful spending is the cause of wastage and
thus can cause a person will run out of
Spending prudently - moderate spending and
prioritize necessities.
Homeliness - moderate consumption also
stimulate savings and increase the production
of society. It is able to meet consumer demand
reasonable living needs in daily activities.
There are two kinds of charity

Ourselves and family

Hadith in Muslim (Allah is Beautiful, He loves
It is the wifes right to take money from her
husband without his knowledge in some cases
where he is not spending enough money on his
family for their needs.

Fi sabilillah (for the sake of Allah)

Story of Sahabah Abubkar and Omer when the
prophet Mohammed asked people to give
contributions fi sabilillah
Requirements Levels
1. Dharuriyyah (basic): refers to basic human
needs. Without it humans can not well to
achieve. Happiness secular and religious.
Requirements included in story are religion, life,
intellect, descent and property.

2. Hajiyyah (needs): refers to the human need to

get rid of Inconvenience. It facilitate human
relations (Mu a malah).

3. Tahsiniyyah (Complementary): refers to all

forms of transport more. Aims to provide
comfort and meet the requirements. Do not
4.2 Islam and waste
Waste means use the property without benefit.

Spending one's property or income in a manner of

extravagance is strictly forbidden in Islam.

Over spending in consumption of goods will lose not

only one's potential benefits of the future in term of profit
gains, but also will hindrance country's potential of
economics development in term of investment
Firman Allah :
" ..... dan janganlah kamu menghambur-hamburkan
(hartamu) secara membazir. Sesungguhnya orang-
orang yang membazir itu adalah saudara Syaitan,
sedang Syaitan itu adalah sangat kufur kepada
Tuhannya. " (al-Qur'an 17,26-27)
Waste (tabdhir) derived from the Arabic word which
means use the property without benefit.
Three types of unethical spendings:

1. Illegal expenses
include all the expenses on the wrong and bad things

example: spending on goods that bringing harm to the

user or society. Alcohol can damage the intellect due to
the loss of common sense drinkers.

gambling, prostitution, and so on.

2)Wasteful expense

expenses exceeding the limits of necessity.

the things will be damaged
Worthwile,the benefits of good expenses encouraged
and permissible as shop for essentials, goods and
facilities spending on capital goods that can mobilize the
country's economic development.
3)Boastful expenses

spending on luxury goods.

Luxury goods are goods which are not necessary for
convenience (comfort) but rather for prestige, modern
lifestyle, wealthily.
become riak and forbidden in Islam.
Examples jewellery, car, clothes??.
4.3 Moderation in spending
Moderate users do not overdo it in action and spend
moderately and not extravagant self-sufficiency. Spend
according to the needs, not according to the will.
The Qur'an considers that people who live in luxurious is the
enemy of every religious pamphlets, the enemy of
improvement and progress, his long tradition of misleading
and lead to the disintegration / destruction previous race.

Al-Quran (25:67)
Interdicting a mentally retarded person
of his legal capacity

Types-Interdicting a mentally retarded
person of his legal capacity

For his own interest

For others interest

Al-Qardhawi, Yusuf. (2000). The roles of values
and ethics in Islamic economic.

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