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Audience Profile

Kayleigh Wills, Fred Roberts, Beck Kearns

Primary Audience

The primary audience for our radio show would be a young group of around 15-16 to late
twenties (27-29). This is due to the music on our show being very genre specific, with the focus
being on indie bands who have yet to garner the recognition that they want; this type of music
tends to be listened to the most by the age range we have chosen, therefore making it a suitable
age range to aim at. Other demographics, such as gender, sex, ethnicity and class are irrelevant
to our radio- we play music that everyone should hopefully enjoy, which at the end of our day is
our only aim, with no controversy caused involving any of the things listed above. Only english-
language songs would be played on our radio, as it would appeal the most to the target audience
and because of the radio itself being broadcast only in this country, so people of other
nationalities may find it harder to enjoy the radio as much as other people do.
Primary Audience

A large majority of the people listening might be of the striver archetype when it comes to
psychographics- as many of the bands being featured on our radio are involved heavily in street
culture, it seems obvious that the VALS psychographics at the centre of street culture would be
the one that listens the most to our radio stations. Experiencers can also be considered, due to
their tendency to go against the mainstream and the fact that the bands features on our show
are unsigned and undiscovered by most.


The people most likely to have an interest in our station are those in Group E, mainly due to it
being the student bracket as teenagers are likely to hold a huge part in our target audience.


Our radio will be national, giving it a national geo-demographic. This is due to the bands
featured on our show likely being from all over the UK and not just one area; the more people
who can listen to their local bands means more listeners in total.
Primary Audience
Uses and Gratification Theory

Our audience fits into the surveillance use for media as they would use our radio to keep in
touch with the world around them through the different bands they have found up and down
the country, they can also be self-educated through the different music they hear. They would
definitely fit into the personal relationships use as identifying with another listener of our radio
and bonding over the shared taste of music is something we aim to advertise- the ability to
connect with others through our radio. Another key thing our radio holds is the personal
identity use- perhaps through listening to our radio, people will discover a new love for music
they never before thought that they would enjoy, and could help shape their new taste in music,
or further cement what they already liked. Of course, with it being a radio, everyone will be able
to turn it on and be lost in the music- leading to the last use, diversion. People everyday use
radio as a form of relaxation and escaping from their problems, and we are no exception.
Secondary Audience
Our secondary audience would be band members who are listening to the radio station to hear
for their songs being played. This would be an important section of the audience as they are the
people whom the radio station benefits, by exposing their music to a wider audience.

The secondary audience would be around 15-25, and likely mainly male due to a distinct lack of
female musicians. They would be from lower to middle class, socio-economics groups E-C2. This
is due mostly to them being young people, as they are the most likely to occupy those socio-
economic groups due to being either in education or only just beginning to work.

For psychographic VALS types, the secondary audience would fit most into the strivers and
achievers archetypes. These two types are common in young people, and are most likely to be
interested in performing in a band- sociable, fun-loving, counterculture and the first people to
know about the next big thing.

As the radio station is national, the listeners would be solely from England, and therefore mostly
English natives. The station will feature solely English bands, and therefore the secondary
audience, the members of those bands, would be from England.
Secondary Audience - Uses & Gratifications

Fitting under the Surveillance use of media, the secondary audience would use the radio
program in order to know what is going on within the scene they are a part of. They would also
use it to watch for when their songs are played, and know who is being exposed to their music.

Under the Personal Relationships use, they would use the program as a device through which
to connect or improve relationships with their own band. Hearing their song on a national radio
station would improve the mood and morale of the band and is something they would enjoy

For bands listening to the program, hearing their song on the radio alongside their band name
could validate their sense of identity as a real band, which fits in with the Personal Identity use
for media.

Fitting into the Diversion use, music is an escape for many people, especially ones involved in
producing music themselves, and so listening to music after a long day can prove relaxing or
Tertiary Audience
Our tertiary audience is Producers and promoters, as theyre going to want to find new bands to
put on tours and help them make better quality music, this will help them find new bands whilst
still carrying on with their daily lives, as theyll be able to have the radio on in the background,
giving them wider access as it is easier than attending a new band's local gig as you can find
multiple bands within an hour, rather than two bands on one night. Producers and Promoters
are most likely to be British males aged between 25 and 40 as these are the people who tend to
be promoters that you see working for companies who help artists get on tours. These are also
the type of people who regularly attend gigs on the search for new music, so if they can do this
on a wider range by listening to the radio it will help them a lot more. These people are most
likely to be a combination of achievers and believers, this is due to their nature of wanting to
help others achieve what they want in life, which they need to have a lot of ambition to do,
theyll need to offer a strong enough pitch to convince these artists to work with them. The
achiever in them will come from their want to help others achieve, theyre most likely to be the
kind of people who have a high, strong work ethic and get their happiness from seeing others be
successful thanks to their work.
Tertiary Audience - Uses & Gratifications
The tertiary audience would fit under the surveillance aspect of the uses & gratification theory
would be their need to find new and upcoming bands and artists, they will want to find out
about these artists, which the station allows them to do. Theyll be able to access a wide range of
new bands and artists helping increase their knowledge and awareness

The station will help the tertiary audience discover the type of people they want to work with,
both musically and personality wise, through interviews and their music being played, this will
help build the personal relationship with the artists, and also help the producer build on their
personal identity due to the type of people theyre working with.

This can also be used by the tertiary audience as a diversion as theyre going to want to have a
break from work sometimes and just enjoy the music that the station play, which they will still
be able to do when listening.

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