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Sales Obstacles




Interruptions or negative excuse during the


80-20 Rule

May be genuine or fake

Early objection for right reason is a blessing

Common Objection Types

No Money
I cannot afford
No Value
It costs too much
No Need
I do not need it now
No Interest
I am not interested
No Time
I cannot talk right now
No Authority
I am not in charge

Discard, Refuse to accept, Throw away as not

to be used

Not given due attention (what is perceived by

the seller)
Rejection handling

Average 4 no for every yes

Analyze the call structure and find maximum
rejection point and correct
Focus on +, than rejections
Do not take it personally, as message is
rejected, which can be corrected
You can never be perfect
Reduce fear of rejection by more attempts
(Always look for new customers)

Not the difference of opinion, but sticking to

your own opinion

Conversational form of structuring makes

conflict less frequent and more polite

Arise as client needs are not specified at the

Conflict Resolution

Supportive communication reduce conflict,

defensive communication increase conflict

Adopt problem solving approach


Selling momentum to buying momentum

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