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CBR Test
The California Bearing Ratio was developed by The
California State Highways Department.

It is a simple penetration test developed to evaluate the

strength of road sub-grades.
The Basic of CBR Test

Test consists of causing a plunger of standard area to

penetrate a soil sample, (in the laboratory or on site).

The force (load) required to cause the penetration is

plotted against measured penetration.

This information is plotted on a standard graph, and

the plot of the test data will establish the CBR result of
the soil tested.
Reason for the CBR Test

We are determining the resistance of the sub-grade,

(i.e. the layer of naturally occurring material upon
which the road is built), to deformation under the
load from vehicle wheels.

We want to know, ''How strong is the ground upon

which we are going to build the road''.

Reason for the CBR Test

The CBR test is a way of putting a figure on the

inherent strength of sub-grade.

So we are able to compare the strengths of different

sub-grade materials, and we are able to use these
figures as a means of designing the road pavement
required for a particular strength of sub-grade.

Reason for the CBR Test
The stronger the sub-grade (the higher the CBR value)
the less thick it is necessary to design and construct
the road pavement, this gives a considerable cost

Conversely if CBR testing indicates the sub-grade is

weak (a low CBR value) we must construct a suitable
thicker road pavement to spread the wheel load over a
greater area of the weak sub-grade in order that the
weak sub-grade material is not deformed, causing the
road pavement to fail.
Test Procedure

Preparation of Sample

Penetration Test.
Sample Preparation for CBR Test
Take 5 kg of soil (passing 19 mm Sieve) & mix it
thoroughly with required quantity of water (OMC)
or field moisture content.

The spacer disc is placed at the bottom of the mould

over the base plate & a coarse filter paper is placed
over the spacer disc.

The moist soil is to be compacted over this in the

mould by dynamic compaction.

Sample Preparation for CBR Test
Compaction is done in 3 layers ,each layer receiving 56
blows with 2.6 kg rammer having 31 cm free fall.

The soil may be tested as compacted or after 4 days of

soaking in water, simulating submergence and
saturation which may occur in the field.

The test is normally conducted on a laboratory

compacted sample, though it can also be carried out
on undisturbed field samples or in situ.
Procedure for Penetration Test
Place the mould assembly on the penetration test
machine with the surcharge weight to produce an
intensity of loading equal to the weight of the base
material and pavement. If no pavement weight is
specified, use 4.54 kg ( 10 lbs) mass.

Seat the penetration piston with the smallest possible

load, but in no case in excess of 10 lbf (44N) so that full
contact of the piston on the sample is established.

Set both the stress and strain dial gauge to read zero.
Procedure for Penetration Test
Apply the load on the Piston so that the penetration
rate is about 0.05 in or 1.27mm/min.

Record the load readings at penetration of

0.025 in (0.64mm), 0.050 in ( 1.27 mm),
0.075 in ( 1.91 mm), 0.100 in 2.54 mm),
0.125 in ( 3.18 mm), 0.150 in (3.81 mm),
0.175 in ( 4.45 mm), 0.200 in ( 5.08 mm),
0.300 in ( 7.62 mm), 0.400 in ( 10.16 mm),
0.500 in ( 12.70 mm).
Interpretation and Recording
The CBR values are usually calculated for penetration of
0.100 in (2.54 mm ) and 0.200 in (5.08mm).

Generally the CBR value of 2.54mm will be grater than

that at 5.08mm and in such a case the former (2.54mm
CBR value) should be taken as a design CBR.

If CBR for 5.08mm exceeds that for 2.54mm, the test

shall be repeated. If Identical results follow, the CBR
corresponding to 5.08mm penetration should be taken
for design.
CBR Value
The ratio of the force per unit area required to penetrate
a soil mass with standard penetration plunger at a
uniform rate of 1.27mm/min, to the corresponding
penetration load of the standard material or crushed
stone is called CBR.

It is expressed as percentage.

Load required to Penetrate Specified Depth

CBR= ----------------------------------------------------------- X 100%
Std Load required to Penetrate Specified Depth

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