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PCOS & Women Infertility

Budi Raharjo



Kelenjar Target
Hipothalamus-Hipofisis (Pituitary)-
Genitalia Interna

Regio Hipothalamus


Tuba Fallopii
Hipofisis Anterior/


Hipofisis Posterior/ Vagina




Genitalia Interna

1. Tuba Fallopii
2. Ovarium
3. Uterus
4. Vagina
5. Rectum
6. Kandung Kencing
7. Formix Posterior
Ovarium dengan tahap perkembangan
pematangan folikel ovarium
Lapisan Fungsional
Regulasi Hipotalamus-Hipofisis
Inhibiting Hormon Releasing Hormon
( GnIH) ( GnRH)

Sekresi Hormon

Negative Feedback Lebih Kurang Positive Feedback
Siklus Menstruasi
Siklus Menstruasi






Siklus Menstruasi





Siklus Menstruasi
Siklus Menstruasi

Fase Folikuler Fase Luteal

Fase Proliferasi Fase Sekresi

Pathways of corticosteroid biosynthesis.

The steroidogenic pathways used in the biosynthesis of the corticosteroids are shown, along with the structures of the intermediates and products. The pathways
that are unique to the zona glomerulosa are shown in blue, whereas those that occur in the inner zona fasciculata and zona reticularis are shown in gray. The
zona reticularis does not express 3-HSD, and thus preferentially synthesizes DHEA. CYP11A1, cholesterol side-chain cleavage enzyme; 3-HSD, 3-
hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase; CYP17, steroid 17-hydroxylase; CYP21, steroid 21-hydroxylase; CYP11B2, aldosterone synthase; CYP11B1, steroid 11-
Polycystic Ovarial Syndrome
Beberapa teori patogenesis PCOS:
Gangguan unik dari sekresi dan aksi insulin yg
menyebabkan kondisi hiperinsulinemia dan
resistensi insulin.
Gangguan neuro-endokrin primer yg sebabkan
peningkatan denyutan LH baik frekuensi dan
Gangguan sintesis androgen yg mempengaruhi
produksi androgen ovarium.
Peningkatan metabolisme cortisol yang mempe-
ngaruhi produksi androgen di kortex adenal.
Hyperinsulinemia and Insulin Resistance
Insulin resistance, defined as reduced glucose response to a given
amount of insulin, is a characteristic metabolic disturbance associated
with PCOS. Both obese and nonobese women with PCOS have a higher
incidence of insulin resistance and hyperinsulinemia than age-matched
controls; however, obese women with PCOS have significantly
decreased insulin sensitivity compared with nonobese women who have
Insulin resistance is known to precede the development of type 2
diabetes mellitus. Studies have shown that 30% to 40% of women with
PCOS have impaired glucose tolerance, and as many as 10% develop
type 2 diabetes mellitus by the age of 40.[3,8]
Several studies have also shown a strong correlation between insulin
resistance and hyperandrogenism. This association dates back to 1921,
when Achard and Thiers reported on a bearded woman who was also a
diabetic.[5] Insulin acts synergistically with LH to enhance androgen
production in the ovarian theca cells. Insulin also decreases hepatic
synthesis and secretion of sex hormone-binding globulin, the hormone
that binds testosterone in the circulation, thus increasing the amount of
free testosterone that is biologically available.[8,9] Women with PCOS
and hyperinsulinemia typically have elevated free testosterone, but the
total testosterone concentration may be at the upper range of normal or
only modestly elevated.[8]
LH Secretion
LH hypersecretion is a characteristic hallmark of
PCOS. LH is secreted in a pulsatile manner.
Women with PCOS have an increase in both the
LH pulse frequency and amplitude, resulting in
increased 24-hour secretion. This increase in LH
secretion is thought to occur as a result of
increased frequency of hypothalamic
gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH)
pulses. Increased LH, in turn, leads to an
increase in androgen production by the theca
cells within the ovary.[3,8]
Androgen Excess
The increase in LH, together with
hyperinsulinemia, leads to an increase in
androgen production by ovarian theca
cells.[8] The most likely primary factor
driving the increase in testosterone
secretion in PCOS is an increase in
ovarian enzymatic activity involved in the
synthesis of testosterone precursors.[10]
Manifestasi Klinis
Hirsutisme: manifestasi yg paling sering
muncul krn ekses androgen pada PCOS.
Hirsutism dialami oleh 10% wanita usia
reproduksi tanpa PCOS dan 70% wanita
dengan PCOS.
Hirsutism: tumbuhnya rambut yg berlebihan
pd wanita dg pola tumbuh spt pria.
Peningkatan kadar androgen disertai dg
peningkatan produksi sebum & jerawat
(sering muncul pada wanita dg PCOS


Produksi minyak

Alopesia androgenika klinis

Ludwig 1 Ludwig II

Ludwig III
Manifestasi Klinis
Acanthosis nigricans: kondisi penebalan kulit
abnormal, tampak seperti lapisan bludru dan
hiper pigmentasi
Sering muncul pada orang yg mengalami
resistensi insulin, sering muncul di daerah
the nape of the neck, the axilla, and the area
beneath the breasts.
Tidak disertai dg peningkatan melanin &
Acanthosis Nigrican
It typically occurs in individuals younger
than age 40, may be genetically inherited,
and is associated with obesity or
endocrinopathies, such as hypothyroidism
or hyperthyroidism, acromegaly, polycystic
ovary disease, insulin-resistant diabetes,
or Cushing's disease
Acanthosis Nigrican
Acanthosis Nigrican
Tingkat Keparahan AN
Acanthosis Nigrican Grade 1
Acanthosis Nigrican Grade 2
Acanthosis Nigrican Grade 3
Acanthosis Nigrican Grade 4
Manifestasi Klinis
Obesitas terjadi pd 30-75% wanita dengan PCOS.
Obesitas pd PCOS ditandai dg waist circumference
(> 80 cm) bukan truncal/overall obesity.
Tipe obesitas tsb biasanya disertai dg insulin
resistance, glucose intolerance, dan dyslipidemia.
Obesitas brhubungan dg penurunan sex hormone-
binding globulin (SHBG) kadar testosteron bebas
meningkat gejala hiperandrogen
Penurunan BB dpt perbaiki sensitivitas insulin dan
perbaiki sindrome metabolik lainya (sindrome X)
Manifestasi Klinis
Di masa lalu, para klinisi mendefinisikan
PCOS berdasarkan gambaran USG ovarium
Bila pada gambaran USG trans-vaginal
tampak multiple subcapsular cysts bentuk
kalung mutiara hitam, maka pasien
didiagnosis PCOS
Meskipun demikian, polycystic ovaries
(banyaknya kista di ovarium) dapat ato tidak
dapat timbul manifestasi PCOS.
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
(Stein-Leventhal Ovaries). Both
the right and left ovaries show
cysts arranged around the
periphery of the ovaries producing
the "string-of-pearls" sign..
Turunkan kadar androgen untuk perbaiki
Melindungi endometrium,
Optimalisasi fungsi organ reroduksi sehingga
meningkatkan fertilias, dan
Mengurangi long-term sequelae akibat
resistensi insulin.

Strategi terapi awal dalam manajemen PCOS

langsung diarahkan pada penatalaksanaan
gejala yang muncul pada pasien
Jika pasien overweight ato obese (BMI 26 kg/m2),
terutama bila abdominal obesity (i.e.,waist
circumference > 35 inches),:
lifestyle modification restriksi kalori + olah raga
One study showed that moderate calorie restriction
that resulted in a 2% to 5% weight loss resulted in a
21% decline in free testosterone; 9 of 18 women with
irregular cycles resumed regular ovulation; and 2 of
the 18 women became pregnant.
Penurunan BB lebih banyak restriksi kalori + olah
raga + metformin
Eflornithine (Vaniqa) topical cream is approved for
use in the treatment of facial hirsutism. It should be
applied twice daily at least 8 hours apart.
The treated area should not be washed for at least
4 hours after application of the medication.
Its primary action is that of hair growth inhibition;
Vaniqa can be used in conjunction with other
methods of hair removal (e.g., plucking, waxing,
electrolysis, or laser).
Once Eflornithine (Vaniqa) is discontinued, hair
growth usually returns to pretreatment levels in
about 8 weeks
Oral contraceptives (OCs), although not approved by the
US Food and Drug Administration for treatment of
hirsutism, have been shown to also increase sex
hormone-binding globulin production in the liver, thereby
reducing the free, or unbound, level of circulating
testosterone.[3] Although no specific OC has proved to
be a better treatment for hirsutism, Yasmin, a
monophasic pill containing 30 mcg ethinyl estradiol and
3 mg drospirenone (an analogue of spironolactone) has
been shown to suppress both ovarian and adrenal
androgen production.[3] Antiandrogens may be
combined with OCs, although data have not shown that
combined therapy is significantly better for the treatment
of hirsutism than single agents alone. Patients who use
antiandrogens alone tend to experience irregular uterine
bleeding and may benefit from the use of OCs for this
The most commonly used antiandrogens are
spironolactone (Aldactone) and flutamide
(Eulexin). As with OCs, these medications have
not been approved for the treatment of hirsutism.
Spironolactone is most frequently used because
it is safe, available, and less expensive than
other antiandrogens. Flutamide has been shown
to be as effective as spironolactone; however,
this drug may be hepatotoxic, and hepatic
function must be regularly monitored.[12] It is
recommended that Spironolactone be
discontinued 3 months prior to conception
because of its association with menstrual
irregularity and possible teratogenic effects
For women with PCOS whose hirsutism does not
decrease significantly with antiandrogen therapy,
treatment with insulin-sensitizing agents, such as
metformin (Glucophage) or thiazolidinedione (Actos)
may be used.[12]
Pharmacologic therapies that are not indicated in the
treatment of hirsutism include long-acting gonadotropin-
releasing hormone agonist therapy (Lupron) because it
induces a hypoestrogenic state, and glucocorticoids,
such as dexamethasone, because PCOS
hyperandrogenism is a result of ovarian and not adrenal
androgen production.[10] In addition, glucocorticoids
tend to increase insulin resistance, which would be an
unwanted side effect in this patient population.
Menstrual Irregularity
Oral contraceptives have clear benefits in the treatment of
menstrual dysfunction associated with PCOS. These include
1.Induction of regular withdrawal bleeding,
2.Protection of the endometrium from unopposed estrogen,
3.Reduction in LH secretion and consequent reduction in
ovarian androgen secretion,
4.Increased levels of sex hormone-binding globulin and a
consequent reduction in free testosterone, and
5.Improvement in hirsutism and acne.
[5] A randomized clinical trial comparing OCs and metformin
(Glucophage) in obese women with PCOS found that regular
menstruation occurred more frequently with the use of OCs
than with metformin (Glucophage).[20]
An alternative to OCs for the protection of the endometrium is
cyclic administration of a progestin, such as medroxyproges-
terone acetate (Provera) 5 to 10 mg PO every day for 5 to 10
days or micronized progesterone (Prometrium) 400 mg PO
daily for 10 days to promote withdrawal bleeding
A common reason that women with PCOS seek
care is infertility. Once anovulation has been
diagnosed and other problems such as tubal
occlusion have been excluded, the treatment is
ovulation induction.
An initial therapeutic approach to infertility in
women with PCOS is weight loss through diet and
exercise. Huber-Buchholz et al.[21] observed that
lifestyle modification is the best initial management
for obese women seeking to improve their
reproductive function.
If the patient continues to be anovulatory, the next
step is pharmacotherapy. Clomiphene citrate is the
drug of choice to stimulate ovulation induction for
women with PCOS.
The strategy is to use the lowest dose possible to
initiate ovulation. The starting dose is 50 mg/day,
for 5 days (usually days 5-9).
If there is no follicle development with this dose, the
dose and/or duration of treatment can be increased
(up to 150 mg/day). Overall, approximately 80% of
women treated with clomiphene citrate will ovulate.
If the patient continues to be anovulatory,
metformin (Glucophage) given 500 mg TID, may be
added to the treatment regimen.,
Terima Kasih

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