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ISO6578 (1991)Refrigerated hydrocarbon liquids

- Static measurement - Calculation procedure

Composicin LNG

Metano(%mol) 95

Etano(%mol) 4.6

Nitrgeno(%mol) 0.4
GTI Gas technology Institute en Gti liquefier tech overview FNL 4-13

Llama a pequea escala a un rango amplio de

Esquema general de un licuefactor por GTI con produccin de LNG
refrigerante mixto
Oscila entre 1500 gal/dia hasta 30000 gal/dia
Ejemplos de plantas reales de GNI

1500gal/dia 13,000gal/dia

8000gal/dia 30,000gal/dia
Lista de plantas de licuefaccin de Gas natural en funcionamiento en Estados Unidos segn Zeus Intelligence
Zeus Intelligence Services provides market data and expertise in the areas of World LNG Trade, LNG Fuels, Upstream Natural Gas, and Gasification. We offer (1) topical periodicals and
research reports, (2) interactive project databases, (3) conferences & seminars, and (4) consulting services.

Nombre Tipo gal/dia ton/dia Pais estado ao

Bowerman Liquefied Landfill Gas Liquefaction 5,000 8 USA Operational 2007

Liquefaction 5,000 8 USA Operational 1999

PG&E Prototype Ranch Plant
Liquefaction 10,000 17 USA Operational 2008
Madera County, California, Low-Btu Stranded Gas Liquefaction Project
Painter Complex NRU Liquefaction 10,000 17 USA Operational 1994 MINI LNG
Liquefaction 10,000 17 USA Operational
Prometheus Energy, Cuervo New Mexico Plant
Liquefaction 12,000 20 USA Operational 2010
Kiefer Road Liquefied Landfill Gas
Liquefaction 13,000 22 USA Operational 2009
WMI-Linde Altamont Landfill LNG Project
Exxon Shute Creek NRU Liquefaction 30,000 50 USA Operational 1994

Fairbanks Natural Gas LNG Plant 1 Liquefaction 40,000 67 USA Operational 1997

Spectrum Ehrenberg Plant Liquefaction 55,000 92 USA Operational 2010

North Dakota LNG Liquefaction 76,000 127 USA Operational 2014

Liquefaction 86,000 144 USA Operational 2015
Applied LNG Midlothian, TX
Liquefaction 100,000 167 USA Operational 2015
Stabilis Energy George West, Texas Plant
Liquefaction 108,000 181 USA Operational 1994
Pickens Plant
Liquefaction 172,000 288 USA Operational
Applied LNG Topock, AZ
Applied LNG Topock, AZ Liquefaction 172,000 288 USA Operational 2014
Liquefaction 240,000 402 USA Operational 2008
Clean Energy Fuels Boron, California Plant
Comparison del gas modelo utilizado para el diseo del licuefactor GTI y gas tpico de tubera


1 unidad
Dimensiones generales del licuefactor propuesto
3 unidades


Tipos de Adsorbetntes utilizados por GTI en su licuefactor prototipo de 1,000 gal/dia
Zeochem Z10-02
Na2O . Al2O3 . 2.5 SiO2 . n H2O
Usualmente utilizado para la limpieza de aire
previo a la separacin de nitrgeno por
fraccionamiento criognico

Carbn activado con aditivos de xidos
Remueve sulfuro de hidrgeno con bajo
contenido de Oxgeno
Prototipo de licuefactor de SINTEF
Resumen de tecnologas de pretratamiento utilizadas a pequea escala segn Hamworthy

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