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ISIS is a new group declared by Abu Bakr al

Baghdadi on April 9, 2013, following the civil war in Iraq and
Syria. In Arabic, the country is called
(Daula Islamiyya wa fil Iraq Sham) Some call it an
Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) Southeast region
of Turkey, Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), and there is
also which called Islamic State in Iraq and al - Sham. ISIS will
be jihadist groups The most dangerous after al Qaida.

In 2003, US invaded Iraq as the country allegedly linked with terrorism and had weapons of mass destruction. At that time, Saddam Hussein was ruling Iraq.
US conquered Iraq quickly. However, US does not have a plan for Iraq. Since then, the majority Shiites take over power and in turn represses Sunnis. Of course Sunnis don't
say anything. Sunni uprising started appears. Terrorist groups such as Al Qaeda go to Iraq and groups Local rebels consisting of circles Minority Sunnis began battling US
troops. Iraq fell in the war bloody brothers in 2006. Since then, Iraqis are split based on religion, Sunnis who generally live in the north and Shiites are generally in the
south. So in a tragic irony of history, the invasion The US would give birth to the terrorists that the US about to be removed early.
Now, Iraq instead become a
perfect training location terrorism. In
2010, the Arab Spring broke out and
change the situation in the Middle East.
However, in Syria, dictator Bashar Al
Assad come from the Shia do not think
will resign from his post. Civil War
ensued. Assad troops killed their own
people. The longer the war it lasts, the
more the group foreign militia groups to
join in the war. Most of them came for
religious reasons. They aims can establish
a state Islam in the region. One of the
groups was the ISI, which now the Islamic
State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS). They've
been fighting in Iraq for several years and
have thousands well-trained soldiers and
fanatics. Their arrival changed the war in
Syria to a situation that never suspected
person before. ISIS very brutal and
radical that the group was immediately
engaged in battles with nearly all Other
factions of the rebel Syria.
Isis influence on the world
ISIS has ideals to establish a pure Islamic state by performing a variety of conquest
which has been carried out in Iraq and Syria. The conquest of territory use violence and
efforts to establish an Islamic state based the caliphate by uniting Iraq, Syria, Egypt,
Lebanon, Jordania, and Israel makes ISIS considered as a radical group which is mandatory
to be confronted by every country. Even without disinclined to ISIS finish off his victims
with sadistic and record it and release it through social media that make horror. ISIS is
considered to be an organization that is dangerous and forbidden to show existence. added
with ISIS members are people who are ready to fight and partly also has been labeled as
terrorism countries in various parts world.
Effect of ISIS Against World peace

PBB was formed and scroll to guaranteeing world peace, ensuring that each individual and a state free from
all forms of intimidation and pressure in any form so that the nation The freely manage state and enjoy well-being at
the top peace and security. Ironically, the presence of PBB and realiata The world is not as imagined. Chaos engulfing
the Middle East and other Islamic countries throughout history and time never outages of conflicts, disputes and
unrest and war. difficult to find the words PEACE and SECURE. Then where are the role of PBB??? Then where the
position of a superpower USA who uphold human rights and uphold human peace and unity??? PBB and USA as just
accessories world!!! There is, however powerless and change the world order more not real. World opinion precisely
created to foster hostility and instability. World through the PBB, USA and allies deliberately created atmosphere a
world away from the peace and comfort. They create any form of means for banging Islam Positive reality of his
ideology as Islam the source of the problem and vandals world. They was created everything form of chaos in the
Middle East from the past until now. Even they do not hesitate reluctant and open in front of the eyes of the world
mengusai Middle East countries with means civilized way. After failing to maintain and creating radical Islamic opinion
by al-Qaeda, terrorists and forms others, now US, Israel and its allies want to destroy Islam and opinions world
through ISIS. But ironically, as the world believe with this engineering, so that any form of symbols Islam is slowly
resistor even want to be drowned by various ways, World as a blind eye to carnage and chaos in the east middle and
slaughter of Muslims and the destruction of tenpat worship other countries.

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