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Lesson Planning

Group 7
Development of a teaching plan

A teaching plan is a blueprint for action to

achieve the goal and the objectives that have
been agreed upon by the educator and the

There are three main reasons for constructing

the teaching plan:
1. To force the teacher to examine the
relationship among the steps of the teaching
2. To communicate in writing and in an outline
formate exactly what is being taught.
3. To legally document that an individual plan for
each learner is in place and is being properly
Elements of teaching plan

There are eight basic elements of a teaching plan

1. The purpose
2. A statement of the overall goal
3. A list of objectives
4. An outline of the related content
5. The instructional methods
6. The time allotted for the teaching of each objective
7. The instructional resources
8. The methods used to evaluate learning
A teaching plan formate

A formate is highly recommended because of

the use of columns helps to see all the parts of
the plan at one time.
It provide the best structure for determining the
relationship among the elements of a plan.
Internal consistency is a major criterion for
judging the integrity of a teaching plan.
objectives Content Method of resources Method of

Complete teaching plan for self

outline instruction evaluation
Following a
20 min administration of insulin
pt will be
able to:
Identify the 5 Location of 5 instruction Anatomical chart Post testing
sites for anatomical
insulin sites
injection with Rotation of
100% sites
Demonstrate Accepted Demonstrati Alcohol sponges sterile Observation
proper technique on return SQ needles and insulin of return
teaching according to demonstrati syringes multidose vial of demonstrati
according to procedure on sterile water on
Give insulin Procedure Demonstrati Human model SQ needle Observation
to thigh area for injecting on return and syringe multidose of return
with 100% insulin SQ at demonstrati vial of sterile water demonstrati
accuracy 90 angle on Alcohol sponges on

1. Which of the learning domain is being used

when a patient learns how to give insulin in
a) Cognitive
b) Psychomotor
c) Affective
d) Sensorymoto
e) motor
2. Which method of evaluation is suitsble to
check weither patient has learned about the
five sites of insulin injection?
a) Observation
b) Demonstration/return demonstration
c) Post testing
d) Question and answers
e) reporting
3. Which of the following is not included in
affective domain
a) Receiving
b) Responding
c) Valuing
d) Evaluation
e) Characterization
4. Ideally teaching plan session should be no
more than
a) 15-20mint
b) 15-30mint
c) 15-45mint
d) 30-35mint
e) 35-45min

1. B
2. C
3. D
4. a

Nurse as educator
Teaching methods are ..

Lecture method
General group discussions
Brain storming sessions
Case study method
Field trip method
Role play
Lecture method
Most commonly used method of teaching
Communication is from health educator to
Useful for imparting information to a group
of any size
Size of group should be 30----45
The lecture can be made more interesting
and meaningful by using audio visual aids
Lecture method have question answer
session at the end
General group
There is by-way communication
This method exchange ideas and views
Such group discussions can be in formal and
informal settings
For effective group discussion the size of the
group should be 6---20 members
Limitations of discussion
Some of the limitations of group discussions are
Group discussion is time consuming
Discussion may be dominated by any one or
few members
Group efforts may get diluted/diverted by
extraneous discussions
Brain storming sessions..

In this method the participants are asked to

throw out there as many ideas as possible on
a given issue
These ideas are recorded at the same time and
discussed later
This method encourages participation of all
It helps in finding solution of the problem
Case study method

In this method a particular event , health

situation or a condition is presented in detail to
a group of participants
The group is then helped to discuss its various
aspects ,identify related problems and
factors,suggest alternative solution to deal with
the event
This method encourages group participation in
solving their own problems
Field trip method..

In this method an education tour is organized

for a group to have first hand information
through direct observation
This method has additional benefit of group
interaction and entertainment
This method may also motivate for further
information and experiences
Limitations of field trip
Heavy expenses
Time required
Difficulties in organization
Role play method.

It is a socio drama in which certain roles are

played by groups to express certain values not
only in words but also in expressions and
It entertains the audience
Audience get emotionally involved and start
analyzing the situation
At the end of show they express their views
Limitations of role play method

The group members may not come forward to

enact the roles
They may feel either shy or incompetent to take
part in front of the audience

Reference: Community health nursing book

page #499
Which one is the most simplest and commonly
used method for teaching
Lecture method
Case study method
General group discussion
Open forum

Which type of communication is possible in

lecture method
Both bi-way and one-way

Which method takes more time than other types

of methods
Panel discussion
Case study method
Brain storming sessions

The preferable size of the group in lecture

method is that
30-45 members
20-40 members
10-20 members
60-70 members
Lecture method
One-way communication
General discussion
30-45 members
Teaching Aids
Teaching Aids

There are variety of teaching aids available

which facilitate communication between the
health educator, and the audience, these aids
can be categorized as:
Auditory aids
Visual aids
Audio-video aids (a combination of both)
Folk media
Auditory Aids

These types of aids include radio, tape

recorders, microphones, audio tapes and
records, and ear phones. these are very
For supplementing the information which
are given through other methods;
Where other health education aids and
methods are not possible;
At the time of emergency situation
messages can be given through radios
even in the remotest areas.
Visual Aids

These aids includes chalkboard, posters,

charts, and graphs, pictures, flash cards,
khadi and flannel graphs, bulletin
boards, brochers, pamphlets, booklets,
information sheets, slides, video tapes,
transparencies, and overhead projectors,
models, specimens etc
All these can enhance almost any
learning in various situations.
Such aids specially useful for teaching
people with auditory dificit.
Audio-video aids

Audio-video aids have combined effects of

senses of hearing, vision and touch. it includes
motion-talky pictures, television, video-audio
cassettes/discs, video-audio players and
These are very appealing to sense of vision,
hearing and catch attention of people.
These aids are useful for both audio and
visually handicapped people in some way or the
Folk media

It includes puppets, folk songs, drama, story telling,

folk dances. In the community such people as
singers, writers, actors, story tellers, and
puppeteers get involved.
Cost involved is minimal, people get involved and
the audience identifies with them because they are
from same community and speak the same
language, share same social characteristics and
The community people get encouragement and
support from each other to solve their own health
problems, promote and maintain health practice.
Effective use of Teaching Aids
Learning Outcomes

By the end of this session, you should be able to:

Choose the most appropriate teaching aid for your
purpose and context,
Use the black-/white-board effectively,
Make the most of the overhead projector,
Produce a basic presentation with MS PowerPoint,
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of other
Why use Teaching Aids?
Teaching/Instructional aids are useful to:
reinforce what you are saying and summarize key
ensure that your point is understood,
signal what is important/essential,
enable students to visualize or experience something
that is impractical to see or do in real life,
engage or stimulate students other senses in the
learning process,
facilitate different learning styles.
I n s tr u c tio n a l/T e a c h in g A id s m u s t b e :
We l l p re p a re d
We ll p re s e n te d
Re a d a b l e
Le g ib le
Vis ib le to a ll
Ap p ro p ria te f o rm a t f o r ro o m a n d a u d ie n c e s iz e
Re l e v a n t
P e rtin e n t to to p ic
U p - to - d a te
C o n s is te n t w ith lo c a l p ro to c o ls
T e a c h in g A id E x a m p le s

C h a lk b o a rd /Wh ite b o a rd
Fl ip c h a rts
Ov e rh e a d P ro j e c to r/T ra n s p a re n c ie s
P o w e r P o in t
D a ta P ro j e c to rs /S m a rt B o a rd
Au d io ta p e s /C D s
Vid e o ta p e s /D VD s
P o d c a s ts
C h a lk b o a r d /W h ite b o a r d
C o lo re d c h a l k a n d m a rk e rs c a n e n h a n c e th e p re s e n ta tio n
U s in g s tu d e n ts a s re c o rd e rs c a n in c re a s e in v o l v e m e n t a n d
f re e in s tru c to r s ha n d s
Re lia b le :
D e p e n d a b l e f o rm a t
S h o u ld e v o k e c o n s is te n t re s p o n s e s
Re p e titio u s :
S h o u ld su p p o rt p re s e n ta tio n
S tre s s th e im p o rta n t p o in ts
S u m m a riz e a n d re in f o rc e k e y p o in ts

Advantages: Disadvantages:
No advanced preparation Time-consuming if you
required, have a lot to write.
except when displaying a Handwriting may be
complex table/chart/ difficult to read (legibility,
diagram. size, glare, etc.).
Technology is not Turn your back on
dependent on electricity or audience.
other possible glitches.
Cleaning the board (chalk
Can be used by students for dust, permanent marker,
problem-solving, etc. etc.)
Cant go back to something
youve erased.
F lip c h a r ts

W h e n to USE :
if e le c tric ity is u n a v a ila b le ,
to e n a b le s tu d e n ts to illu s tra te g ro u p re p o rts ,
to p ro v id e a w ritte n re c o rd o f p o in ts m a d e b y s tu d e n ts .

T ip s fo r u s in g F lip c h a r ts :
C h e c k th e ro o m a n d e q u ip m e n t b e f o re h a n d .
Ge t y o u r o w n p a d o f n e w s p rin t.
Write o u t im p o rta n t p a g e s in a d v a n c e .
D o n t p u t to o m u c h o n a p a g e .
C a rry a c o lle c tio n o f f e lt- tip p e n s a n d c h e c k th a t th e y h a v e n t
d rie d o u t.
F lip c h a r ts
C o m m e rc ia lly a v a ila b le
N e e d s a s ta n d
Can m ake y our ow n

C o m p lic a te d o r tim e c o n s u m in g illu s tra tio n s s h o u ld b e d o n e
a h e a d o f tim e
D o n o t w a lk w ith b a c k to a u d ie n c e
Writin g s h o u ld b e le g ib le
In v o lv e s tu d e n ts
If illu s tra tio n s p re - d ra w n , s ta p le 2 p a g e s to g e th e r, s o c a n n o t
s h o w th ro u g h
Write n o te s to s e lf in p e n c il a t e d g e a u d ie n c e c a n n o t s e e
F lip c h a r ts

A d v a n ta g e s : D is a d v a n ta g e s :
In e x p e n s iv e c a n b e m a d e Lim ite d w ritin g s p a c e
f ro m b u tc h e r p a p e r
C h a n g e s a re m e s s y
Re a s o n a b ly p o rta b le
In s tru c to r s b a c k to
Can be sav ed a u d ie n c e
D e p e n d a b le Lim ita tio n s o n s iz e o f ro o m
a n d a u d ie n c e
En c o u ra g e s p o n ta n e ity
Ro o m lig h ts le f t o n
O v e r h e a d Pr o j e c to r /T r a n s p a r e n c ie s
P re p a re c o m p lic a te d tra n s p a re n c ie s a h e a d o f tim e , b y h a n d ,
c o m p u te r, p rin tin g , p rin te r o r p h o to c o p ie r
Arra n g e in o rd e r u s e s o m e th in g to k e e p in o rd e r n u m b e r
th e m
C o v e r u n w a n te d p o rtio n s u n til re a d y f o r a u d ie n c e to s e e
Le a v e o n lo n g e n o u g h f o r a u d ie n c e to re a d , ta k e n o te s , e tc .
H ig h lig h t/p o in t- o u t k e y c o n c e p ts
In v o lv e s tu d e n ts
O v e r h e a d Pr o j e c to r /T r a n s p a r e n c ie s
Fo c u s P ro je c to r!
M a k e s u re f o n t s iz e is la rg e e n o u g h to b e re a d a b le
U s e n o n - p e rm a n e n t p e n s f o r s p o n ta n e o u s a d d itio n s
H ig h lig h t p e rm a n e n t p a rts w ith d if f e re n t c o lo rs
C re a te o n c o m p u te r, e tc .
U s e c lip a rt o r o th e r g ra p h ic s
Ru n th ro u g h c o p y m a c h in e to p u t o n tra n s p a re n c y m a k e s u re
u s in g rig h t m a c h in e a n d b la n k tra n s p a re n c ie s
S e t m a c h in e a t rig h t le n g th a w a y f ro m s c re e n
D o n o t u s e a f u ll ty p e w ritte n p a g e o n ly b u lle ts o r o u tlin e ty p e
D ra w a s y o u g o f o r b e s t e f f e c t
T u rn o f f if n o t u s in g f a n , lig h t, e tc . d is tra c tin g
Overhead Projector/Transparencies

Advantages: Disadvantages:
Attention getting Requires equipment
Relatively inexpensive Must know how to use
equipment and troubleshoot
Easy to prepare (change bulbs, etc.)
Instructor can face audience Limitations on room and
Permanent and non- audience size
permanent Can be blinding to
Reasonably portable instructor
Can sometimes leave room Can be noisy
lights on Can drop group of
Fairly reliable machinery transparencies out of order
Can write on while talking
Overhead Projector/Transparencies

Advantages Disadvantages
Allows you to prepare all Ablown bulb or power
your slides in advance. failure can spoil all your
hard work.
Particularly suited for
complex diagrams, charts Image quality can also be a
and illustrations. problem.
Can build up information Can be disorienting to
point-by-point through the manipulate transparencies
use of overlays. on projector plate.
Dont have to turn your
back on the audience.
Po w e r Po in t Pr e s e n ta tio n s

M a k e c e rta in th a t p ro j e c to r is f o c u s e d
Le a v e w o rd s lid e s o n lo n g e r th a n a c tio n s lid e s
U s e to re in f o rc e a n d h ig h lig h t
Kn o w h o w to c h a n g e b u lb s , tro u b le s h o o t, e tc .
Po w e r Po in t Pr e s e n ta tio n s
U s e c o lo re d b a c k g ro u n d d a rk e r f o r c o m p u te r
g e n e ra te d s lid e s lig h ts c a n b e b rig h te r in ro o m
Ke e p s l id e s s im p le s h o u ld o n ly ta k e a m o m e n t to
f ig u re o u t w h a t s lid e is a b o u t
U s e g ra p h ic s a n d im a g e s w h e n a p p ro p ria te
N o m o re th a n s e v e n to te n w o rd s to a lin e a n d s e v e n
l in e s to a s lid e
U s e s h o rt s e n te n c e s a n d b u lle t lis ts n o t c o m p le te
s e n te n c e s
U s e f u l l s c re e n
U s e c o l o re d b a c k g ro u n d d a rk e r f o r c o m p u te r
g e n e ra te d s lid e s lig h ts c a n b e b rig h te r in ro o m
Po w e r Po in t Pr e s e n ta tio n s
C O NST RUC T I O N (c o n tin u e d ):
H a v e b a c k u p n o te s in c a s e th e s lid e p ro j e c to r o r
c o m p u te r q u it
On e id e a p e r s lid e
C h a rts a n d g ra p h s a re g re a t
N o m o re th a n 3 c o lo rs p e r s lid e
Power Point Presentations
Good for large rooms and Expensive
Can be difficult to produce
Can be action oriented or easier with computer
words oriented graphics
Allows for reference back Room must be darkened
to previous slide somewhat
Requires equipment and
knowledge of that
Relatively portable
Order easily arranged
Can be very creative
Data Projectors/Smart Board

Smart Boards are rapidly being integrated into

classrooms around the world and are essentially
enhanced whiteboards that are used in conjunction
with projectors and laptops.
This allows access to a wide variety of computer-
based multi-media content on the board in front of
the class.
The teacher or student is able to touch the surface of
the board to control applications, write notes and
manipulate objects.
Data Projectors/Smart Board
Good for large rooms and Very expensive many
audiences students/teachers dont have
access to this type of
Can be student oriented technology
Allows for reference Requires equipment and
back/info. can be saved for knowledge of that
later equipment
Lights can be on Not portable!
Lots of websites with free Can be very creative

When to USE:
Particularly suited for language learning, media studies,
English literature, etc.
Valuable when referring to recorded historical events
(e.g. Martin Luther Kings I have a dream speech).
Background music can also be played before class starts
and during group activities.

When to USE:
Adds a dimension not available through audio alone -
helps students to visualise.
Essential when illustrating things that are impractical to
do in real life.
Particularly suited for language learning, media studies,
engineering, etc.
Valuable when referring to recorded historical events.

Aseries of digital media files, usually digital, audio, or

video, that is made available for download via web
Possibilities: Lessons could be downloaded on iPod, iPhone,
mP3 player, etc.

Advantages: For those students who are very tech savvy

Disadvantages: Podcast software will be needed which is
expensive, also training might be needed to use the program.

1. in which type of teaching aid we can not see the

previous data and can not save it ?
a) Flip charts
b) Chalk board / white board
c) Transparencies
d) Audio tapes
e) Smart board
2. in which type of teaching aid usage, we face
limitation on size of room and audience
a) Chalk board
b) Transparencies
c) Flip chart
d) Power point
e) Both b & c
Maximum lines to a slide in power point
presentation should be
a) 5
b) 7
c) 8
d) 9
e) 4
A series of digital media files usually digital,
audio or video, is
a) Audio tapes / CDs
b) Video tapes / DVDs
c) Pod casts
d) Flip charts
e) Transparencies

1. b
2. e
3. b
4. c
Thank you for your time!

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