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(Alternative Transient Program)

Historia Anlisis de Transitorios
TNA (1980). Solucin Anloga.
Historia Anlisis de Transitorios
TNA (1980). Solucin Anloga.
Historia Anlisis de Transitorios
Dommel (1970). Mtodo de Dommel.
Vlido para cualquier tipo de lneas.
Modelado de cada una de las componentes.
Solucin mediante mtodos numricos (Regla trapezoidal de integracin,
tcnicas de matrices dispersas).
Historia del EMTP/ATP
Versin de PC para reemplazo del TNA.
Bonneville Power Administration - BPA, Oregon (USA).
S. Meyer y H. Dommel.
1984 Versin Comercial. (DCG)
1986 ATP (Alternative Transients Program). FORTRAN 77
Historia del EMTP/ATP
Trabajo con tarjetas perforadas de 80 columnas:
Historia del EMTP/ATP
Trabajo con tarjetas perforadas de 80 columnas:
How to get a License to use ATP?
ATP is a royalty-free EMTP (The Electromagnetic Transients Program),
but not a public domain program. Each potential user of ATP must
agree not to disclose any ATP information to unauthorized persons
and / or organizations. A non-disclosure agreement (ATP License
Form) to this effect must be signed by each user and approved by the
user group, before access to ATP information will be granted.
You want join us? Membership Application Form find here

Form Letter for Canadian and American users
Capacidades del ATP
Parmetros concentrados (Resistencia, Inductancia y Capacidad).
Equivalentes polifsicos (Matrices simtricas de R, L y C).
Lneas de transmisin polifsicas (Parmetros constantes y
dependientes de la frecuencia).
Resistencias no-lineales (caracterstica tensin-corriente,
caracterstica R(t))
Capacidades del ATP
Inductancias no-lineales (caracterstica tensin-corriente, histresis).
Interruptores (spark gaps, diodos y tiristores).
Fuentes de corriente y Tensin (funciones matemticas estndar o
punto a punto va FORTRAN).
Mquinas Elctricas (trifsicas sincrnicas, de induccin y DC)
Capacidades del ATP
Sistemas de Control dinmicos TACS.
Operaciones lineales y no lineales.
Tratamiento de seales.
Modificaciones al circuito simulado.
Lenguaje de Programacin MODELS.
Formato libre.
Rutinas externas.
Cualquier lenguaje de programacin.
Capacidades del ATP (Programas Anexos)

LINE-CABLE CONSTANTS. (Parmetros de Lneas de Transmisin).

SATURA. (Curvas de saturacin del ncleo de un transformador).
XFORMER, BCTRAN. Modelo de un transformador lineal.
ZNO FITTER. Modelo de descargadores de sobretensin de Oxido de
Versiones del ATP
Interfaz grfica.
ATPDraw (5.9p4)
Typical Applications
Lightning overvoltage studies
Switching transients and faults
Statistical and systematic overvoltage studies
Very fast transients in GIS and groundings
Machine modeling
Transient stability, motor startup
Shaft torsional oscillations
Transformer and shunt reactor/capacitor switching
Power electronic applications
Circuit breaker duty (electric arc), current chopping
FACTS devices: STATCOM, SVC, UPFC, TCSC modeling
Harmonic analysis, network resonances
Protection device testing
Datos de Entrada al ATP
Texto con Formato. (FORTRAN 77)
Formato rgido. (Mximo 80 Columnas)
Organizacin por tarjetas.
Tarjetas de comentarios.
Definicin de cada uno de los nodos. (Mximo 6 caracteres).

(formato en columnas, ejemplo de caso en texto)

Types of Files
File *. ACP

File *. ATP

File *.Lis
Salidas del ATP
Archivo de Atpdraw
Archivo de ingreso base
Lectura de las tarjetas del archivo de texto.
Conectividad de los elementos.
Solucin de estado estacionario.
Variables de salida punto a punto.
Impresin por medio de caracteres (Opcional).
Valores extremos de las variables de salida.
Errores en el circuito.
Archivo para graficacin.
*.atp file
C Generated by ATPDRAW octubre
C A Bonneville Power Administration program
C --------------------------------------------------------
C dT >< Tmax >< Xopt >< Copt ><Epsiln>
.001 .1
500 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0
C 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
C 345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890
C < n1 >< n2 ><ref1><ref2>< R >< L >< C >
C < n1 >< n2 ><ref1><ref2>< R >< A >< B ><Leng><><>0
N1 N2 .125 1
N2 10. 0
C < n 1>< n 2>< Tclose ><Top/Tde >< Ie ><Vf/CLOP >< type >
C < n 1><>< Ampl. >< Freq. ><Phase/T0>< A1 >< T1 >< TSTART >< TSTOP >
14NS 1.E4 60. 45. -1. 100.
-5N2 N1
*.lis file
--- 31 cards of disk file read into card cache cells 1 onward.
<===> Done with "/"-card sorting by data class. Remember that the source file appears different from interpreted input data.
Alternative Transients Program (ATP), GNU Linux or DOS. All rights reserved by Can/Am user group of Portland, Oregon, USA.
Date (dd-mth-yy) and time of day ( = 16-Oct-14 13:25:16 Name of disk plot file is example_1_meas.pl4
Consult the 860-page ATP Rule Book of the Can/Am EMTP User Group in Portland, Oregon, USA. Source code date is 18 November 2012.
Total size of LABCOM tables = 12454813 INTEGER words. 31 VARDIM List Sizes follow: 6002 10K 192K 900 420K 1200 15K
120K 2250 3800 720 2K 72800 510 800K 800 90 254 800K 100K 3K 15K 192K 120 45K 260K 600 210K 1100 19 400
Descriptive interpretation of input data cards. | Input data card images are shown below, all 80 columns, character by character
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Comment card. NUMDCD = 1. |C data:EXAMPLE_1_MEAS.ATP
Marker card preceding new EMTP data case. |BEGIN NEW DATA CASE
Comment card. NUMDCD = 3. |C --------------------------------------------------------
Comment card. NUMDCD = 4. |C Generated by ATPDRAW octubre, jueves 16, 2014
Comment card. NUMDCD = 5. |C A Bonneville Power Administration program
Comment card. NUMDCD = 6. |C by H. K. Hidalen at SEfAS/NTNU - NORWAY 1994-2009
Comment card. NUMDCD = 7. |C --------------------------------------------------------
Comment card. NUMDCD = 8. |C dT >< Tmax >< Xopt >< Copt ><Epsiln>
Misc. data. 1.000E-03 1.000E-01 0.000E+00 | .001 .1
Misc. data. 500 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 | 500 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0
Comment card. NUMDCD = 11. |C 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
*.lis file
Sinusoidal steady-state phasor solution, branch by branch. All flows are away from a bus, and the real part, magnitude,
or "P"
is printed above the imaginary part, the angle, or "Q". The first solution frequency = 6.00000000E+01 Hertz.
Bus K Phasor node voltage Phasor branch current Power flow
Power loss
Bus M Rectangular Polar Rectangular Polar P and Q P
and Q

N1 7071.0678118655 10000. 1935.722598522 2651.1254546329 439279.13601262

7071.0678118655 45.0000000 -1811.475696159 -43.1009236 .132483466231E8

N2 6829.1024870502 9994.5075024234 -1935.722598522 2651.1254546329 .18601895135E-7

7297.5022738853 46.8990764 1811.4756961587 136.8990764 -.13248346623E8

N2 6829.1024870502 9994.5075024234 1935.722598522 2651.1254546329 -.4260982678E-9 -

7297.5022738853 46.8990764 -1811.475696159 -43.1009236 .132483466231E8

TERRA 0.0 0.0 -1935.722598522 2651.1254546329 0.0

0.0 0.0 1811.4756961587 136.8990764 0.0
Total network loss P-loss by summing injections = 4.392791360126E+05
Estructura ATP y ATPDraw



ATP (tpbig.exe)


*.LIS *.PL4

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