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By: Hamza Gulistan

Reg no: FA14-Bcs-027
It is a simple game in which one bird is moving between
different obstacles.
If the bird touches any obstacle then the game will be end
and the total score will show on the screen.
Every time the bird crosses any obstacle the score
increases by 1.
Creating a Flappy Bird game in Visual
Studio Using C#
Create Windows Form Application
4 Picture boxes,
1 Timer Object
4 Labels
Name Text Property

PictureBox1 flappyBird

PictureBox2 pipeTop

PictureBox3 pipeBottom

PictureBox4 ground

label1 scoreText
label2 endText1
label3 endText2
label4 gameDesigner

timer1 gameTimer
the core variables for the game
bool jumping = false;
Int pipeSpeed = 5;
int gravity = 5;
Int Inscore = 0;
Set the label properties
endText1.Text = "Game Over!";
endText2.Text = "Your final score is: " + Inscore;
gameDesigner.Text = "Game Designed By your name
endText1.Visible = false;
endText2.Visible = false;
gameDesigner.Visible = false;
We need 3 functions that will be triggered by various
1) Timer function
2) keydown function
3) key up function
4) game end function
Adding timer properties:
name = gameTimer
Enabled = True
Interval = 15
gameTimer_Tick function

pipeBottom.Left -= pipeSpeed;
pipeTop.Left -= pipeSpeed;
flappyBird.Top += gravity;
scoreText.Text = " " + Inscore; //for scores
This will scroll the pipes to the left and drop the bird using
the gravity variable.
The bounds property
Ending game
Bounds check for height and width of each of the picture
box. Intersects with will check the height and width of
another picture against the first one and check to see if
they are colliding.
Enter the following code in the timer
if (flappyBird.Bounds.IntersectsWith(ground.Bounds))
elseif (flappyBird.Bounds.IntersectsWith(pipeBottom.Bounds))
elseif (flappyBird.Bounds.IntersectsWith(pipeTop.Bounds))
Regenerating pipes
Enter the following code in the game timer function
if (pipeBottom.Left< -80)
pipeBottom.Left = 1000;
Inscore += 1; //score add
elseif (pipeTop.Left< -95)
pipeTop.Left = 1100;
Inscore += 1; //score add
The code above checks whether the pipes have left the screen
and gone beyond -80px to the left.
score on screen
scoreText.Text = " + Inscore;
Code of key down function & keyUp
this will reverse the gravity and make the character jump.
if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Space)
jumping = true;
gravity = -7;
Enter the following code in the key up function, this will enable
gravity again to the character
if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Space)
jumping = false;
gravity = 5;
create a function to be used when we want to the end the
private void endGame()
endText1.Visible = true;
endText2.Visible = true;
gameDesigner.Visible = true;
Full Code:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace Flappy_Bird
public partial class Game : Form

bool jumping = false;

int pipeSpeed = 5;
int gravity = 5;
int Inscore = 3;

public Game()

endText1.Text = "Game Over!";

endText2.Text = "Your final score is: " + Inscore;
gameDesigner.Text = "Game Designed Hamza Gulistan";
endText1.Visible = false;
endText2.Visible = false;
gameDesigner.Visible = false;
private void gameTimer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
pipeBottom.Left -= pipeSpeed;
pipeTop.Left -= pipeSpeed;

flappyBird.Top += gravity;
scoreText.Text = " " + Inscore;
if (pipeBottom.Left < -50) //ending game
pipeBottom.Left = 800;
Inscore = Inscore + 1;
else if (pipeTop.Left < -75)
pipeTop.Left = 910;
Inscore += 1;

if (flappyBird.Bounds.IntersectsWith(ground.Bounds)) //regenreting pipes

else if (flappyBird.Bounds.IntersectsWith(pipeBottom.Bounds))
else if (flappyBird.Bounds.IntersectsWith(pipeTop.Bounds))

private void endGame()
endText1.Visible = true;
endText2.Visible = true;
gameDesigner.Visible = true;

private void endText2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

endText2.Text = "Your final score is: " +Inscore;

private void GameKeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)

if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Space)
jumping = true;
gravity = -7;

private void GameKeyUp(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)

if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Space)
jumping = false;
gravity = 5;


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