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Soupis a primarily liquidfood, generally served warm or hot (but may be cool or cold),
that is made by combining ingredients such asmeatandvegetableswithstock,juice,
water, or anotherliquid. Hot soups are additionally characterized by boiling solid
ingredients in liquids in a pot until the flavors are extracted, forming abroth.
Traditionally, soups are classified into two main groups:clear soupsandthick soups. The
establishedFrenchclassifications of clear soups arebouillonandconsomm. Thick soups
are classified depending upon the type of thickening agent used:puresare vegetable
soups thickened with starch;bisquesare made from puredshellfishor vegetables
thickened withcream; cream soups may be thickened withbchamel sauce; andvelouts
are thickened witheggs,butter, and cream. Other ingredients commonly used to thicken
soups and broths include egg,[1]rice,lentils,flour, andgrains; many popular soups also
include carrots and potatoes.
Soups are similar tostews, and in some cases there may not be a clear distinction
between the two; however, soups generally have more liquid than stews
Evidence of the existence of soup can be found as far back as
about 20,000 BC.[3]Boiling was not a common cooking technique
until the invention ofwaterproofcontainers (which probably
came in the form ofclayvessels). Animal hides and watertight
baskets of bark or reeds were used before this. To boil the water
hot rocks were used. This method was also used to cook acorns
and other plants.
The wordsoupcomes fromFrenchsoupe("soup", "broth"), which
comes throughVulgar Latinsuppa("bread soaked in broth") from
aGermanicsource, from which also comes the word "sop", a
piece ofbreadused to soak up soup or a thickstew.
The wordrestaurant(meaning "[something] restoring") was first
used inFrancein the 16th century, to refer to a highly
concentrated, inexpensive soup, sold by street vendors, that was
advertised as anantidoteto physicalexhaustion. In 1765, a
Parisian entrepreneur opened a shop specializing in such soups.
This prompted the use of the modern wordrestaurantfor the
eating establishments.
In theUS, the firstcolonialcookbookwas published by William Parks in
Williamsburg, Virginia, in 1742, based on Eliza Smith'sThe Compleat Housewife; or
Accomplished Gentlewoman's Companion, and it included several recipes for soups
and bisques. A 1772 cookbook,The Frugal Housewife, contained an entire chapter on
the topic. English cooking dominated early colonial cooking; but as newimmigrants
arrived from other countries, other national soups gained popularity. In particular,
Germanimmigrants living inPennsylvaniawere famous for theirpotatosoups. In
1794, Jean Baptiste Gilbert Payplat dis Julien, a refugee from theFrench Revolution,
opened an eating establishment inBostoncalled "The Restorator", and became
known as the "Prince of Soups". The first American cookingpamphletdedicated to
soup recipes was written in 1882 by Emma Ewing:Soups and Soup Making.

Portable soupwas devised in the 18th century by boiling seasoned meat until a
thick,resinoussyrupwas left that could be dried and stored for months at a time.


Doctor John T. Dorrance, a chemist with theCampbell Soup Company, invented

condensed soup in 1897.[4][5]Today, Campbell'sTomato,Cream of Mushroom,
andChicken Noodle Soupare three of the most popular soups in America.
Americans consume approximately 2.5 billion bowls of these three soups alone
each year.[4]
Cannedsoup can be condensed, in which case it is prepared by addingwater
(or sometimesmilk), or it can be "ready-to-eat," meaning that no additional
liquid is needed before eating. Canned soup (condensed with liquid added, or
"ready-to-eat") can be prepared by heating in apan, on the stovetop or in the
microwave. Such soups can be used as abasefor homemade soups, with the
consumer adding anything from a few vegetables to eggs, meat, cream or
Condensing soup allows soup to be packaged into a smaller can and sold at a
lower price than other canned soups. The soup is usually doubled in volume by
adding a "can full" of water or milk (about 10 ounces).
Since the 1990s, the canned soup market has burgeoned with soups marketed
as "ready-to-eat," which require no additional liquid to prepare. Microwaveable
bowls have expanded the ready-to-eat canned soup market even more,
offering convenience (especially in workplaces) and are popular lunch items.
In response to concern over the health effects of excessivesaltintake, some
soup manufacturers have introduced reduced-salt versions of popular soups.
Dry soup mixes are sold by many manufacturers,
and are reconstituted with hot water; other fresh
ingredients may then be added.
The first dried soup wasbouillon cubes; the earlier
meat extractdid not require refrigeration, but was
a viscous liquid.
East Asian-styleinstant noodlesoups include
ramenand seasonings, and are marketed as a
convenient and inexpensive instant meal, requiring
only hot water for preparation
Western-style dried soups include vegetable,
chicken base, potato, pasta andcheeseflavors
1 2 3 4
Types of Desert Fruit Cold Asian
In French cuisine, soup is often served before other dishes in a meal. In 1970,
Richard Olney gave the place of the entre in a French full menu: "A dinner that
begins with a soup and runs through a fish course, an entre, a sorbet, a roast,
salad, cheese and dessert, and that may be accompanied by from three to six
wines, presents a special problem of orchestration

Ch, a Vietnamese cold dessert soup containing sugar

and coconut milk, with many different varieties of other
ingredients includingtaro,cassava,adzuki bean,
mung bean,jackfruit, anddurian.
Ginataan, Filipino soup made fromcoconutmilk, milk,
fruits andtapiocapearls, served hot or cold
Shiruko, a Japaneseazuki beansoup
Tong sui, a collective term for Chinese sweet soups
Sawine, a soup made with milk, spices, parched
vermicelli, almonds and dried fruits, served during the
Muslim festival ofEid ul-FitrinTrinidad and Tobago
Chinese dessert soupsincludedouhuaand
black sesame soup

Fruit soups are prepared using fruit as a

primary ingredient, and may be served
warm or cold depending on the recipe.
Many varieties of fruit soups exist, and
they may be prepared based upon the
availability of seasonal fruit.

Cold soups are a particular variation on the

traditional soup, wherein the temperature when
served is kept at or below room temperature. They
may be sweet or savory. In summer, sweet cold
soups can form part of adesserttray. An example
of a savory chilled soup isgazpacho, a chilled
vegetable-based soup originating from Spain.
Another example ismool naeng myunwhich is a
Korean cold beef broth.
A feature of East Asian
soups not normally
found in Western cuisine
is the use oftofuin
soups. Many traditional
East Asian soups are
typically broths, "clear
soups", orstarch
thickened soups.

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