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from NP
Heike Walker
Georg-August University of

CoGETI Workshop
1. Definition and Data
2. Syntactic Analyses
3. HPSG Analyses
4. Discourse Constraints
5. Conclusion

1. Definition and Data
2. Syntactic Analyses
3. HPSG Analyses
4. Discourse Constraints
5. Conclusion

Extraposition: a process by which an
is moved to the right of, or subsequent to,
canonical position.

Extraposition from NP: a process by

an element is extraposed from an NP.
Categorial restrictions

(1) A man appeared with green eyes.
(2) I dont see much argument myself any longer
against differential rents. (Keller 1995)
Relative Clause Extraposition
(3) A book appeared which was written by
Chomsky. (Baltin 2001)
Sentential complements
(4) Mary mentioned the claim yesterday that John
is intelligent. (Kiss 2002)

The Position of
Attachment of the
Extraposed Phrase
- Syntactic tests (ellipsis, topicalization
and pseudoclefting of VP) reveal a
subject-object asymmetry of attachment
- Phrase extraposed from object
attached to VP
- Phrase extraposed from subject
attached to VP or IP (Culicover&Rochemont 1990)
Upward boundedness
(5) *It was believed [S that John saw a picture _i in the
newspaper by everyone] [of his brother]i.
(6) Whoi did Mary say [S that John saw a picture of _i in
the newspaper]? (Culicover&Rochemont 1990, 24)

Ross (1967): Right Roof Constraint

An element cannot move rightward out of the clause
in which it originates.

Rightward movement more restricted than

leftward movement

Insensitive to island
(7) A man came into the room [with
blond hair].
(8) *[With what color hair]i did a man _i
come into the room?
(Culicover&Rochemont 1990, 24)

Rightward movement less restricted

than leftward movement
Extraposition and
An extraposed relative clause cannot be related to a
topicalized phrase.
- Antecedent contained in a topicalized VP:
(9) a. John said he would meet a man at the party who was from
Philadelphia, and meet a man at the party who was from
Philadelphia he did.
b. *John said he would meet a man at the party who was from
Philadelphia, and meet a man at the party he did who was from
Philadelphia. (Culicover&Rochemont 1990, 28)

- Antecedent itself topicalized:

(10) a. Micro brews that are located around the Bay Area , I like.
b. *Micro brews, I like that are located around the Bay Area .
(Kiss 2003)

Frozenness to further
No dislocation out of an extraposed phrase:
(11) a. Whoi did you see a picture of _i in the newspaper?
b. *Whoi did you see a picture in the newspaper of

But extraposition from wh-moved objects possible:

(12) [Which book _j ]i did she write _i last year [that takes
only two hours to read]j?
(13) [Which woman _j ]i did he meet _i yesterday [from
the south of France]j?
(Keller 1995)

1. Definition and Data
2. Syntactic Analyses
3. HPSG Analyses
4. Discourse Constraints
5. Conclusion

Extraposition as a
rightward movement
- Extraposed phrase base-
generated within the NP
- Movement to a position adjoined
to IP or VP
- Extraposed phrase related to a
gap within the antecedent NP
- How is this adjunction licensed?
Baltin (1981): Generalized Subjacency
In the configuration A...[a...
i. A' cannot be related to B where a
and b are maximal projections of any
major categories;
ii. A cannot be related to B where a
and b are drawn from the following
list of phrasal categories: (a) PP; (b)
NP; (c) S or S' or both, depending on
the specific language.
Problems with Generalized Subjacency:
- Stipulation of the set of bounding nodes
for leftward movement
- Fails to block successive cyclic
movement of the extraposed phrase in a
fashion exactly parallel to wh-movement
(Culicover&Rochemont 1990, 27)

- Violation of the principle in (14):

(14) I saw it [PP in [NP a magazine _i ]]
[which was lying on the table]i. (Baltin

Guron (1980) and Guron&May (1984)
- Extraposition as process of Move ,
subject to bounding conditions (e.g.
- Head-complement relation must be
satisfied at the level of logical form (LF):
The complement of X is a constituent
governed by X. (Guron 1980, 642)
- Explanation of subject-object asymmetry

Arguments against movement
- Unmotivated distinction between
rightward and leftward movement
- Coordinate structures:
mani came in and a womanj went out
whoi+j know each other very well.
(Culicover&Rochemont 1990, 45)
(16)Johnsaw a mani and Mary saw a womanj
whoi+j were wanted by the police. (Kiss 2002,

Base generation
- Extraposed phrase base-generated in its
extraposed position
- How is this position licensed?
- Culicover&Rochemont (1990): extraposed
complements related to their antecedents by a
relation of coindexing subject to the
restrictions imposed by the Complement
is a potential complement of (,=Xmax),
only if and are in a government relation.
- Problem: semantic relation between the
extraposed element and its antecedent
1. Definition and Data
2. Syntactic Analyses
3. HPSG Analyses
4. Discourse Constraints
5. Conclusion

Keller (1995)
- Extraposition as a nonlocal
- Nonlocal feature EXTRA to establish
connection between an extraposed
element and its antecedent
- Lexical rule removes complement
from the SUBCAT list and introduces
it into the EXTRA set:

- Extraposed phrase is bound on top of a phrase
that introduces intervening material between the
extraposed constituent and its antecedent
- Feature PERIPHERY (PER), located under LOCAL
- A phrase that is extraposed from is marked [PER
left] if there is no material that could intervene
between the extraposed constituent and its
- Otherwise it is [PER right] and EXTRA elements
can be bound on top of it.
- In case [PER left], the EXTRA element percolates
up to find a phrase with right periphery
- For English, all lexical entries marked [PER left]

- To implement the binding of
extraposed elements, an additional
immediate dominance schema is
- Subtype of head-struc called head-
extra-struc bearing the feature
EXTRA-DTRS (with a non-empty list
of sign as its value)

Head-Extra Schema

Keller (1995)

- Head daughter [PER right] since the
binding of extraposed phrases is only
possible at the right periphery of a phrase
- Mother node [PER extra] to disallow
adjuncts on top of a head-extra structure
(adjuncts specified as [MOD|LOC|PER
(17) *An entirely new band rings today, [several
of whom are members of the congregation]
at Great Torrington.
- [INHER|EXTRA { }] requires all members
of EXTRA to be bound at the same level;
extraposed elements originating from the
same phrase are sisters; ordered by LPCs
(18) I dont see much argument myself any
longer against differential rents.

25 1995)
Kiss (2002, 2003)
- Relative Clause Extraposition
- A non-movement account
- Extraposition treated as an anaphoric
process by means of percolation of anchors
to which the relative clause is bound
- Basic idea expressed by the principle of
Generalized Modification:
The index of a modifying phrase has to be
identified with a suitable index contained in
the phrase to which the modifier is adjoined.

- Anchors are introduced by every NP (and
VP) and projected through the set-valued
non-local feature ANCHORS (contains
INDEX and HANDLE features)
- Projection governed by the Anchors
Projection Principle:
The anchors set of a headed phrase consists
of the union of the anchors set of the
daughters less those anchors that are
specified as TO-BIND|ANCHORS on the
head daughter.
- The relative clause requires that the
ANCHORS set of its syntactic sister
contains a member that is token-identical to
the ANCHORS feature of the relative clause
- Upward boundedness is modelled by
imposing restrictions on the Head-Filler
Schema and the Head-Specifier Schema to
the effect that all anchors of the daughters
are specified as TO-BIND|ANCHORS.

Kiss (2003)

1. Definition and Data
2. Syntactic Analyses
3. HPSG Analyses
4. Discourse Constraints
5. Conclusion

- Certain sentences not acceptable in isolation
- Acceptability improved in an appropriate
discourse context:
(19) a. A man arrived who wasnt wearing any
b. ??A man screamed who wasnt wearing
any clothes.
(20) Suddenly there was the sound of lions
growling. Several women screamed. Then a
man screamed who was standing at the very
edge of the crowd.
(Culicover&Rochemont 1990, 29 n.14)

Verbs of appearance
- Guron (1980): constraints on the level of LF interact
with pragmatic factors (rules of semantic interpretation
and discourse) to filter syntactic outputs
- Ss which are unacceptable in isolation become
acceptable in a context in which the verb is
pragmatically emptied of all semantic content beyond
that of appearence in the world of the discourse.
(Guron 1980, 653-4)
(21) a. A man appeared from India.
b. *A man died from India.
(22) Several visitors from foreign countries died in the terrible
accident. A woman died from Peru and a man died from

Question Under Discussion
Maynell (2003): Extraposition of
restrictive relative clauses from definite
NP subjects
(23) a. A cocktail waitress entered the dining
room who was wearing a blond wig.
b. ??The cocktail waitress entered the
dining room who was wearing a blond

- (23b) usually viewed as
ungrammatical or unacceptable;
ruled out by syntactic constraints
(cf. Guron 1980, Guron&May 1984)

- Maynell claims that the structure

must be allowable by any syntactic
theory; its acceptance depends on
the relationship of the information
conveyed by the extraposed phrase
to the discourse context
- Definite NP can introduce new referents
into the discourse as long as these can
be accommodated and added to the
common ground of a discourse (part of
the QUD)
- Predicate must be non-informative with
respect to the QUD
- Extraposed relative clause must match
the information status of its definite NP
- Extraposed relative clause must provide
new information with respect to the
immediate QUD
1. Definition and Data
2. Syntactic Analyses
3. HPSG Analyses
4. Discourse Constraints
5. Conclusion

- Syntactic, semantic and pragmatic
factors involved
- My aim: to give an integrated
approach to Extraposition
- Open questions


Baltin, Mark R. (1981): Strict Bounding. In Carl Lee Baker, John J.

McCarthy, eds., The Logical Problem of Language Acquisition, Cambridge,
Massachusetts: MIT, 257-295.
Baltin, Mark R. (Draft of 2001): Extraposition, the Right Roof Constraint,
Result Clauses, Relative Clause Extraposition, and PP Extraposition. (
Culicover, Peter W., Michael S. Rochemont (1990): Extraposition and the
Complement Principle. In Linguistic Inquiry 21:1, 23-47.
Guron, Jacqueline (1980): On the Syntax and Semantics of PP
Extraposition. In Linguistic Inquiry 11:4, 637-678.
Guron, Jacqueline, Robert May (1984): Extraposition and Logical Form.
In Linguistic Inquiry 15:1, 1-31.

Keller, Frank (1995): Towards an Account of Extraposition in HPSG.
In Proceedings of the 7th Conference of the European Chapter of the
Association for Computational Linguistics. Student Session. Dublin,
301-306. ( ).
Kiss Tibor (2002): Semantic Constraints on Relative Clause
Extraposition. Forthcoming in Natural Language and Linguistic
Theory. ( ).
Kiss, Tibor (2003): Phrasal typology and the interaction of
topicalization, wh-movement, and extraposition. In Jong-Bok Kim,
Stephen Wechsler, eds., Proceedings of the 9th International
Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, Stanford:
CSLI, 109-128.
Maynell, Laurie A. (Draft of 2003): Discourse Constraints on
Extraposition from Definite NP Subjects in English.
( ).
Ross, John Robert (1967): Constraints on Variables in Syntax.
Doctoral Dissertation. Reproduced by The Linguistics Club of
Indiana University, Fall 1968. (Reprinted [1986]: Infinite Syntax!
Norwood, NJ: Ablex.).


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